The truth is The effects of ALL vaccines is that they maim and kill.

There isn’t now, nor has there ever been, and there shall never be anything that’s safe and effective that’s jabbed into your body. Nothing. None. Nil.

NEVER in the history of mankind has injecting poisons into your body given you better health.

Quite the opposite. They’ve ALL maimed and killed. Read and learn the history of this barbaric act:

The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccinations https://a.co/d/cfvx9Q6

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History https://a.co/d/coVuit4

- George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results, 1886

- History and Pathology of Vaccination, Edgar R. Crookshank, 1889

- Charles Creighton, Jenner and Vaccination. A Strange Chapter of Medical History, 1889



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This stack has multiple articles on the subject:

"VACCINATION A Curse and a Menace to Personal Liberty" - The Theocrat (1914)


The Depopulation Industrial Complex: FDA Licensed Vaccines Are Not Evaluated for Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility


The Inventor of the Polio Vaccine Wanted To Depopulate the World


A Valuable Article From 2013: “The Vaccine Hoax Is Over. Documents From UK Reveal 30 Years of Coverup”


and so on...

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Another excellent and interesting book, Murder by Injection by Eustace Mulllins.

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Finally! THAKN YOU DR. Yeadon for your truth, still not everything, BUT that's a great progress.

The only problem is that authors like the one putting your words out here, still is talking about 'vaccines'!!! That a TOTAL DECEPTION! I discussed this with the author many times, it appears there must be some AGENDA behind it to keep the people in DARK. Sorry Judah Ministry, I just say what I think.

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Thanks for the reminder, "vaccines" I missed it when posted, added now to the title. Actually ALL the vaccines are nothing but poisonous fraud, the product of Masonic Germ theory...

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Thank you for that correction. Just I think Dr. Yeadon clearly talks about gene based products...

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Yes he does. My previous comment about vaccines was not related to what Dr. Yeadon talks about in this video. It's my opinion about fraudulent Grem theory and vaccines in general

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Yes, you are the brightest star out there in your messaging. As the pcr is the cornerstone of the big lie, you are the cornerstone of the big truth against their lies

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wow, you are the only one with that opinion.. Thank you.

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Get prepared, if you do not have a firearm, get one and ammo too.

It's late, very late to get in the game, but not too late, yet.

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I am more aware of the evils that are being perpetrated in this world. I hope that the people who unaware or choose not to see it will become willing to see the true reality. Many in positions of power do not have anyone's interests in mind except the selected group. The people in power push a dangerous agenda.

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It may be worse than that. Those in power may be dedicated to the complete destruction of Creation.

They will fail.

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I suspect that as well. They are hell bent on destruction.

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Thanks for sharing the Rumble link,. Will be linking it today as well @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Short video of Yeadon discussing this topic. He says that with all 4 vaccine companies using the spike protein in their vaccines is a black swan event that shows that it was deliberately made to harm and kill. Also that where the spike protein goes the body will attack the cells…. From the beginning I wondered why in hell people didn’t question why they should take the jabs that were made with the most dangerous part of the virus that was known to be causing immense damage in people who were hospitalized? You know with things like blood clots? Duh!


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I saw that Trump advised us not to comply and said that he would not either. Welcome aboard Mr. President, better late than never.

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What is the date of Dr. Yeadon's video? Excellent information. Thank you

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You are most welcome! It was posted on bitchute few days ago. Not sure when it was recorded.

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“No one is coming to save us, but WE can save ourselves, each other, and our community.”

This is a fundamental assumption, presented without evidence, and based upon a negative that cannot be proven to be true (if no one comes and we are not saved, who would know?) but only ultimately proven to be false (if someone comes and saves us after all).

If Dr. Yeadon believes this statement, I understand. I am critiquing the statement, not him. I will, however, suggest what some of the others here may believe, that the assertion is backward. Someone is coming to save us (just) before we annihilate ourselves, and we can never save ourselves through any amount of our own efforts.

There is evidence to support the positive part of this second assertion and, as evidence goes, it is stronger than the scientific non(sense)-evidence that so often is passed off as "fact", being nothing more than made-up stories designed to confuse and to divert attention away the problem.

The negative part isn't conclusively provable, but if you examine our efforts throughout history to make things better for ourselves, all the while making things worse and worse until now our world is full of poisons that are killing us all, the end result of pursuit of the knowledge (science) of good and evil, the trend is rather clear for those willing to take it in. In a mathematical sense, the trend appears to approach a limit.

To the unclouded mind, it is visibly apparent that we live in a created world. To the many that are mentally imprisoned in alternative-reality assumptions and deceptions, it is not. For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, and that have not done so already, now would be a good time to ask for -- beg for -- the salvation offered as a gift by our Creator God.

For the rest, wait and see as you ride the trend downward. What you see may open your eyes and change your mind, if you don't wait too long. There is a plan, and it is a merciful one, unlike the plans of our world rulers, seen and unseen.

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I've written a little more about this on my own Substack, especially to clarify that I _like_ that Dr. Yeadon said what he said, and I appreciate the work he has been doing. These kinds of ideas, prevalent everywhere I look but not often stated, need to be brought out and discussed. There is more that we all can learn.

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I hope some of the readers remember when infant cell therapy was going to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. Then low and behold the therapy produced grotesque tumors and other great stuff. Project abandoned. When I realized that the death shot contained cells from Human babies which were aborted I knew no way no how. The demonic companies saw dollar signs and power. Just maybe this genocidal experiment just may wake a few to think and research before you sign your life and future generations to untold suffering.

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Listen to Dr Peter McCullough. He says the human body doesn’t possess the ability to absorb these proteins. Therefore the mRNA vaccines stay in the body doing harm. Two years later these vaccines are still causing blood clots that medical doctors don’t have the ability to treat.

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Every biologist and many members of the public are fully aware that the immune system will attack "not-me" proteins.

It was therefore 100% predictable that introducing any "not-me" proteins to the body (except through the digestive system) would result in autoimmune reactions, which are dangerous.

EVERY doctor knows this. EVERY epidemiologist knows this. EVERY vaccinologist knows this.

They did what they KNEW would have that effect. How can anyone think this wasn't deliberate?

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