People are still signing up for clinical trials???

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Geoengineering "not yet in use?" Maybe not publicly disclosed yet. Pretty sure this has been in use for some time now.

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Correct---just look up at sky!

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I liked the way the interviewer said, as a slip up, around 3:18, how vaccines attack people.

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What is your source for the article regarding Tennessee lawmakers and geoengineering? It is clearly disinformation since geoengineering, weather manipulation and weather warfare have been implemented for more than 7 decades! Both atmospheric and rainwater samples taken directly after Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) show high concentrations of aluminum oxide nano-particles as well as lesser amounts of barium and strontium particles. These are toxic metal particles being sprayed into the sky. Go to www.geoengineeringwatch.org or watch the 2 hour documentary "The Dimming" on Youtube. The long white trails you see across the sky that last for hours and slowly spread out turning the sky gray are not condensation trails from jets. Condensation trails only last a second or two because the humidity is so low at high altitudes that the water vapor evaporates into the air almost immediately. Those trails are chemicals being sprayed. There is plenty of video footage showing the spray nozzles being turned on and off during flight. Believe your own eyes not government propaganda.

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Thanks for setting me straight with links to your past writings.... I was worried for a second when I saw the msn b.s. peace.

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