Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts: “Fear-Based Net Zero Climate Policies Have No Environmental or Scientific Justification…”
"All of this is based on faulty science and selective misuse of natural events. Fraud."
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“Fear-based Net Zero climate policies have no environmental or scientific justification... The public is starting to wake up that climate change is the greatest display of mass formation psychosis since the Salem witch hunts."
"All of this is based on faulty science and selective misuse of natural events. Fraud."
"People are waking up that the public is being bullied into continued support for policies that achieve nothing except hurt human beings and harm our natural environment."
Source: LauraAbolichannel
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The people who told us covid was going to kill people in the streets and that the injections would not are the same people claiming carbon is causing climate change...
I’ve always wondered about our “climate elites.” What exactly is their climate goal? ( notice how they never state one?)Was it the climate back in the 1800s? 1700s? There was a mini ice age back then, from which we’re still moderating. Maybe they want our already dangerously low CO2 levels of 400 ppm to drop to an extinction event level in the upper 300s? Maybe it’s the climate they experienced when they were little children, back when everything and everyone was “nicer” and dressed in prettier colors? Our elites are children. Very dangerous, rich, deluded children. I’m all for spanking each of them.