“Claim 4: The evolution of the target population, from initially only the elderly, eventually to everyone is confirmatory evidence of intentional harm.”

Is he saying that doing it to the elderly would be ok, but evolution OF THE TARGET POPULATION (from elderly) to everyone is evidence of intentional harm?

I get it. It’s ok to target and kill elderly, but it’s not ok to extrapolate it to everyone else… Understand!

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Feb 14, 2024
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Oh my… but it’s the EVOLUTION of the target population from elderly to everyone else that IS the EVIDENCE of intentional harm. If they stopped on the elderly, there would be no evolution to other population and no evidence of intentional crime. What am I missing here? It’s not really that difficult. (Subject EVOLUTION and verb IS) evidence of the sentence in capitals tells you what the sentence says). His sentence.

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The way I understand it evolution was malicious as firstly they targeted the elderly since it was an easy age group to convince then they kept moving to younger groups, which were not so easy to convince initially. What he is saying they used a manipulative tactics... when they were given an inch (elderly) they went to get a mile (that is the rest of the population).

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In the medical establishment, incidentally as with the military and even the financial sectors, there is an "acceptable" loss concept. This has been rationalized for over a century to society, until it has become status quo, or a modern term, QLA=quality of life adjustment.

In this particular situation, the simple fact that an old person dying is preferable AKA more "acceptable" than a baby dying, is because the elderly have lived their life (whether that is actually the case experientially, is irrelevant). Versus the infant has approximately 80+ years to live (depending on country's mortality average). So the apparent greater "loss" is the child, according to current society's indoctrination.😐🤔😤

It is a testament to your innate humanity and the natural sense of empathy (that is fast disappearing in society), that you find the concept unacceptable.👏👏😊

Personally, there were lots of signals alerting to this being completely bogus, well before it had even reached shots.

"Lockstep" concept being one. Even during WW1 and Ii, we as a global group have never worked in such unison.🤔🤔😐🤐

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You have a good point. Killing the elderly (the other elderly, not them) would have been okay. Essentially. They were probably happy with the first part of the operation and then decided to kill everyone they could.

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Thank you. It looks like you are the only one who looks at words and understands what’s actually written. Oh, the long forgotten art of reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. 🤣

Now when you use these skills, you get attacked. 🤦🏼‍♀️💁

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"Is he saying that doing it to the elderly would be ok, but evolution OF THE TARGET POPULATION (from elderly) to everyone is evidence of intentional harm? "

Its not what he is saying, it's what you are assuming.

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I just wonder how it could be understood in a different way. The words in #4 are pretty simple and I am quoting them.

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So you 'get' and 'understand!' Dr Yeadon's thoughts on who should be injected, when his letter is rather addressing another issue? That is impossibly clever of you! Taking something out of context in order to willfully misunderstand is disingenuous. My reading in context is something like 'IF there was a genuine pandemic, and IF there was a way to stop it with a vaccine, and IF this vaccine was considered fit to help (the target population), and IF the benefit to the elderly (the target population) was considered to outweigh the risk, THEN assuming all these things, which one might assume if there were no malice (albeit much stupidity) involved THEN if there was in fact no malice involved, the age would NOT have been lowered to include those where there is CLEARLY (by anyone's standards, even stupid people) no benefit, and NOT promoted to pregnant women which CLEARLY (by anyone's standards, even stupid people) crosses a red line.

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Yeadon was definitely one of the first knowledgeable experts to speak out about how this isn't just bad decisions, but rather, genocide, or democide, or pharmacide or whatever. Most people are still going with the "mistakes were made" narrative. The people who did this need to be arrested and imprisoned, not pardoned and left in power. Lock them all up!

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Dear Dr. Yeadon,

I have followed you since the beginning of this disgusting horrific genocide. Your wisdom has helped me navigate through the sea of lies told to us by the doctors we, in fact trusted. Reading & researching became my daily routine back in 2020, and continue to this day. Armed with knowledge is the only way to combat these “murderers”. I paused when I wrote that because to use that word is so intense, but it is the truth and so I will state the truth. There is no way to sugarcoat the evil that has been done. Know Sir that your bravery is remarkable, and the fact that you are being treated with such disrespect is abhorant. There is a special place in heaven for all of you drs. and researchers who have stood up to evil and never faultered. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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no way to sugarcoat it indeed. And that's what people cannot emotionally accept. The intentional harm ... INTENTIONAL. Dr. Yeadon doesn't mention in this letter the fact that it has been the Defense Department(s) who manufactured and distributed this prototype EUA Countermeasure, used Pharma as window dressing, created the illusion of clinical trials while no clinical trials were required from the Pentagon contracts and couldn't have been done anyway on a prototype EUA Countermeasure, rebranded the Pentagon's prototype EUA Countermeasure as a "vaccine," and tried to force everyone on the planet to inject it into their arms and the arms of their kids. THAT is the level of intentional harm. None of what we've heard from the mainstream media was ever true. It's the DOD all the way down.

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1000% Suzanne... where was it before it went to Ralphie Boy@UNC-Chapel Hill... Ft. Detrick? God only knows...patented long ago... oh so many details not known by the public... but it’s there if you research... people should be livid... no room at all for complacency....any health professional that suggests it... run like hell the other way. Thank you for your post, thank you for your wise words. Blessings🙏🏻🦋🙏🏻

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oh I know ... what to do? I drive by Ft Detrick regularly and wonder.

I asked a good friend once, after I'd been going on angrily about what was going on, why she wasn't more angry. The jabs caused her to have a heart attack and she had to sell her profitable horse farm as a result. "Why aren't you angry?" I asked. "Oh, I am angry, but what good does it do? I can't do anything about it." And I think that's a big part of it. The feeling of utter powerlessness over this dark machine. That's one of the beliefs we need to shift, I feel.

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And it's easily done. Just shining some light on the darkness makes it and its associated fear dissipate. The Black Nobility of Venice and their Roman Empire 2.0, who hide behind their Zionist/NAZI/Nimrodist/Khazarian lap dogs, who hide behind Jews/Jewishness/anti-semitism:


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fear itself can be faced and let go of, as we can with hatred and anger and outrage and all the other emotions the cabal want us to stay in. In one way, my friend was right -- anger energy will only get anyone so far -- but we do also need to let go of the feeling of powerlessness. The one thing the cabal DON'T want us to realize is how much power we have when we are the ones in control of where we set our emotional dial. When we don't get triggered by their 24/7 trauma-inducing narratives. When we know they are lying and just stop listening. When we stop fighting them, which paradoxically maintains their power, and just start building our own systems that just ignore their agenda. Then, the house of cards just collapses. 🙂

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Yes Suzanne... each one of us together can and are shining a light on this dark twisted mad scientist agenda... Collectively we are definitely holding their feet to the fire... The attitude of what can I do, I am but one, is not how we will save our Country or our lives. We must speak up ayk...we have to stand strong against this genocide... again I say the mad scientists that put this together definitely made sure to put time and distance between the inoculation and turbo cancers, heart disease, myocarditis, immunosuppressive disorders, etc. etc. that’s how sneaky and depraved the are. We all know they were very doses. Those who probably got the anaphylactic reaction got 100%. Others got various percentage of doses, and then the saline. We were nothing but a mass clinical trial For me, I will only refer to it as a bioweapon because that’s exactly what it is. Also the soul less doctors will look at you and lie and say oh no, your heart attack, your myocarditis your bells palsy, your Guillain-Barré, your blood clot etc has nothing to do with the shot. BS Because it’s all part of the psychological game. Deny Deny & then the person slips back into obedient mode & says something stupid like oh, the doctor is right, I couldn’t possibly know my body, I am only the patient, I’m only the person that the physical anomaly is happening to.... are you kidding me !!!! No you politely take your stand and say excuse me, this is my body. I know my body I know what’s going on. This is from your faux shot...bottom line is everyone reading this knows never to be intimidated into inaction... sadly that’s what’s happening ...they’re just falling in line.... all playing “follow the leader”& sadly killing & harming themselves.

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Dr. Yeadon,

Anybody continuing to allow these Injections into their body has no common sense.

The information you speak is COMMONLY KNOWN; that these Injections are Ai/Bioweapons.

Thank-you for continuing to repeat the truth over and over again...

You're far more patient than I or most people are.


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Withdrawing the injections purporting to be vaccines from the market is quite a big ask when those who put the injections on the market in the first place did so with the intention of causing death, injury and trauma. The injections are having the desired effect. It's those responsible, and those who ran cover for them, who need to be removed from society. This is war, war against humanity.

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Dr. Yeadon i was really impressed with reason # 1 when you say createing a new vaccince is not the way to HANDLE and DEAL WITH an epedimic i agree completely------ could you please tell us how a real global epedimic should be handled ----------thank you for applying reason and sanity in this most important topic subject !!!!!!!

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Dr. Yeadon, I wish you would give more interviews. I love hearing you speak on this topic.

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Oh gee! You mean they would not be able to kill more of us....by this method anyway! So many died for the lies...So many need to die for their lies!

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