China Is Getting Ready for the Next Plandemic by Actively Building Quarantine Facilities Across the Country
Everything is going according to "The Plan". Reminder: According to the World Bank, the expected COVID-19 Project Closing Date is March 31, 2025.
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Everything is going according to “The Plan”. China will be actively building “leisure and recreational facilities” aka COVID concentration camps across the country.
Reminder: According to the World Bank, the expected COVID-19 Project Closing Date is March 31, 2025.
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I have been mulling over the meaning of the donation page for the Kennedy presidential campaign. I went to donate but certain donation levels froze me in my chair. Amounts start off with the traditional $25, $50, $100, etc. but then go to $3300 and $6600. Is this a signal to certain people? Saying what?
This is crazy. Horrible