Dr. Makis: "The Youngest Death From Pfizer is a 5-month-old...the Youngest Death After Moderna is a One-year-old"
"...the evidence is "overwhelming" that "vaccines" cause SIDS."
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Source: RogerHodkinson
"The youngest death from Pfizer is a 5-month-old who died within 24 to 48 hours after injection. The youngest death after Moderna is a one-year-old. Same story: found dead in the crib a couple of days later [after injection]."
Dr. William Makis, a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology, describes for James Grundvig how he woke up to the fact that "vaccines" cause sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) after he started seeing evidence of infants dying following their receipt of one or another COVID injection. Makis notes that the evidence is "overwhelming" that "vaccines" cause SIDS.
"I didn't really fully start questioning [vaccines] until I saw what happened with the COVID vaccines and just the absolute fraud that were the COVID vaccines," Makis says. "And as I dug deeper into the phenomenon of sudden infant death syndrome...I actually started seeing this sudden infant death syndrome related to COVID mRNA vaccines that they rolled out in babies as young as 6 months old. We started seeing babies dying suddenly."
Makis notes, "the youngest death from Pfizer is a 5-month-old who died within 24 to 48 hours after injection." He adds that "The youngest death after Moderna is a one-year-old."
"Same story [in both cases]," Makis says. "Found dead in the crib a couple of days later [after their injection]. You know, unexplained sudden infant death syndrome."
Makis notes there is similar evidence linking conventional "vaccines" to SIDS as well.
"It's dozens and dozens and dozens of cases [in VAERS], and you see the same thing over and over again: went for childhood vaccines, found dead in the crib, you know, a day later, two days later, three days later, or developed cardiac arrest out of the blue."
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It is tragic that many parents automatically believe what this government advocates for their children re vaccines.
It is criminal that the BC and other Health authorities were/are still recommending vaccines for infants/children and others after all the proven harmful evidence.
One cannot help believing that harm has always been the intention of vaccine pushers.
What I want to know is where are the "authorities" to charge the "idiotic injectors" with murder ONE???????????