They're not trying to kill babies, or anyone else. They simply want to control us, and fear is their favorite tool. Fear is enhanced by ignorance, so they also misinform, both in the captive propaganda media and in the failed education system. They don't care if you or your babies live or die. If some die, that's a side benefit in elevating the fear, making you more dependent on their benevolent power.
Your best defense against their assaults is courage. Refuse to be intimidated. Learn that your risk is not from a routine virus that healthy people handle easily, but from callous tyrants. Victimization is voluntary. Fear is a choice. Anger is a much better choice.
I agree about what you've written about fear and control but I'm starting to believe the elitist toads want to decrease earth's population (not of them, of course; they and their odious offspring are to inherit everything after we're all gone).
No vaccines are safe and effective..........NONE........Educate yourself on the dangers of vaccines. God gave you an immune system for a reason.......TAKE CARE OF IT!!! A healthy immune system doesn't come out of a syringe.
To all of you who have a Substack page and keep up and report on the Covid virus, vaccines, injuries, origins, the CDC, the Who and the FDA malevolence, Big Pharma control, stats, research, studies, etc.
It’s time to move on.
This can go on forever and it’s a distraction. Possibly planned.
Over the past 2 ½ years I have linked many of your articles. Many, quite good and excellent. It’s now time to look at the “Bigger Picture” as I have always called it.
Continue to put your energy towards exposing the economic crisis, which is must much more important than just the virus.
The food crisis, the climate scam, the 2030 Agenda, geoengineering, 5G networks; all need to be exposed as much as you have been exposing the scamdemic. Do not get distracted, even if they usher in a new pandemic. Look at the total plan!!!
Let’s all stay focused. I am sending this to everyone I read and link, so don’t think this is just about you, or about the article I am posting this to.
If you disagree, that’s fine. I am not here to judge. But I will be changing what I link in the virus area and have already cut back some.
God bless, stay strong, and stay thirsty for the truth my friends!!!
Disagree!!! These people who pushed this LIE called Covid and these deadly Clot Shots MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE for their crimes. Until these people are arrested, tried and thrown in Prison we must not stop speaking the truth about their crimes...........NEVER!!!!
Yes they must be punished and you're correct about not stopping about speaking the truth. My main point was meant to convey that we spend too much time on arguing who is right about this and that and not getting to the TRUTH of the matter.
Who is accountable, if I may ask?
Is it the obvious ones that most would accuse like Fauci, Walensky, etc.?
Or is it everybody's doctor who advised people to get the vaccine. Or the person who has been vaccinated and now decides to write against them on Substack. Or perhaps a person who worked in the industry for years and now says it's bad. Did they have a true awaking or is it just a guilty conscience? Was it the Rockefellers who established the AMA in the early 1900s to start the pharma industry. Was it Salk who got people used to vaccines back in the polio days? Is it the bankers who invest in these companies? Is it the politicians who take the payouts. Is it the people who actually put these politicians in office. As you can see, this is quite the rabbit hole!!!
Most declared unvaccinated deaths from the lie called COVID are actually Hospital murders, paid for by our Government. Hospitals denying treatment, denying food and water to those who reject remdesivir and ventilators, who deny repurposed drugs, following CDC protocols--they are guilty of murder. There is no excuse, there is no claiming ignorance. The Hospital Administrators and these doctors who participate in this are guilty. Yes, the "King of Quacks" Fauci, the CDC, NIH, the CRIMINALS in our government who gave money to hospitals for every positive Covid test (which are all LIES) and even more money for fake Covid deaths must be brought to justice, convicted and sent to prison for the rest of their lives.
Also a lot of people in the Big Pharm companies who developed these killer Clot Shots all within one week of each other when normal vaccines take 8 to 12 years to become vaccines.
These people are all guilty of MURDER!!!
Also, remember Hydroxychloroquine was told to us "is a killer"? Right there I knew they were LYING to the public. The military has taken this drug for 70yrs when going to malaria infested areas. I HAVE TAKEN IT! It is one of the most studied drugs we have! The problem with this drug, NOBODY CAN GET RICH ON IT! It costs pennies to make! THATS THE ONLY REASON IT WAS NOT USED! Why did the Deep State and Big Pharma push the "DANGERS" of the hydroxychloroquine plus zinc plus azithromycin treatment. Why did they in effect ban it????
Because it not only ends the HOAX, but exposes the HOAX.
A drug that has been around for almost fifty years is suddenly a killer???
Why would you trust any doctor that refused patients ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine? I won't take a doctors advice if he tells me to take an aspirin for a headache.
From the above article: Maiming and killing as many “useless people” as possible are essential to their diabolical end game. " We are now two years into a five-year plan for the total destruction of the society using global plandemics, wars, economic collapse, and food shortages. "
But I cant ignore mass murder of babies. If the information shared by me or other truth tellers would help to stop one parent from injecting their child with a bioweapon, it would worth the effort of posting and sharing...
It was on Rumble and I did not expect it would be taken down. The video can be found here It is specifically focused on STOPPING SHOTS IN CHILDREN
They're not trying to kill babies, or anyone else. They simply want to control us, and fear is their favorite tool. Fear is enhanced by ignorance, so they also misinform, both in the captive propaganda media and in the failed education system. They don't care if you or your babies live or die. If some die, that's a side benefit in elevating the fear, making you more dependent on their benevolent power.
Your best defense against their assaults is courage. Refuse to be intimidated. Learn that your risk is not from a routine virus that healthy people handle easily, but from callous tyrants. Victimization is voluntary. Fear is a choice. Anger is a much better choice.
I agree about what you've written about fear and control but I'm starting to believe the elitist toads want to decrease earth's population (not of them, of course; they and their odious offspring are to inherit everything after we're all gone).
Every group has some psychos, but they're just tools for their more clear eyed superiors.
I just learned about those "guidestones". It's disturbing what they said. I'm glad they're destroyed.
No vaccines are safe and effective..........NONE........Educate yourself on the dangers of vaccines. God gave you an immune system for a reason.......TAKE CARE OF IT!!! A healthy immune system doesn't come out of a syringe.
The Truth About Vaccinations – History and Hoax
Vaccine Ingredients and Vaccine Secrets
The Poisoned Needle - Eleanor McBean:
Dr. Andrew Moulden: All Vaccines Cause Ischemia (Impaired Blood Flow) Which Blocks Oxygen Delivery Leading to Chronic Disease
Its sorcery, plain and simple
The Depopulation Industrial Complex: FDA Licensed Vaccines Are Not Evaluated for Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility
Murderers, plain and simple. Ugh
To all of you who have a Substack page and keep up and report on the Covid virus, vaccines, injuries, origins, the CDC, the Who and the FDA malevolence, Big Pharma control, stats, research, studies, etc.
It’s time to move on.
This can go on forever and it’s a distraction. Possibly planned.
Over the past 2 ½ years I have linked many of your articles. Many, quite good and excellent. It’s now time to look at the “Bigger Picture” as I have always called it.
Continue to put your energy towards exposing the economic crisis, which is must much more important than just the virus.
The food crisis, the climate scam, the 2030 Agenda, geoengineering, 5G networks; all need to be exposed as much as you have been exposing the scamdemic. Do not get distracted, even if they usher in a new pandemic. Look at the total plan!!!
Let’s all stay focused. I am sending this to everyone I read and link, so don’t think this is just about you, or about the article I am posting this to.
If you disagree, that’s fine. I am not here to judge. But I will be changing what I link in the virus area and have already cut back some.
God bless, stay strong, and stay thirsty for the truth my friends!!!
Sincerely, The Watchman @
Disagree!!! These people who pushed this LIE called Covid and these deadly Clot Shots MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE for their crimes. Until these people are arrested, tried and thrown in Prison we must not stop speaking the truth about their crimes...........NEVER!!!!
Yes they must be punished and you're correct about not stopping about speaking the truth. My main point was meant to convey that we spend too much time on arguing who is right about this and that and not getting to the TRUTH of the matter.
Who is accountable, if I may ask?
Is it the obvious ones that most would accuse like Fauci, Walensky, etc.?
Or is it everybody's doctor who advised people to get the vaccine. Or the person who has been vaccinated and now decides to write against them on Substack. Or perhaps a person who worked in the industry for years and now says it's bad. Did they have a true awaking or is it just a guilty conscience? Was it the Rockefellers who established the AMA in the early 1900s to start the pharma industry. Was it Salk who got people used to vaccines back in the polio days? Is it the bankers who invest in these companies? Is it the politicians who take the payouts. Is it the people who actually put these politicians in office. As you can see, this is quite the rabbit hole!!!
Most declared unvaccinated deaths from the lie called COVID are actually Hospital murders, paid for by our Government. Hospitals denying treatment, denying food and water to those who reject remdesivir and ventilators, who deny repurposed drugs, following CDC protocols--they are guilty of murder. There is no excuse, there is no claiming ignorance. The Hospital Administrators and these doctors who participate in this are guilty. Yes, the "King of Quacks" Fauci, the CDC, NIH, the CRIMINALS in our government who gave money to hospitals for every positive Covid test (which are all LIES) and even more money for fake Covid deaths must be brought to justice, convicted and sent to prison for the rest of their lives.
Also a lot of people in the Big Pharm companies who developed these killer Clot Shots all within one week of each other when normal vaccines take 8 to 12 years to become vaccines.
These people are all guilty of MURDER!!!
Also, remember Hydroxychloroquine was told to us "is a killer"? Right there I knew they were LYING to the public. The military has taken this drug for 70yrs when going to malaria infested areas. I HAVE TAKEN IT! It is one of the most studied drugs we have! The problem with this drug, NOBODY CAN GET RICH ON IT! It costs pennies to make! THATS THE ONLY REASON IT WAS NOT USED! Why did the Deep State and Big Pharma push the "DANGERS" of the hydroxychloroquine plus zinc plus azithromycin treatment. Why did they in effect ban it????
Because it not only ends the HOAX, but exposes the HOAX.
A drug that has been around for almost fifty years is suddenly a killer???
Why would you trust any doctor that refused patients ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine? I won't take a doctors advice if he tells me to take an aspirin for a headache.
From the above article: Maiming and killing as many “useless people” as possible are essential to their diabolical end game. " We are now two years into a five-year plan for the total destruction of the society using global plandemics, wars, economic collapse, and food shortages. "
Its all part of the same plan to bring about a new orderr out of chaos. and I am trying to always look at the big picture. It was never about a virus:
The Corona End Game
But I cant ignore mass murder of babies. If the information shared by me or other truth tellers would help to stop one parent from injecting their child with a bioweapon, it would worth the effort of posting and sharing...
Understood, and you do a great job of looking at the big picture!
This is horrible… 😢😢😢🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Since the beginning of Covid, 42,171 Canadians have died. 92.6% were over 60 years old.
Those under 20, nearly 720,000 cases, 6500 hospitalizations, and only 54 have died.
Of course no one will tell us how many of those had health issues before they caught covid.
“covid deaths” are …
deaths from flu
deaths from pneumonia
deaths from depression
and most of all .. deaths caused by the “covid vaccines”
Covid is a LIE.........100% of it!!
Please watch and share this video from Canadian Covid Care Alliance: STOP THE SHOTS
It seems to no longer be on Rumble. You can find it here It is new and specifically designed to Stop the Shots in Children
Video not found?
It was on Rumble and I did not expect it would be taken down. The video can be found here It is specifically focused on STOPPING SHOTS IN CHILDREN