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It's an ad. Don't bother looking

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I think there could have been some new virus spreading around the world that was making many people sick. It just wasn't killing hardly anyone. Coronaviruses - or the flu - don't really kill many people, and virtually no healthy people under the age of, say, 70.

My question: why couldn't there be a novel and contagious virus that was making many people sick, but not killing them? That's actually what one might expect if some mad scientists created a new coronavirus.

Look at ILI reports and school closing data in America. These blew up well above historical baselines in the weeks and months before "official" Covid. For some reason, there were a lot more "sick" people in the flu season of 2019-2020 than previous flu seasons (myself and my two children fall into this group - and probably 20 percent of my town).

Maybe it's just a coincidence so many more people got sick with ILI/Covid symptoms, but if it is a coincidence, it's an odd one - that's been completely dismissed or ignored.

Where I definitely agree with Dr. Yeadon is his argument that all the people who allegedly died "from Covid" after the lockdowns didn't really die from Covid - they died from criminal iatrogenic protocols and consequences of fear and lockdowns.

We should have known from copious "early spread" evidence that this virus was NOT "deadly." It was contagious though and put a lot of people in bed for a week.

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The fact antibiotic prescriptions were dramatically curtailed is another scandal that no doubt contributed significantly to the iatrogenic death count.

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I suppose, whatever it was, if there was something that doctors could give you, then there would be no need for a vaccine and this was the plan all along to get the injections into people. Elderly people especially, get laid up in bed, and end up with bacterial pneumonia, and they actually called it "Covid pneumonia" when they'd announced the so called outbreak, but still wouldn't treat with antibiotics because they claimed it was a virus! To prevent doctors giving patients what they would normally give, is criminal. I know two middle aged women who got pneumonia and were hospitalised in December 2019 and were treated "normally" and they both recovered. Another, got pneumonia last year, after Covid, so to speak. He was hospitalised and given antibiotics. If any of these 3 got it in the period March 2020 - end of 2022, they'd have probably all died as they wouldn't have got the right treatment.

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Apr 4
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Don't bother looking. It's an ad.

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Is there absolute indisputable scientific evidence for the existence of viruses and their ability to cause diseases?


"For some reason, there were a lot more "sick" people in the flu season of 2019-2020 than previous flu seasons (myself and my two children fall into this group - and probably 20 percent of my town). " May be they just sprayed more poison than usual over selected areas?

"Aligning the CDC "50 yrs of Vaccine Progress" timeline with known military spraying experiments and disease outbreaks"


You Are Not Sick. You Are Being POISONED


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Something's making people sick. I didn't imagine my symptoms in January 2020. My wife is a high school English teacher. One day when I was at home sick in bed, she came home and told me about half of her students were absent due to illness. So my conclusion was that whatever made me sick (and my kindergarten son, and 2nd-grade daughter) was also probably making half of my wife's high school students sick as well.

That's why I think the word "contagious" actually fits the circumstances in Troy, Alabama in December 2019 and January 2020.

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I live in Southeast Alabama. According to the Alabama Department of Public Health's weekly "ILI Surveillance Reports," nearly 13 percent of doctor and hospital visits the week I was sick were for "influenza like illness." The baseline (recent) percentage was 2.6 percent. That's five times higher than the baseline. I also know that probably the majority of people who feel sick don't bother going to the doctor because they know there's nothing a doctor can do for them. They just "ride it out." So there were far more people sick than those ILI reports tell us.

What stands out to me (and apparently only me) is that the CDC and ADPH obviously knew that ILI was spiking in states and communities across America. It never occurred to any of these ILI experts that Covid could have already been circulating throughout the population?

(ILI percentages in Georgia were more than 13 percent in late December 2019. That would include Atlanta, where the CDC is located. I maintain hundreds if not thousands of CDC employees probably had Covid in the months and weeks before Covid was supposed to be in America. I actually asked a CDC media staffer if this was the case. He didn't reply to my emailed question).

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And for some reason..it was non a non B. A friend of mine got flu in feb...and that's what her test came back.

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Seems like it was poison. The CDC couldn't acknowledge it as 'Covid' because the show hadn't started yet.

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There was something "going around" here in Sacramento County, California, in November-December 2019. It laid me out for a week, and I needed weeks before I could return to my routine. It also led to additional hearing loss in my right ear from which I never did recover.

I belonged to a large church choir at the time, and this thing was "running through the choir". This is something that happens sometimes, especially with large-to-medium sized choirs. I'm acutely aware of that at the moment because I belong to a medium sized-choir now, and I came down with something two days after Easter. It's showing no signs of letting up. During "covid", when choirs became deathly afraid of meeting and singing, I went two years without coming down with anything, a record!

It is obvious that certain illness do spread. We can argue about the mechanisms, but to claim otherwise would seem to serve to promote cognitive dissonance. The "no virus" adherents that I follow don't go quite that far. I'm interested in what they have to contribute, but I'm not building a new belief system around it just yet.

I doubt that anybody who thinks they have it all figured out really does. It's a very complex problem, due to the poisoning effects brought on by science and technology interfering with health, in the name of improving it. For example, the vast array of "over the counter" medications we have to choose from now for "fast symptomatic relief" have the potential to interfere with recovery, and even to make us more susceptible to illness in the future. More importantly, there is the problem of industrial "food-like substances" replacing actual food thanks to the lure of "cheap and convenient", as if terrible degenerative diseases were somehow convenient.

We live in a sea of poisons, and a great many people have been conditioned to drink and eat freely therefrom. This has everything to do with our collective state of health, and it is not an easy thing to sort out!

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You are not alone if you're in the group that wonders if you might have had "early Covid" in November and December 2019.

This is the longest story I've ever posted on Substack. It's simply a sample of posts I saved from people who make the same type report as you - they think they might have had early Covid ... and they give their reasons why they think this.

This article would only be for those who think "anecdotal evidence" might matter. IMO if there's enough of it, it should matter.


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The thought has certainly crossed my mind. And a couple of weeks before I came down ill I attended a small conference (~80 people) that included international travelers from all over. But that's a long incubation time, and it's speculation. That doesn't negate it, but it doesn't prove anything either.

The choir thing, however, is a well-known phenomenon, at least among some choir members. It may depend on the size of the choir.

One thing is clear to me. Underlying the poison found everywhere is scientific deception, also found everywhere, and driving -- intentionally -- the destruction of society.

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What happens in choirs also happens in schools and on ships. It happens in families and at workplaces. If a large percentage of people in one group all get sick at roughly the same time with the same symptoms, certain conclusions can be plausibly made.

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Wow Bil. If you keep looking you may discover that people have become sick even prior to November and December 2019. Please keep us posted.

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I was going to say something to Bill, I don't have to now. Thanks Charles. I'm sure Bill is a good guy, so wont pile on.

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Clear Middle, yours is the best, most comprehensive response I've yet read, addressing the virus question. I salute your rational, open-ended thinking!

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Well said.

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Just my hunch, but I would be interested to know how many of the choir’s members, or any other similar groups, that appear to have shared and spread the sickness amongst themselves had been getting the flu shots prior to coming down ill. Im 72 and have been rejecting the flu shots for ever, in spite of the relentlessly increasing cajoling of the doctors and I seldom get sick, and when I do it is usually in June/July well off the flu season? Who knows?

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Probably quite a few of the older ones, because their doctors push flu shots (among others) on them and oh do most of them trust their doctors. We were up around 70-80 people in that choir at that time (pre-Christmas 2019), so I imagine quite a few had gotten their shots as instructed.

I'm 73 (69 at that time) and I haven't had a flu shot in over 20 years. I did get one or two after experiencing full-out flu in 2000, at 49 years old. Something told me to quit doing that, though, you know, like thinking about how the human race had managed to survive this long without any kind of shots, until relatively recently. And I knew a little then about 19th-century vaccine scams. I know a lot more about 20th and 21st-century vaccine scams now.

This thing I had in 2019 was similar to the 2000 bout for the first week -- in bed for a week (and I was not retired at the time), but in 2000 I recovered over the following week, where the recovery stretched out over multiple weeks in 2019 (I lost count), mostly due to fatigue. Some of it could be aging, but I am quite careful about what I put in my mouth and I don't think it is food.

Something occurred to me earlier today, between naps as I recover from this bout of ILI (day 3). That church I was with in 2019 (2017-2020 altogether) went crazy over "covid" once they had the official story from their trusted authorities. I made the mistake of warning them that there was a lot of lying going on among the authorities.

In the earlier years, from 2017, I occasionally talked to people about food, and the difference between that and industrial food-like products. These included people that were obviously in bad shape due to what they were eating. I know that because I could see some of what they ate as they ate it, and what it had done to them. My favorite was the diabetics that would arrive at potlucks, go straight to the dessert table and select their sugar fix (to eat at the end), and bring it back to their place first, so that they would be sure to get some. After all, their doctors were telling them "just increase your insulin". What could go wrong with that?

My experience from doing that was that I encountered a few other people that were aware of the situation, and were taking care of themselves. With the rest, it was like a preview of the upcoming Covid Cult. There was no way to get through. They were hooked.

I had observed the same problem in two former churches, so there was nothing particularly unusual about it. I wonder now, though, if those particular eat-anything eaters didn't later form the nucleus of the covid cult at each of those churches.

I'm curious about this. If I can ever manage to re-establish contact with any of the people I knew in those places, I would like to hear their side of the story. I would like to try to understand. To try to change their minds, though, is not in my plans, unless they reach out.

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Same here, I don’t try to change minds about diet or jabs or pcr testing anymore. From what I can tell, the majority of folks getting covid are vaccinated. If you don’t want to get covid then don’t get tested for it.

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It's important to distinguish between effects (symptoms) and alleged causes. No one is disputing the existence of symptoms. It's the alleged cause that has never been demonstrated, for any alleged "virus". Fortunately the problems with virology are not complex, they're actually quite simple.

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Can’t argue that something made you and others sick. For the little that it’s worth, I am convinced that it wasn’t a virus. Lots of things convinced me it wasn’t a virus, but the single most important of these reasons is axiomatic in my mind:

If the government says it’s true, it’s a lie.

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I agree with that, Charles ... but from a different perspective. The government definitively said there was no community spread in America before mid-February 2020. Since they said that as a fact, I know it must be a lie. Plus, I have a lot more evidence than ILI reports. The antibody evidence is copious. But the biggest red flag is the fact the government won't investigate possible early cases.

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I’m uncontrollably sliding down the scale of positivity anymore. I passed cynicism along time ago and recently passed by the pure and utter contempt signpost. Not healthy, but it makes for a quicker situational analysis these days and is unfortunately usually pretty accurate.

PS: still not getting notifications

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I just cross-posted an article from Transcriber B (about whistleblower Lt. Col. Theresa Long, MD). I guess you didn't get that either? I cross-posted it 3+ hours ago and, so far, my metrics show nobody has received it or read it.

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Of course you have hit on the core of the problem in healthcare. Because we have been so thoroughly conditioned to believe every illness must have a causal pathogen that is external to the body; i.e., germ theory, we absolutely never try to determine the true causes of illnesses; we simply don't know because we don't try to find out. We have learned much more about how our water, food and the air we breathe is being poisoned continuously, but we don't do any research to find out if any or all of these poisons is/are making us sick. Perhaps, given the iron fist of allopathic control of medicine, we never will discover the truth.

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I'm all for contrarian research that might tell us why we get sick. Also, why do so many people who are in close contact with one another often get sick at the exact same time? It's not just households, it's people in entire schools or throughout a community.

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Precisely! Isn't our first reaction to blame some external pathogen, like a virus that doesn't exist, because we've been taught to think that way? Once we come to the conclusion, we look no further. What if (and I'm going out on a limb here, I know), people in the same room became exposed to new carpet fibers that weren't there before, or some malfunction in the air filtration system that spewed chemicals or some other toxins; what if a community all became ill after crop spraying nearby or a change in the wind caused fumes or other toxic smoke to drift over the whole community, etc.? We don't know, because we don't look. There could be any number of things causing respiratory illnesses, but we nearly always attribute illness to some external pathogen, when the answer may not be that simple. But for big pharma, that is exactly the conclusion they want us to come to, because it sells medicines we don't need and that often make us more ill. The one single piece of information that I am so glad to have learned as a result of the covid is that the "science" of virology is a complete sham. (Sorry for rambling.)

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I'm all for looking into those possibilities. The carpet fiber scenario doesn't make much sense to me, because the same people tend to get sick at the same periods of time every year (roughly December through February). Why wouldn't those fibers make them sick in May or October?

People have come down with flu symptoms for ages, before there was carpet or cell phone towers.

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I personally was sick in March 2020...for two days cause I took tamiflu....but I suspect it was just a new influenza strain that because of 5g or lack of vit d...people tend to get up here in the winter.

Never occurred to me it might have been covid...there weren't any cases where I am....I think the only case was supposedly in oregon?

Don't know..but I tend to think there cannot be an engineered RNA virus that can go around the world. No one I know was sick after March 2020....

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I often highlight the observation that I didn't know anyone who was sick with flu-like symptoms after mid-March 2020. However, where I live (south Alabama) it seems like 30 percent of our town had those symptoms in December, January and early February.

I know this was common all over the country because I wrote a 10,000-word article that simply listed people saying they had these symptoms in this time span. Before that I wrote a long story, with scores of links to newspaper, magazine and Internet articles talking about the bad (and early) "flu outbreaks." (One of my quotes was from Dr. Fauci, talking about the really bad flu season - in early January 2020).

Then I wrote another story that listed 120 school systems or schools in 17 states that shut down because of rampant illnesses among students and faculty.

I threw in about 20 ILI Weekly Surveillance Reports from about 10 different states that said ILI was "severe" and "widespread" in at least 47 U.S. states.

That's about all I can do on the "symptom" front.

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I live in Alberta, Bill and got it in late January. A friend of ours in Ottawa caught it in December 2019.,

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My husband and I got the illness that "didn't exist" in Jan 2020 as well. I had lingering effects like uncontrollable cold chills coming from nowhere and bouts of extreme fatigue. I've never had a flu or cold that left me with lingering symptoms and I'm pushing 61 turns around the planet now.

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I keep hearing or reading testimonials like yours - that this illness was somehow different than previous bouts with the flu or other bugs. That resonates with me.

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What about flu shots that many people believe in, could they have added something in '19 that created this supposed "new sickness"?

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I can just say I didn't have a flu shot before I got sick with flu symptoms (although I did go to the doctor and tested negative for flu).

I have long wondered if the huge increase in "Covid" cases and deaths in the winter of 2020-2021 (the second year of official Covid) might have had something to do with that year's flu shots. I personally knew only three people who supposedly died from Covid (ages 70, 80 and 81). They all died between November and December 2020. I bet all 3 had recently received their flu shots).

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The problem with the alternative theory to viruses is that respiratory infections are clearly seasonal… Therefore any poisoning would have to be seasonal too..

Furthermore, poisoning would have to be contagious somehow as many people here can testify that whatever was making them sick during covid-19 supposed pandemic was clearly spreading and causing people in close contact to develop the same or similar flu-like symptoms…

Anybody who makes claims that poison is causing people to develop respiratory infections will never attempt to prove the theory using the scientific method, which he expects those with their theories of contagion to perform.

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Health is affected by the many things that change along with the seasons. Temperatures, amount of sunlight, amount of time spent outdoors getting fresh air, connecting with nature. Many people get more exercise in the warm weather and stay indoors a lot in the cooler months. Many people eat heavier foods in the cooler months. Etc.

Claims that something is "clearly spreading" (contagious) has never been supported by valid scientific evidence, ever. You know this already, of course and specifically about the stunning spanish flu study by Rosenau (https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Rosenau-MODE-OF-SPREAD-OF-INFLUENZA.pdf).

And there are literally hundreds of studies that tried to demonstrate transmission via injection of bodily fluid from a sick person and that didn't even work.

The onus is on those making the positive "virus" claims, not on those pointing out the lack of valid scientific evidence in virology.

Daniel Roytas just published a book describing his 4 years of research wherein he reviewed 200+ studies and found they contained zero scientific evidence that colds are contagious:


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The problem is very complex. Just because “viruses” can’t be isolated, it doesn't mean they don’t exist. Electrons can’t be isolated but we are damn sure they do exist because we can test the effects of their existence and actions.

Another issue with viruses is if they do exist they are clearly not animate; i.e. they can’t do what virologists claim they do, which is to behave like life systems (life like bacteria, they can’t make decisions to kill or not to kill the host).

If we were to accept that dead particles called viruses “can think”, this would mean that the theory of life as we know it would have to be changed, including the evolutionary theory. Not many people would like to do that because they built their careers on the sure thing about life. Nobody in this business wants to deal with the possibility that we have more than one form of life…

The greatest mistake that “no virus” crowd made, most of them, is to jump the ship of the germ theory. Most, if not all of them, automatically accepted that if viruses can’t be isolated therefore the germ theory must be wrong too. Here is a kicker; Just because germ theory is incomplete, it doesn’t mean there is no contagion.

I was really disappointed with the New Zealander couple of doctors, the Baileys. As soon as I pointed out to them that the bible they cited in the videos contradicts their beliefs of contagion, they removed the bible off their book shelf and stopped quoting the bible.

I’m not judging them but it is disappointing. Maybe they were low on cash coz they gave up good paying jobs… They are good people though otherwise…

Tom Cowan has recently hinted that this (contagion) could be the case in his interview of a really intelligent guy Daniel Roytas who just checked the papers regarding communicable diseases and contagion. Guess what he found out by just checking thousands of papers?

Yes, there are other aspects of communicable diseases that are not related to microbes.

As some terrain theory supporters would say, “toxins” emitted by the sick people could make other healthy people sick…

This is just the beginning of the floodgates of contagion, with or without microbes, never really considered before… Quantum contagion lol

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"Just because “viruses” can’t be isolated, it doesn't mean they don’t exist. Electrons can’t be isolated but we are damn sure they do exist because we can test the effects of their existence and actions."

1. False equivalence

2. Straw man

3. Obligate replication competent intra-cellular parasite ~ the definition of a particle (whether exosome, virion, or virus) that has yet to be been proved to exist, a priori, with sound reproducible scientific methodology demonstrating provenance, pathogenicity, & contagion.

4. Simple examples of the literature, whether influenza virus (1932), corona viruses (1966), canine parvo virus (1978) illustrate that abject readily falsifiable nonsense.

5. An 'in silico' computer modeled genomic sequence does not come within a parsec of satisfying (3).

6. Adhering to germ theory as demonstrably unscientific as it is lazy thinking. Multiple environmental causes have yet to be excluded.

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“Multiple environmental causes have yet to be excluded.”

Is this a theory or lazy thinking?

I’m sure you would be the first one to engage in the experiment (s) of excluding the multiple environmental factors one at the time with controls…

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I think you omitted the /sarc or possibly /rhet sign-off Tomas? Still, ready and willing. Funding? Ah yes, BigPharma could supply that.... ;-)

Reading for example the claim of parvo-virus, the efforts made in exploring anything other than "viruses" (1978) is as risible as the methodology employed. (See also influenza virus 1932 or corona virus, 1967)

As an aside, I was once required to research and write a biology essay (is virus dead or alive) c.1975. Not much new under the sun? ... other than a reductionist segue into in silico genomics, still looking for the mythical thingy, the still to be demonstrated entity that was imagined (nineteenth Century obsession about "germs") before it was ever demonstrated, which has yet to take properly take place.

I can think of an excellent example existing elsewhere for that kind of circular reasoning in medicine and therapeutics. It appears very seductive (as all lazy thinking appears to be), essentially a manifestation of belief trumping science, the latter then becoming unfalsifiable. Regrettably, (as you would well understand) disproving the null hypothesis is not the same as proving non-existence? So the belief in a 'virus' gradually became unfalsifiable. Clever move by BigPharma and germ adherents, I guess until the buy-in eventually falls over?

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What are "ILI/Covid symptoms"?

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I had most of them: Fever, chills, bad sore throat, terrible, painful and violent (and lingering) cough, fatigue and weakness, shortness of breath, body aches. I didn't have much nausea and copious sneezing or congestion. I also had loss of taste and (maybe, can't remember) loss of smell. The acute shortness of breath, the painful and severe coughing attacks (that made me see stars) and the extreme fatigue and body aches were different than previous bouts of flu I remember.

FWIW, after I got better, I never got Covid after that and still haven't, which suggests I might have acquired natural immunity from my possible early case of Covid. My children, who had milder symptoms than me, have also never tested positive for Covid.

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My god Bill. You won't believe this. I have found evidence that COVID was around IN 1974!!! Listen to these symptoms:

sneezing, coughing, my nose is stuffed up, my throat's scratchy, i feel, I need rest


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That would definitely qualify as "early spread."

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I think it stands for influenza like illness.

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That makes sense; thanks Duchess!

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Dr. Yeadon is aware of the fact that no "virus" has ever been shown to exist, which is vital for people to understand. All jabs for alleged "viruses" and everything else connected with "viruses" is premised on fraud and/or delusion.

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Mike Yeadon is batting 1000 here. He’s been pretty much batting 1000 since this whole sht show began. And he’s humble enough to openly admit where he went wrong.

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Yes he has. Which 8s why I lusten everything he shares his thoughts.

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Thank-you for your truth which is about distrust of those seeking invisibility among the crowd.

If anybody knows these people of the FLCCC; it's those as you

and MANY were suspect from the beginning.

After Ryan Cole attacked Dr. Stuckelberger in Stockholm from

the front row of the filled venue...

It was a simple matter to know the whole bushel was rotten to the core.

Perhaps, Dr. Yeadon, you need to do a piece with Dr. Jane Ruby here in

the states...She has somewhat of a voice and is always ready to use her

platform to get the word out. She's the one allowing Stuckelberger to speak

after Stockholm.

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Excellent suggestion about Dr Jane interviewing Dr Yeadon. She speaks highly of him and has said her list of professionals to be trusted has become very short!

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Yes, she has said that...

She's excelling with exposing the enemies for people

not adept with it...And, many are not.

Some of these people she's exposed have been into espionage, extortion

and only God knows what else along with pretense at Medicine

as it's the COVER for them; THE SECOND PRIORITY.

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But what is going on in the Wuhan Lab then? I do believe that viruses exist, in fact some giant viruses have been discovered in arctic permafrost recently, and don't need the electron microscope to be seen. And, when people were sick and did get treated with Ivermectin, and got better what was that about then?

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Ivermectin probably works on a lot of things they are now touting it for cancer. People get sick, take stuff, get well and probably woul d have gotten well anyway with no intervention. We were indoctrinated to ‘think’ we had covid. No proof a bogus test used to diagnose - you cannot make this up- we were duped and folks are still stuck in denial!

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You are right, as usual Mike! I believed in Ivermectin too, and that‘s not really a problem as it doesn‘t‘t do harm! But IF there had been something new and potetially dangerous, more than the flue, we would habe had excess mortality in 2020 - which we did NOT!!

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Thanks again Dr. Yeadon - a man with your scientific credibility debunking this guy is very important information. Kory is up to his gullet as an operative for no good - his unxious emotionalism tries to imply he is believable- he is a controlled operative working for the DoD and HHS never trust this man.

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I caught something on march 16th 2020 and lost the sense of smell for 3 and a half weeks. Since then my memory has been failing me in distressing ways because I used to remember everything. (It might be because of my compulsive need to read everything you guys write on Substack. Too much time on the phone…)

oh, did you hear the spanish researcher of La Quinta Columna, Ricardo Delagado Marin, say that when you connect to a website spreading misinformation (on other words, truth) the level of electromagnetic waves you receive are much higher than for other sites!

So, do you believe all the symptoms that people experienced were more linked to 5G?

I am not Vaxxed but it’s been two years where I noticed when I take a shower that the mucus coming out of my nose is like rubber it’s white and I roll it and press it it really hard between my fingers and it does not disintegrate.

It almost look like mini blood clot seen by the embalmers. I will have a laboratory analyze it and will get back to you on that.

Do you believe in the presence of graphine oxide in the shots? Could it not be the surveillance gone under the skin that Yuval Noah Hariri is talking about?

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Have you tried to take nattokinase or lumbrokinase?

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Thanks for your suggestion

Been taking zeolithe as well as NAC and black cumin seed oil. Should try those two you recommend.

I’ll try to do a live blood test and redo a d-dimeres measure, just to make sure nothing too unusual is going on.

Have been having knees and thumbs inflammation issues since last fall.

Which is a drag for a massage therapist…

Have a good day


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NAC and /or Elderberry (Sambucol) break up hard-to-break-up mucus.

Took me 2 years of misery to find these work!

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Aerosolized release of a pathogen fits the reason for illness - I agree with Yeadon this was not covid that made people ill. Post illness folks buy into the propaganda and decide they had covid. No accurate test, just looking around seeing others I’ll then conclude it was covid. Diagnosis of flu went out the window when the idea of covid was pushed, it became all covid all the time.

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There's a few trolls here, helping promote infighting amongst people on the same team to help the public get over this illness.

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Whether it was new or old, something was definitely going around causing microscopic blood clots and rapid oxygen desaturation, that ivermectin combined with doxycycline was able to reverse.

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Is there a study available on what caused the loss of taste and smell in some people? Where were these people? When did this happen? Why is this symptom so sporadic? If seems to me that this symptom should have been more widespread and common if it was caused by a "virus" circulating in the population.

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Don't know. It could be virus in conjunction with some deficiency. Could be a question of where the virus takes the spike protein and also variant dependent.

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Could it be due to anything other than a virus?

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It seems to have something to do with the whole package of what neurons tell the brain and how the brain interprets. So, my guess is that you need something to mess up the nerves first. Dr. Raoult mentioned in a presentation he gave in English that I have on my rumble channel, that they had a protocol for retraining the brain to recover the sense of smell, but don't know much about the details. When you change your glasses, the brain needs some time to reinterpret what the eyes send it, and till then your vision is a bit wobly. In this case, the loss of taste and smell coincided with fever symptoms. etc, so best guess is that spike protein gets the blame. But maybe when taste is recovered. part of it is the brain being able to adapt to the changes in what is being sent to it.

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Did you know that there are all kinds of chemicals that you can inhale that can cause loss of taste and smell, temporarily or permanently? Gasoline is a good example. Ever siphoned gas with your mouth through a hose? I have. Chew some bubble gum after that and see what it tastes like.

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Dr. Mary Bowden reported high survival rates of very sick hospitalized patients who were given Ivermectin under Court Order, and all who were denied Ivermectin by Courts died. A study should be done on how Ivermectin saved their lives. I believe it helped with bacterial pneumonia and blood clots created by ventilators, opioids and Remdesivir.

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You go, Dr. Yeadon!! Thank you for your integrity and staying on the issue of all issues!

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I agree with Mike generally that there was no pandemic. This has been shown using unassailable All Cause Mortality data by prof Denis Rancourt (denisrancourt.ca). Let's not get into whether viruses exist. They do, and in colder climates, it is normal for there to be an increase in mortality, EVERY YEAR, IN WINTER, presumably due to the fact that people spread the virus indoors, and people send more time indoors. 2020 was no different. People got sick with resp viruses, as they usually do. Perhaps there was an unusual coronal virus with special affinity for the sense of smell problem (not unheard of for previous viruses). But All Cause mortality certainly did go up in CERTAIN PLACES, within POLITICAL BOUNDARIES at the precise moment of the declaration of the "pandemic". Whether it was a toxin or a treatment or a bad protocol, it was MAN MADE. We probably don't need IVM for that.

Then All Cause Mortality went up all over the world, often temporally associated with the vaccine rollouts. That's certainly MAN MADE.

In other words, they could well have released a new virus, but it was nothing special. What they did afterward was SPECIAL and HARMFUL.

I was a follower of Dr Kory early on, and he had me convinced he was on the right side. Now, not so sure. I try to focus on making sure I DO NOT COMPLY with the public health recommendations, try to stay well fed and in good condition.

I also campaign for RFK, Jr., who, though surrounded by these questionable people, is the only candidate for president talking about trying to change the system from the inside.

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"Let's not get into whether viruses exist...." And then you proceed to get into it.

For all those reading this comment and want to know whether viruses exist see a recent writeup by Dr Mark Bailey as to why they don't. For those with impaired logic, the fact that viruses have not been shown to exist does not at all mean people don't get sick. https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/virologys-event-horizon?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1105864&post_id=143259529&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=pnn11&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

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I'd be very interested in Dr Yeadon's professional opinion on the samRNA tech released commercially last year.

Given R&D is usually 25-30yrs in advance of mainstream awareness and at leadt 10-25yrs in front of commercial investment (although personally that has dropped to 5-7yrs in my opinion), it's not inconceivable that proof of concept tests were done. Especially given the NTK behaviour of government/defence and private industry.

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Yes spot on mr Yeadon

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