I've seen this movie in countless real time videos from Songping Anq, a friend in China. Reality is it's far, far worse than this tale tells. BTW- Chinese are charged $40 daily internment fee X millions of people. Highly profitable. Average wage is only $21 day for urban workers, less for rural, they are like debtor prisons. I half expected the protagonist on the balcony to break out in monkey noises a la planet of the apes, just like the real inmates in PRC did to annoy the guards.

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Whatever they have planned, they'll have to fight for every scrap now. And they aren't up to that task.

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Powerful piece of art! A few I shared with were triggered(covidians mostly). Very telling as it’s just science/dystopian fiction right? They weren’t bothered reading 1984 though. Hmm.

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If only we had a few more Kowalskys....

Thanks for sharing, will spread the word!

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If they can pull it off. The folks who 'just wanted to be left alone' reached out to me yesterday, No more Ruby Ridges or anything like it. No assuming power, they'll have to fight for everything.

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What if the whole complex thing we're looking at, what we call life, is the externalization of an existing, already functioning, influenced relationship with whatever you want to call that thing John Trudell points to, and that leads to experienced reality, or “life” as it appears to be now? I don't think it's a future possibility, the Great Reset, a direction intended for a future state, but rather the unfolding manifestation or appearance on the stage we call life as an existing labyrinth/panopticon. We may already be in the panopticon control grid we see as still coming. Either way, the strategies for dissolving its hold on us remain the same. 

How do you apply them now, when we see it as an imagined future event, except to stave it off, and how to apply them now, if people can't see it's already here, in what we think of as natural life? Maybe there is no escape, no fight required to keep it at bay, no cause for future anxiety, and perhaps everything we think we know about life 1.0 isn't natural, but we are.

It may be that we are the kernel of nature, of life that the stage set of biology is built around, and maybe the stage is meant to be an identity trap. I would say anything beautiful about what we call the life that you see and feel is because the life that you are is at the heart of all the characters, at the heart of the set called the natural biological world. 

The stage is influenced to control every aspect of your experience, to befuddle and entrap life itself (you). You are really here at the heart of it, and your reality, the kernel of truth hidden in the labyrinth of biology, is and always will be the cause for every good and beautiful thing you encounter on the world stage. Controlling that kernel, that light at the center of life, and becoming its God is the reason and the justification of the influence of insanity for the whole elaborate deception. To dissolve the deception is first to own your place in it, not as a victim, but as a participant with responsibility for having chosen to participate. Before the deception was its cause, something you did, the consequence of which was the rise in mind of the deceiving voice and the acceptance of it as a guide. Having purposefully shut down communication with the source of life, slamming the door on it with a big bang, finding yourself alone and frightened, a thing made of that fear and mistake arose. A new God, a new guide, born of our error. In this telling of the creation story, you're responsible, not a victim of the devil or on the receiving end of some cosmic punishment. It's correctable, doesn't require an external savior, and dignifies you as being able to make the necessary correction to dissolve the mistake and return to sanity. No punishment is needed, yours or a anothers, only a purposeful awakening brought on by a willingness to accept responsibility.

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Great film I watched it on YouTube over the weekend and I was surprised that still on YouTube 🤣😆 DONT worry is just a film ? What could go wrong 🥴🤣

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Rather abrupt ending.

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I feel sad for Bruce.

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This is an awesome animation. I will share.

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It is not enough to alert us to these videos. So much talk about The Great Reset — ZERO ACTUAL PUSHBACK. Where is your reporting on targeted individuals who are Klaus & Yuval’s guinea pigs on whom transhumanism has been tested? Where is your admonishments to readers to CALL CONGRESS & WH?

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Why don't you take your time browsing around my stack first? Also, if you are not happy with my reporting you don't have to read it, or you can start your own stack.

FYI Klaus and Yuval are NOT targeted individuals, they are nothing but puppets. But again, you can do your own research and your own reporting instead of complaining here...

Have a great day.

The World Is A Stage

The World Economic Forum is a front organisation. Klaus Schwab is a puppet actor who portrays the character of Doctor Evil


A Sinister Force Behind Historical Conflicts, Global Agendas, Revolutions and World Wars

Is the same sinister force currently working behind The Corona Operation?


The Hidden History of the Revived Roman Empire Jesuit Influence and Infiltration of The US and World Governments. Secret Treaty Of Verona


The Hidden History of the Revived Roman Empire II. Knights of Malta, Jesuit Papacy and the 9/11 Attacks


Etc, etc...

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You’ve missed my point completely. I will presume because what I am asking you to do terrifies everyone — report on targeted individuals. Klaus & Yuval are tools but they aren’t targeted.

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Thanks for sharing. Hope everyone watches it. Nearly shared it a few days ago. What we face.

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