Prayers for these poor people… there should be no religion that condones people to kill as that is disgusting, Neanderthal barbaric, and against God. When will this world see that we are all brothers and sisters and killing is amoral.

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The world will see when every mainstream media owner and shareholders are hung and replaced by real journalism. Every elite must be hung, otherwise this will continue forever more.

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HOLD IT. There are plenty of influencers, if that's what you want to call them, that could be putting this out.

I was in a thread last night, where it devolved into bullshit. Me and one other person made remarks that some of this was going on back in Dec.

I AM not anybody important, however, I am fearless, I will keep commenting about this.

I will interject wherever and whenever.

My prayers are with all.

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Sure, blame the "evil Jews " for all the world problems, Its easy this way and trendy as well...

FYI: CIA and ALL the world secret services are under control of Papal Babylonian secret societies, just like ALL the worlds governments.

All the world governments are evil, we saw an open display of it during convid.

But some how Israeli government is MORE evil then the rest... right?

CIA founder was a Papal ( Babylonian) Knight Of Malta...



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Exactly what Adolf Hitler said.

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Oh please get a grip.

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You are stupid anti semetic filthy dung trolls. Islamist swine do this all by themselves.

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Stop derailing this thread. You can take your Jew hate elsewhere.

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Horrible! Lord, have mercy! 🙏

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Last week, the targetted and killed 70 Christians. Never heard of Alawites before. The videos are horrific.

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Alawites are a minority esoteric sect of Shia Islam, living primarily in Syria. The Al-Assad family are Alawites.

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Thank you for the explanation. I wondered as well.

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And, of course, Sunni don't like other sects, or religioons. 70 Christians murdered a few days earlier, no reporting of that atrocity either.

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There is and has been an active GENOCIDE AGAINST CHRISTIANS.

A real genocide not like Palestinians

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It's hard to know what goes on in this perverted part of the world. But, there is a rarely talked about issue concerning Turkey. Some very well-connected people I follow have been saying for the last couple of years that Turkey is trying to expand. Erdoğan, the President, has aspirations of Making Turkey Great Again and is looking to reestablish the Ottoman Empire with Turkey being the central country.

Events in Syria seem to confirm the above.

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One just needs to revisit The Christian Armenian genocide Turkey committed in 1915, where a series of massacres and starvation of 1.5 million Armenians took place; or The Christian Assyrian genocide Turkey also committed in that same era! Mass killing of Assyrian civilians began during the Ottoman occupation of Azerbaijan from January to May 1915. An estimate of 275,000 were slaughtered. Let’s not get started on what Turkey did to The Greek Orthodox! The systematic killing of the Christian Greek population, which was carried out mainly during World War I and its aftermath (1914–1922), on the basis of their religion and ethnicity.

Is the world going to stand up to Turkey now, before yet another ethnic genocide is now taking place in Syria in (2025)…at our watch!? Time will tell

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US destabilized these countries throught their corrupted self-proclaimed elite controlled CIA...they are as Satanic as the ones currently doing these atrocities. President Trump needs to scatter the ashes of the CIA and stop this in Syria as they destabilize it! You go against the globalists banksters this is what they do to a country.

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"...this perverted part of the world" - like the part of the world where Rome committed genocide against the Cathars in France, you mean?

Glass houses, stones?

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lol. I thought the same thing. What ivory-tower NON-perverted part of the world are they living in. We are drowning in perversion.

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Read Operation Gladio by Paul Williams all the lies and atrocities have been done by the CIA

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Jabhat al-Nusra (HTS) are controlled by MOSSAD…and have been since the inception of the fake Syrian Revolution - 2011.

They were photographed many times together in the Golan Heights. It is common knowledge that wounded terrorists were treated in Israeli hospitals.

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Ma'am, Israel is most definitely up to their eyeballs in this and who is their closest ally?

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BlackRock is not the CIA, Ma'am. US AID & NED are the buffers for the CIA, so their hands are not sullied.

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The entire world is watching. The entire world knows by now this monster pretending he’s a changed man _by sporting a suit and shedding his religious dress_ is as abhorrent as the brutality his ‘army’ is committing against innocent civilians eating dinner at their homes or hiding and huddling together while awaiting death. Their crime?! Belonging to the wrong religion

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How could they not have guns to protect themselves? To give them a fighting chance. This whole world will never stop killing people. They are barbarians. Why didn't these people have a plan after Syria fell?

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They surrendered their weapons and ‘believed’ the lying new regime that they will not harm them. The result?! A blatant barbaric betrayal. Ironically, other minorities weren’t as trusting of this new Islamic government and refused to surrender their arms! The result in this case?! These people are still alive. So technically, the Christians’ and the Alawites’ listened to what the new government promised, surrendered their weapons and got slaughtered. Big mistake as we are all now discovering and all we can do is tell their stories

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WOW...They made a BIG mistake. Why anyone would surrender their weapons is beyond me. Just horrific. Thank YOU for explaining. I bet you grow and harvest

delicious vegetables. Take Care :-)

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YES! Agree 💯. And look at Canada! They just brought up a new law effective March 07, confiscating 324 models of firearms! Canadians are going down a slippery path or so it seems!

:) I’m still learning lots abt growing my own ‘food’! It’s hard to grow crops in the Rockies..but I can say I have an excellent knowledge of wild mushrooms and happy to share anytime :)

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WOW....Canadians are certainly going down a slippery slope. I grew up near

Pittsburgh, PA. My uncle years ago would go up this big hill and pick mushrooms. I don't know what kind. My Mother would make them with

bacon, eggs, and onion. I know my Uncle picked sheepshead mushrooms, too.

You can message me anytime about your knowledge of mushrooms.

Take Care....


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Thanks for the LIKE, Amy :-)

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Ma'am are you aware of what UK, CN, AU, countries look like?

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What are you talking about?

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Rule no1 trust government with suspicion, rule no2 never give up your guns!

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Satanic monsters.

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Islamist alkaeda terrorist butchering swine of the ages soon look to the slaughter and burning in hell that the Living God says shall come back down upon their filthy heads. Dung of the Universe are all these butchers are. Islamic pedophile dung cult of Filthy pedophile Muhammed who all will burn screaming with the western media in hell!

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How can human beings become this??

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bad doctrine + Satan

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They aren't human, to be human you must care for others. This is Satan's soldiers.

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I have no comment other than, when HTS entered Syria with full Turkish support and was anointed "the ruling government" with brilliant endorsements from others worldwide and strong verbal avowals of supporting Israel, I said Syria was lost.

I knew this would happen. You will have no Syria. Syria has been neutered quite effectively by Israeli bombing raids (What? Well over a thousand?). The only weapons left are small arms to kill individually as we see occurring now. So predictable.

I warned and warned. Now, I don't care. I can't. Why? People don't listen. The world is run by psychopaths with far more power and influence than I.

The country will be carved up. There is no Syria anymore. Get used to this reality. People should have learned their lesson from Gaza. The Sunnis don't give a damn and support anything which weakens anyone who isn't Sunni...Alawite, Christian, Druze, Shia, etc.

Assad was smart to leave.

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Gee we need to import more religion of pieces illegal aliens. Right turdie boy? Are there any stupid bastards who still think DIEverSHITty is our strength?

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So…..what’s new, in the land of Abraham…….

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I do hope Canadians see this - this is what happens when you give up your guns.

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So how is fined into oblivion and jailed better than giving up weapons? There are no choices here.

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