Dr. Mike Yeadon: Expert Opinion – The Injections Purporting To Be Vaccines Against an Alleged Virus Are Intentionally Harmful & Must Immediately Be Withdrawn From the Market
"... you may find it helpful to puncture much of the thicket of lies and absurd contradictions used to convince people to roll up their sleeves."
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By Dr. Michael Yeadon February 14, 2024
I was cleaning up the files on one of my devices and came across something I’d written last autumn for a court case. If you’ve not seen this before, you may find it helpful to puncture much of the thicket of lies and absurd contradictions used to convince people to roll up their sleeves.
Best wishes,
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Yeadon was definitely one of the first knowledgeable experts to speak out about how this isn't just bad decisions, but rather, genocide, or democide, or pharmacide or whatever. Most people are still going with the "mistakes were made" narrative. The people who did this need to be arrested and imprisoned, not pardoned and left in power. Lock them all up!
Dear Dr. Yeadon,
I have followed you since the beginning of this disgusting horrific genocide. Your wisdom has helped me navigate through the sea of lies told to us by the doctors we, in fact trusted. Reading & researching became my daily routine back in 2020, and continue to this day. Armed with knowledge is the only way to combat these “murderers”. I paused when I wrote that because to use that word is so intense, but it is the truth and so I will state the truth. There is no way to sugarcoat the evil that has been done. Know Sir that your bravery is remarkable, and the fact that you are being treated with such disrespect is abhorant. There is a special place in heaven for all of you drs. and researchers who have stood up to evil and never faultered. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.