Should be fighting against this! They can't stop the palestine genocide, they can't help the planet otherwise. It only helps Bill Gates.

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As always the obfuscation and lies in the MSM keep the agenda thriving . Hope the alt media latches on here quickly . Thanks for the reporting, DB and for sharing here. Surely we are at the tipping point with these demons?

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These demons don't have a reverse gear:).

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Not by us. But by a bigger supernatural force. . .

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Good morning welcome to Utopia!

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... i don't relish the idea and sound of Climate Governance Commission (CGC)...that word governance keeps 'cropping' up, ironically at a time when farmers worldwide experience their crops failing or suffering...

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It seems that anything associated with The WHO or the WEF is detrimental to our health.

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... that's the correct diagnosis in the first instance, Frank, and ur castigation of the WEF is accurate beyond speculation!... 🙏➕🙏...

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As I see it, we are living in an Inverse Reality. Up is Down, Wrong is Right(eous), etc.

Their constant messaging is simply to maintain a steady flow of our energy/attention to their parasitic mindset. We give them their life force by paying any attention to the - "en mass".

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Fake news. The Deep State is dead. Brics nations have already created new alignments. They can do whatever they want at the UN, the dollar and bank collapse in the next 60 days will reset everything.

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Brics countries are ruled by the same powers as the "Collective West" . Two sides of the same satanic coin. And if the reset you are talking about happens, it was planned years in advance, and ALL the "world leaders" are involved in this scripted theatre.

Do your own research, its all hidden in Plain Sight

Russia and the Collective West Are Marching Together Towards the Agenda 2030 Goals


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Sadly the other 8 point something other people of the planet are not getting this message. Wake up percent. Looking at the cover of a DK library book my son has..."The Politics Book" it has a statement "Sovereignty is not given, it's taken"

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Opps sorry meant to write 8 point something billion

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Thank you for sharing this important information. For a look at how the LGBTQ+ agenda fits into the UN schemes, see https://margox.substack.com/p/global-corporations-for-global-causes?r=1kuq0

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ANY agreement between the US and the UN-WEF-WHO and all affiliated agencies is TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. None of the people running these organizations were elected to represent the people of America and therefore have no jurisdiction in our country and any US elected person that makes agreements with them are violating our Constitution. PERIOD. End of story.

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One world government AKA tyranny is their aim. The method to achieve it is creating fake global problems requiring top down centrally imposed "solutions". Pandemics, climate change, terrorism, sustainability, borderless cyberattacks - all over hyped nonsense. They control the media and the think tanks, so...

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Yep! Make the world a better place enslaving human beings in a digital upcoming smart prison! Digital ID tied to health status meaning up to date clot shots or nothing works! The UN land grab while the peasants eat bugs to save the weather! It’s a fckn joke!

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The UN founded on eugenics and depopulation from the rockefellers! WHO as well! Screw them and remain free!

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Created jabs for depopulation!

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Thank for this report... not many know anything about it.. crazy so big yet so few have heard.

I will be sharing this.

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I presume that by GLOBAL SHOCKS they mean vaccines, because War they don’t regard as a Global Shock. It automatically kills people, so forced vaccines will further their goal.

Man proposes- God disposes.

GOD is always in control!

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Every bit of this is about control, they can take control of our vehicles if there electric, they need to know where everyone is at all times and what they are thinking. This is to keep us from gathering in large numbers in the name of truth. I think the mark of the beast is the surveillance the tracking of everyone man woman and child on earth. No one should want that, no one should need that, unless they are evil with an evil agenda. I hope people wake up and stand up before it’s to late. Satans hand is in everything inorganic philosophies included, fields of study outside what Jesus taught are also all him. Satan is keeping us at bay while he strips apart YAWH’s design so he has a better understanding of how to fight back. AI is the most likely the image of the beast. The United Nations is openly Lucifarian, look up Alice Bailey and the lucis trust, theosophy and the spiritual arm of the United Nations. It’s right in front of our faces, right out in the open.

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Psalm 27

Psalm 91

Fear only Yahweh!

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Thanks I’m new at this, turns out truth seeking leads right to Jesus. It also turns out that he told us well in advance what we are dealing with here. I’m stuck Im Proverbs right now.

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Notably, the summit is being held on a witches' sabbath.

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