Here We Go: Rumors of Ebola-Like Illness at Burning Man
"The rumors on the ground here are that there's some sort of virus on the loose at Burning Man that causes boils/vomiting/hemorrhaging."
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If the rumors are true, the poor man might have been poisoned.
People are already in panic mode over the possible Ebola outbreak.
And coincidentally, of course, the alleged Ebola just happened to pop up during a Burning Man giant Satanic ritual…
The PSYOP must go on as planned.
All they need to do is to announce a new deadly scariant of Convid or a “different pathogen” in order to start another wave of tyranny.
The Next Plandemic: Smallpox, Marburg, or both?
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No one ever ingests any strange or toxic substances at that gathering.
Dysentery causes bloody vomit & diarrhea, as do other ingested pathogens. And illicit drugs.
What are the odds a few people out of 60, 000 or so attendees from around the world would get sick while camping in mud.