Euthanasia, Government Sponsored Murder - Pastor Henry Hildebrandt
Medical assistance in dying is a euphemism for state sponsored murder of its own citizens. Today it's voluntary for the sick and elderly, but for how long. They're preparing to come after our children
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“They're preparing to come after our children”
Medical Assistance in Dying Activity Book
Canada funded this assisted suicide 'activity book' for children
Medical Assistance in Dying is defined in the booklet as the use of medicines to stop a 'person’s body from working'
Just as Ottawa publicly acknowledges that its assisted suicide regime might have gone too far, critics have highlighted the existence of a little-known medical assistance in dying children’s activity book that was funded by the Canadian government.
The book is not intended for children who are themselves seeking assisted death, and it’s not subject to mass-distribution through schools or public libraries. Minors are ineligible for medically assisted death in Canada, although there has been a push by the Quebec College of Physicians to extend the practice to severely disabled newborns.
Rather, the activity book is intended for children who may soon be attending a medically assisted death in person. “Created for young people who have someone in their life who may have MAID,” the group declared in a statement.
MAID is defined in the booklet as the use of medicines to stop a “person’s body from working.”
In Plain Sight…
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Sick, sick Satanic stuff! I would challenge every single one of us to forward this to our preachers… It’s time to get our head out of the sand and realize this satanic stuff is real…
They've been preparing to come after our children for a while now