Dr. Mike Yeadon Comments on Dr. Jonathan Engler Removing His Signature From The Great Barrington Declaration
There was no health threat, no "SARS-CoV-2 virus" and no "Covid".
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By Dr. Michael Yeadon September 25, 2024
I’m very pleased that Dr Jonathan Engler put a stake in the ground & publicly withdrew his signature of approval from the Great Barrington Declaration.
Like “early treatment for covid19”, the GBD is a core component of a web of deceit, conscious or unconscious, that helps lock people’s thinking into the notion that there’s been a pandemic, that submicroscopic infectious particles can spread disease between people & that these disease-causing pathogens can be modified and made more deadly in laboratories & all the rest.
Even the forced, false dichotomy of natural emergence vs Lab leak was repeatedly pressed on the people to distract them from asking “what’s the evidence that anything happened at all?”
I’m afraid that the Big Club is more than capable of ensuring that the only people permitted to build really large followings, in the millions, are those who are willing to do their bidding, typically as “limited hangouts”, telling some important truths, while ruthlessly protecting core tricks that preserve the huge deception and power of the Pandemic Medical Complex.
Best wishes,
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