Canadian Rights Watch: Are You Going To Tolerate the “Final Solution Being Played Out on Babies”?
While hospitalizations and deaths among the vaccinated population surge worldwide, Health Canada "approves first COVID-19 vaccine for kids under 5"
The approval of the “Final Solution” for Canadian babies and toddlers did not come as a surprise.
Health Canada is doing exactly what it was created to do - Population Control.
It’s time to wake up to the fact that Canada is not a sovereign nation and the Canadian government is following the orders of its globalist masters just like the rest of the world's puppet governments.
Maiming and killing as many “useless people” as possible are essential to their diabolical end game.
" We are now two years into a five-year plan for the total destruction of the society using global plandemics, wars, economic collapse, and food shortages. "
Hospitalizations and deaths among the vaccinated population surge worldwide



Hospital billing data: vaccination side effects 2019 to 2021
The billing data from German hospitals enable a differentiated view of the diagnosed illnesses in the years 2019 to 2021. The analysis of vaccination side effect diagnoses shows that these were significantly more frequent in 2021 than would have been expected taking into account the increased number of vaccine doses administered. These effects can be observed differentiated according to gender and age group. Further analyzes based on this data are required and should also be considered by the Paul Ehrlich Institute as the supervisory authority responsible for vaccine safety.

Pray for the children…

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Please watch and share this video from Canadian Covid Care Alliance: STOP THE SHOTS
It seems to no longer be on Rumble. You can find it here It is new and specifically designed to Stop the Shots in Children
No vaccines are safe and effective..........NONE........Educate yourself on the dangers of vaccines. God gave you an immune system for a reason.......TAKE CARE OF IT!!! A healthy immune system doesn't come out of a syringe.
The Truth About Vaccinations – History and Hoax
Vaccine Ingredients and Vaccine Secrets
The Poisoned Needle - Eleanor McBean:
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