Big Pharma Drugs and the Sinister Push for Human Digitization
"Regarding Trump’s picks, regardless of whoever confirms, isn’t it yet another case of welcome to the new swamp, same as the old one?"
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The medical/pharmaceutical establishment was brought into existence, into being, by wealthy oil barons such as the Rockefellers. They lobbied Congress to criminalize naturopathic medicine regardless of efficacy. The net effect has been to crush its competitors and monopolize the health industry with poisonous petrochemical derivative, synthetic medicines.
Human Digitization
Taking the above into retrospective account, consider the influencing control the pharmaceutical companies have on the government. Consider the US government and Trump’s recent disturbing picks in relation to their roles with Big Pharma drugs and the sinister push for human digitization: the transhumanist (trans-out-of-human) agenda.
Trump has picked individuals such as Vivek Ramaswamy who has significant investments in self-replicating “vaccine” nanotechnology; and Dr. Janette Nesheiwat for surgeon general, who praised COVID injections as “a gift from God!”
Then there’s RFK Jr. Given that he wrote an expose, a book entitled The Real Anthony Fauci, then why has he suddenly stopped talking about anti-human self-replicating nanobot technology?? This should be the first thing to bring to everyone’s attention… Why, also, isn’t Trump disavowing Operation Warp Speed, the lockdowns and the shots?? (He never will disavow.)
Pied-piper mainstream alternative media man and populist transhumanist agenda soft-seller, Elon Musk, the founder of Neuralink, involving the merging of brain/computer interfaces in relation to the internet of bodies, the cloud or smart grid… climbs on board with Trump. Musk will no doubt have the role in deregulating anything that obstructs the A.I rollout and human digitization.
More fraud in the making
As a further part of this fraud in the making, these Big Pharma drugs are designed to integrate into a technological control system that wants to go after the data in our brains; the non-algorithmic divine hard-drive connection to our spirituality. Understand this and you uncover the real modus operandi. They want to disconnect us from the divine spark of who we really are so that the human mind can be completely taken over unabatedly.
In the eyes of Big Pharma, booster shots are essential software updates needed to make the A.I transmutation run smoothly. Hence the unrelenting push for getting people to stay up-to-date with their booster shots. CDC senior health officials such as Mandy Cohen has voiced great concerns that many people are not keeping up-to-date with their boosters.
Well, it’s a simple principle: When the cult-owned medical/pharmaceutical establishment tries to mass murder billions with a fake global plandemic they accidentally cause a global awakening…
No wonder people are refusing vaccines, more than ever.
However, because of vaccine disconnect, people’s refusal en masse to accept boosters for themselves and their children, the medical/pharmaceutical establishment have found other ways to slyly infiltrate human bodies with their DNA altering self-replicating toxic nanotechnology, needed to maintain A.I transmutation.
Evidence suggests that for some years graphene nanoparticles have been (and still are) sprayed in the skies as biological carrier platforms in chemtrails.
Another scheme to vaccinate us en masse is the recent push by Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos to introduce “climate vaccines” into the food supply.
Between them, these guys have enough money to end poverty and world hunger, but look at what they do!
Vaccine lawsuits
People who had been fired for refusing to be vaxxed as part of the condition of keeping their jobs, are winning lawsuits, more now than ever.
For example, recently, a $12 million dollar payout awarded by a federal jury was handed to Lisa Domsky, a former Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan employee. She had tried to claim vaccine exemption based on religious grounds…
As these lawsuit payouts/awards for unfair dismissal for vaccine refusals rise in numbers, is this the start of a country-wide trend? Let’s hope so. This at least ought to send shock waves to those who stand to make these payouts.
What about those who accepted the vax ultimatum to keep their job and then went on to suffer a life-ruining vaccine injury?
Have a look at this video. It brings up some very interesting points on vaccine compensation such as why should there be blanket immunity for Big Pharma when it comes to vaccine damage?
Holy SH*T! Woman Wins Massive 12 Million Covid Vaccine Lawsuit Against Big Pharma
In Conclusion
Regarding Trump’s picks, regardless of whoever confirms, isn’t it yet another case of welcome to the new swamp, same as the old one?
Devoid of any real rational thinking, I doubt if any of these spiritually immature global cult gofers involved have any real idea of what they’re doing: Having a hand in destroying humanity, they are in the long run destroying themselves.
Why trust these individuals? Where is the transparency?
Never forget that Big Pharma “vaccines” have nothing to do with efficacy or therapeutic value. There’s no proof, no data to claim that they are any good to us. Don’t fall for the “they know what’s best for you” pressurizing herd mentality and its blind unquestioning obedience. It’s a trap with all the related manipulation.
Might you be one of those unfortunate individuals who had been fired for vaccine refusal? Or you had been vaxxed under pressure to keep your job and then suffered a debilitating vaccine injury? In light of the above video, maybe there’s an opportunity for you to file a lawsuit…
We must know that Big Pharma drugs and vaccines are Trojan horses: Bioweapon technologies allowing uncontrolled transfer of DNA-altering, self-replicating nanobots into our bodies, ultimately designed for population reduction and human digitization to enslave us and take away our divine humanness.
Stay cautious: Fear leads to reaction, while courage leads to decision. Don’t buy into in to it. Don’t trade in your humanness or humanity for the false promise of higher power through A.I.
Source: iNewParadigm
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If U think Trump is on your side, I got a bridge to sell you.
If these jabs do not get removed from the market, you will know .