Humans under the age of 30 need not to be vaccinated for kovid19. A nasty flu

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Only humans older than 570 should be allowed to get it.

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Unless said person profited in anyway from said vaxxxine.

If party of the First Part was in anyway whatsoever enriched, either monetarily or otherwise (including celebrity status or increased influence) said Party of the First Part shall receive 3 injections of the product said Party endorsed, promoted or otherwise demanded be foisted upon (it must be said) a rather gullible Publik, then said Party of The First Part shall receive thrice injections daily until maimed and/or dead.

We will begin with Bourla, Gates, Pfauci, Tom Hanks, Tedros, and Mayorkas.

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Sorry nobody should get these not safe not effective jabs....Nothing MRNA is safe

proven bio weapon gene therapy killer jabs! DO NOT COMPLY!

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Crimes against humanity trials required.

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Dr. Makis tried to warn them as well. 🔥

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Both kids a flu and Covid 💉. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Tragic . People only learn when it becomes personal ( maybe ) …. Sometimes, even then , they don’t connect the dots.

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True, and even if they do connect the dots most don't say anything. I wonder about them. Are they too proud, too guilty, too afraid...or what?

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I believe that they can’t admit to themselves, or to anyone else, what they have done to themselves and especially to their own children.

It’s a bridge too far to cross.

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Good point John Roberts

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Imagine such a tortured brain over and over 'if I only took my kid for ice-cream instead of....

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I could not agree more. I can’t imagine living with the guilt of knowing a decision I made was the cause of my child’s death. Absolutely soul crushing. No wonder people can’t face it. 💔 I try hard to find compassion for them and forgiveness for their ‘hatred’ (probably more fear than hatred) of we unjabbed. They are heart-breakingly reaping what they have sown now.

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Parents should be punished in the first place, and then those who “developed” it. If stupidity could fly, these parents would be performing like swift eagles.

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There is no need for punishment. People make their own choices and that's the way it should be. We were all lied to, why is it that they believed the lies and chose to damage themselves and their children? As long as we have the information, the choice should always be ours. The people that tell us what to do are not responsible for what we ultimately do.

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I hope they at least figured out the cause of SIDS💁

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They were not just 'telling' people; they were coercing, cajoling and mandating. All without any form of informed consent.

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Yes, and all the while spreading misinformation while claiming that all the sceptics were the evil purveyors of misinformation, disinformation, conspiracy theories etc.

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And for those wondering, this is partially how we end up living in "Children of Men" dystopian nightmare.

The other routes that get us there, are the pathological eugenicidal government bureaucrats and medico-industrial defence complex, and the systemic poisoning of agriculture, water cycles, and air cycles- because "trust us, we self regulate", corporate and captured industry regulators.

You couldn't screw up fertility more, than every single "public health policy" enacted by governments over the last 70yrs.😐 So there comes a point were the inconceivable motive, becomes the most logical conclusion. Say the awful part out loud.

#theywantUDead #follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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The underlying reason and problem, is that people want to be told what to do. And they then blame the ones that told them if they are wrong! Really it's like they want to be babysat. The important thing is to have the information - which many media outlets didn't provide - but many people still knew the dangers. But those who trust the legacy media unfortunately are kept stupid by not being giving true and up-to-date information.

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Respectfully, that's an easy excuse to take. I don't buy into the psychosocial engineering excuses that we have all been fed since the beginning. It's easy to lay the blame at the "infantilised sheeple's" feet. Exactly what the government's, private and corporations do.🤨 Its sits in the same vein as the BS climate change narrative- ("you are just all not recycling hard enough! Your coffee machine is using too much energy, that's why you need to get rid of your car/can't leave your 15min city/eat zee bugz!"), making it the public's fault, with no mention of the gigatonnes of energy been used by the corporate technocratic sectors, defence and telecommunications industries. Or the ridiculously unnecessary energy used to create CO2 sinks, that create 2-4x more than they save🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Then the BS recycling farce!🙄 and yet, we still take the blame.

The average person does not want to be told what to do. They just want to get on with living their life. They were conned into believing the social contracts were sacred. They put their trust in the entities and people that have abused that trust, broken social contracts and then had the temerity to blame their victims.😐 People have been taught/engineered to think of each other as "stupid" when en masse. But we are not. When we are fully informed, we are powerful, and we outnumber them😉

Your right though in that getting the information out to them is critical, but it needs to be localised or it will get blocked out. Get your local community informed, then we will see the ripple effect.

#wearemorethanwebelieve #follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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'Please stop thinking 'I' and start thinking 'we' he said. Without a healthy 'I' there is no healthy 'We.' These parents bought the propaganda hook, line and sinker. I don't think we can blame others for their susceptibility to fear messages. We can blame people for not exercising enough healthy skepticism to provoke research outside the political narrative. My question to everyone is 'where are you getting your information from?' We owe it to ourselves yes, the 'I' and to our families the 'we' to research outside entities that are being funded by pharma. If that family had read or listened to Courageous Discourse, Naomi Wolf, Mid-Western Doctor, Dr. Malone, The Illusion of Consensus, etc... they would have seen if they were willing to put their egos aside, that their own consensus with the narrative was based on an illusion, that insight most likely would have saved their child. Ignorance and arrogance are so dangerous. Heartbreaking, the loss of that adorable child. I hope they figure out the lesson themselves, because doctors won't tell them the truth.

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My like button doesn't work but I wanted to second your comment.

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Can you honestly say that you've given a fair listen to the critics of Dr. Malone and the history and facts they allege? Which to over simplify in summation--that he is a "controlled-op" with decades of history within the pharmaco-military establishment, of which he brags, and has a history of shifting and self-contradictory, self-serving narrative spinning beginning at least with his June '21 appearance on the Darkhorse podcast. If not, consider that perhaps you've been a victim of your own failure to exercise critical thinking and use of discernment. All of that assuming you are an "honest broker" here and not purposefully spreading a bit of "mis-information" re Malone.

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At the start of the rollout he tweeted para "the data are clear ... the vaccines save lives".

Then he, supposedly, took a couple!?!

Given he did get injected, then he is stupid, controlled-op or not.

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He's a proven liar. IMO.

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I’ve not believed him from the start. Too ‘polished’. Too prolific. Too ‘virus’. I’m of the mind he’s a gatekeeper - keeping us looking at ‘viruses’ and ‘safer’ jabs - when it’s really poisoning by multiple means (and I believe mostly EMF’s). And being a lifelong contrarian and skeptic I’m not inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt about anything until I see him openly question ‘viruses’.

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Bravo! Well said!

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I think I have given a fair read to several articles criticizing Dr. Malone. He has been accused of making millions from his patents. He denies that. So, it is a case of he said, she said. Also, I read up on the conflict between Dr. Malone and the Breggins, and I concluded the Breggins were wrong, I even made that comment, and the Breggins responded. I think those that swallowed the propaganda during the Third Reich, were part of mass formation psychosis, but I don't think that makes them victims, the Jews were. Same with those who bought the covid mandates and protocols. I have read a scathing article on Dr. Malone by Sasha Latypova, but I was unconvinced by her strong rhetoric. So, I am exercising a level of critical thinking, but it is my critical thinking, and it will have my inherent biases, as your thinking will have yours. To be more certain I would need to have a face-to-face, answers from Dr. Malone, even then it wouldn't be a 100%. I read almost daily Dr. Malone's substack and I find it meritorious, therefore, I mention him in the spirit of sharing. If my comments in general seem to a particular reader, to have a flavour of the spiteful motive to spread misinformation, then I would have to conclude they are misinterpreting my intent.

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So, your research has been completed. Ok.

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It won't align with your yardstick, but I am not obliged to align with your value system regardless.

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What a sad state of affairs for this couple. Let's hope they eventually wake up to the awful situation that our government put everyone in through fearmongering.

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I doubt if they will because then they will have to accept the truth that it was their fault the child died.

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Yep, I happen to think that is the reason why a lot of folks don't want to believe that ALL vaccines are toxic (I think my mom is in this group). Because admitting they did something that harmed - or easily could have harmed - their children is just too much for them.

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Bingo !!!

I believe you hit the nail on the head.

It’s a bridge to far that they just can’t cross.

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Up until covid came around, I, too, believed the lies about vaccines. But all the hype around covid made me suspicious. My husband and I did not give in to the pressure and no one in my immediate family did. Seeing and reading everything I have regarding vaccines these past 5 years has made me grateful that there were very few vaccines during the time that my children grew up (70's and 80's.) And what they did take has not affected them as far as we can tell. People didn't ask questions then; they trusted the doctors. For some (hopefully, most) of us this is not the case any longer. With so much information available, there is no excuse to not know the truth.

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I completely agree. As a nurse, of course I was taught the usual lies. And because of working in health care, I had to get more vaccines. Hep B series wasn't required but I thought I needed it ( I was a phlebotomist for 10 years before nursing school so I did nothing but work with needles all day long). I had to get the MMR at some point too and then eventually as we know, they started requiring the stupid flu shot. I never got it prior to nursing school (they required it also). Thank god the company I was working for when CV hit didn't require the vax, and I got laid off in Nov. 2020. Makes me sick to think how many I've had. I was born in 1967 so I only got smallpox, DPT, OPV and MMR. I woke up gradually but reading Dissolving Illusions in 2017 pushed me over the edge. Unfortunately my youngest daughter already had all the jabs up till age 5 but she's had none since and won't ever have another if I can help it. My family thinks I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist; I have an aunt who is also a nurse and she and I got into a heated discussion/argument one day when I told her the CV vax was killing people. She just about lost her mind. She encouraged her pregnant daughter in law to get that one!! So far the child seems normal; he's actually huge for his age but I am sure he is NOT normal on the inside and one day it will manifest in some fashion. My brother and I refused it and my parents both got it and are probably still getting the damn boosters. I don't even ask anymore because it just upsets me and they flat REFUSE to believe it is harmful. In fact, I have watched my mother's cognitive function steadily decline since then. The woman was an electrical engineer who worked in avionics for nearly 20 years and now she can't even do simple things like order things from Amazon, fill out basic paperwork, etc. Her critical thinking skills and executive functioning are GONE, along with short term memory. She was getting a bit forgetful before the vax but it really took off once she got it. She at least would listen to what I had to say on the topic (altho most times still refused to believe) and now I can't even really discuss with her anymore because she just can't comprehend things like she used to. My dad had an intraocular hemhorrage in his right eye 3 weeks after his first booster but I'm sure the vax was never even considered as a cause. I still send her articles now and then - I couldn't resist the one about the senate select subcommittee investigation findings. HA! But she never responds. Sorry for the book...it's a lot I know, but my life has been so impacted by this and it is SO frustrating. At least you did finally realize the truth! Better late than never! : )

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We mustn't have any sympathy for those who got the vax. They made a horrendous judgment because they believe so strongly in authority and that authority will always want the best for us, which is patently untrue and it's about time they realized it because that way of thinking is taking us all to hell. And yes, remember - they would have us locked up who chose not to take the vax, they stubbornly pressured us to wear the mask even to buy food - that's how much they cared about the health of others. It's a total farce what they did, they are gullible and ignorant because like you say, they totally ignored warnings to not take the vax. It may be the way they actually take themselves out of the gene pool, especially since they also put their own children in such danger, without doing their due diligence, by simply going along with whatever the media, government or the doctor, tells them.

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In Canada, they wanted to pronounce us mentally sick and either take away our driving licences or implement a multiple of regular insurance premiums. Plus more…

No mercy from me.

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They are going to do it again.

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Sad, and sadly true.

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And to make it even sadder, I doubt her child's death will ever be counted as a death statistic from the nasty injection.

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100% not.

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Jan 2Edited

All the info anyone could absorb is readily available on why vaccines need to approached with EXTREME apprehension. This couple basically, as cultist, put their child up as a potential human sacrifice victim, and as it turned out did just that. There are people in this world that will kill you and yours for whatever the profit is on an individual shot, KNOWING FULL WELL THE POSSIBLE LETHALITY OF THEIR PRODUCT. This was a homicidal tragedy. now waiting on justice from MR. INFORMED CONSENT pediatrician, on up the entire 'food chain.' Wondering if thus couple have another child if they'll repeat this exercise as vaccine cultists? Informed consent? Never if it stands in the way of making even a couple of bucks.

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There are consequences for that level of stupidity.

It needs to end, however one death becomes many.

Disability is actually far worse.

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turtles all the way down

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To make matters worse, this couple had the nerve to set up a GoFundMe on the premise of needing money for funeral expenses for the little one. They will rake in a lot from abusing people’s sympathies.

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