HORRIFYING: A Father Was Told by Canadian Hospital That His Child Would Be Taken Off Life Support With Plans to HARVEST HIS ORGANS
A father shares a shocking experience...
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A father shares a shocking experience at a Canadian hospital, claiming he was told his child would be taken off life support, ending his life, with plans to harvest his organs.
Determined to fight for his son, he transferred the child to a hospital in New Orleans.
In just 30 days, the child made a miraculous recovery—breathing on his own, free of ventilators, and out of intensive care.
The father, now gathering evidence, says he has all the records from the Canadian hospital and plans to push for a full investigation.
“These people wanted to unplug our son…They said to us he was good for garbage, they would harvest the organs and kill him…”
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Well at least they told him before they were going to do it!
Damn you stalinist bastards. Only God has the right to determine the time of one's death.