"To all (the 'no-virus') girls I've loved before"...(Julio Iglesias and Willie Nelson), I have an acute oozing, blistering cold sore on my lip (Herpes Type 1 virus). Unless you've also had one, you have no natural immunity to this 'imaginary' virus. Are you willing to kiss me?...I thought so!

We won't go into Herpes type 2...

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When this LIE called Covid first came out, I had a huge check in my Spirt that this was a LIE to take Trump down, to control the masses and for a one world government. Covid is NOTHING but a LIE.........PERIOD!!! The entire PLANdemic was based on positive PCR tests and the PCR tests have been proven to be fraudulent.

Any Christian who bought this LIE, took the Clot shots better get on their knees and pray for wisdom and discernment.......BECAUSE YOU HAVE NONE!!!!

And most declared unvaccinated deaths from the LIE called COVID are actually Hospital murders, paid for by our Government. Hospitals denying treatment, denying food and water to those who reject remdesivir and ventilators, who deny repurposed drugs, following CDC protocols--they are guilty of murder. There is no excuse, there is no claiming ignorance. The Hospital Administrators and these doctors who participate in this are guilty.

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Acc/ dr h.r. clark, each creature from minerals to high animals, its own frequency of vibration, she detected with an osciloscope. Wether exosomes or virus: Virus triggered by a metal.

Add inmunsuppresors : 4/5G emf, (record deaths 5G trial St Adrià as Wuhan, check dr M Havas, & dr B Payeras found chip "covi activator" on cell towers (dr ), poissons ( benzene, etc leading to AIDS). Truth is what it works: If you treat and success, later will name.

L Montagnier (great scientist) pointed as suspicious insertions before dying under strange circumstances ( an indicator). BTW clark fellows on mute: Why?

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I wonder if germs (parasites, bacteria, viruses) plus toxins in our air, water, food, vaccines, EMF, etc are sometimes a cumulative cause of disease... in addition to smoking, obesity, poor diet, vitamin deficiencies. I watched the Odysee video for Terrain - certainly makes sense for at least some disease, but not all of it.

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The 'no-virus' theory: I would love to be convinced! I have NO axe to grind, and I have looked at both sides and am open to any interpretation that for me fits, as an MD, with what I would call a 'CLINICAL EXPLANATORY MINIMUM'. That means not just 'poo-pooing' a theory (germ theory) as false and fraudulent but actually proposing something that actually EXPLAINS WHY people got/get sick and die in the specific context of the Covid Hoax. I know, I know, 'TERRAIN theory' with its chemtrails, fluoridated water, glyphosate, food toxins etc.

Maybe the no-virus people are right, but hey, at least provide a theory of your own about what is going on, and the specific toxins that WERE killing people ACUTELY with respiratory symptoms in early 2020 in Wuhan, Milan and Iran, BEFORE the toxic jabs were promulgated.

The 'no-virus' people make some valid points. That said, ad hominem attacks (which many of the 'no-virus' people love to use), won't get us anywhere. We are all in the same army, fighting the same Hoax. We need to explore ALL models of pathophysiology.

Let's all go on logic, clinical signs and symptoms that need an explanatory minimum, putative pathophysiological mechanisms, pathology reports, and proposed aetiology (cause) and the clinical experience of many critical care doctors who have treated these patients (ie ICU docs, not just psychiatrists).

Marc Mullie MD, Montreal

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It is a logical fallacy to try to prove that something doesn't exist.

The burden of proof is on the mass murderers.

The symptoms of "covid" are identical with those of radiation illness, but people have been poisoned from many direction in the last several decades (pesticides, non-stick utensils, microplastics, "vaccines," chemtrails, mysterious disinfectants, antibiotics, all kinds of "medications," and the list goes on forever) and once a person's threshold is exceeded, illness ensues.

Allopathic "medicine" doesn't even bother to investigate causes of illnesses; instead, they invent illnesses for symptoms of common poisonings (e.g. "the cold," "the common flu," "asthma" etc.). Virology and Psychiatry take the lead, while Dermatology is a laughinstock even among "doctors."

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Prove that people died from Covid! The PCR test cannot tell if you have Covid. So how do you know they died from Covid? Because the government and media said so????

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Why are you telling me this? Read my comment again. :)

As "covid" doesn't exist, nobody has ever died of it. :) Even if it existed, there is no functional test for it.

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Sorry, I mis-read you're comments!

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I realized that; sometimes it happens to me, too.

When it comes to seeing clearly, there are only a few of us...

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Jun 8, 2022
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Dear Matt, You have just proven what is not in YOUR head! :D

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Jun 8, 2022
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Whisk: So the air pollution in Wuhan and Milan and Iran suddenly changed in early 2020? Maybe it did, but at least can the no-virus people propose a theory about what the new airborne toxin was?

And yes, as for 'other reasons', how about a pathogen like a virus acting on lungs damaged and immunocompromised by air pollution?

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Jun 8, 2022
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Lol. Great diversion. No I don't (for now). M-M still stands and its wrong interpretation by the Lorentz Transform is the main reason for many errors in physics and cosmology. But then, read Sungenis. :-)

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Today, I had a conversation with A Midwestern Doctor (you will probably have to rewind to the beginning, if you want to read all of it):


What it boils down to is that even if viruses existed (they don't; exosomes do), the current "medical" paradigm is used for enslavement and genocide, so it might be a good idea at least to suspend it.

Enslavement and genocide are a lot more important to eliminate than to sustain the (otherwise criminal) model of western "Medicine."

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Disagree. Your image in this article sums it up perfectly; which group do you believe? The Kirsch/Malone/Kory/RFK/McCullough cadre is orders of magnitude more accurate, believable, and trustworthy than any other groups in this fight (the “no vaccine” group in your image, and the health authorities not pictured).

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Jun 8, 2022Edited
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Steve gives places you can buy the live virus from and test it.

I have personally seen a virus contracted by members of my family, jumping from one to one exactly 3 days after exposure, all with the same symptoms, and only while sick testing positive on these covid tests (but negative before and after). Health authorities lie left and right, but I’m certain this is something viral. Everything we experienced followed what Dr Malone has said. Judah’s article speculates whether any viruses exist at all, when clearly they do. You can argue my family caught some other virus not covid, and argue that the PCR tests are positive for a whole plethora of viruses; but personally I saw my family test negative for flu A/B while positive for coof.

A healthy skepticism is always good, but I think denying that viruses exist at all is akin to denying that the wtc buildings came down at all when the rest of us are just trying to point out there is no way fire caused them to “collapse”…and in both virus&911 scenarios, our opponents lump us all together :(.

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I believed history had established smallpox wiped out a lot of native americans (north and south)... recent discoveries show there may have been millions living in the amazon... but they may have been wiped out again by smallpox from the spanish conquistadors... no industrialization or metal poisons - have any 'there are no viruses' scientists given reasonable explanations? I tried the georgedonny link below, yes polio from DDT makes sense, other illnesses from lead, but what about blankets given to natives 400 years ago, if not viruses on them?

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terrain theory vs germ theory leads to some very interesting discussions.

wish I had my own electron microscope to go poking around looking at things at the atomic level. saw one on eBay for $5000 once but it was pickup only and I've never had $5000 spare cash anyway.

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Check out: The Contagion Myth by Thomas S. Cowan, MD and Sally Fallon Morell.

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Yes absolutely. I think it is ESSENTIAL that everyone involved in health freedom looks into the evidence for viruses- it won't take long- cos there ain't none.

We will all be down this rabbit hole of repeat pandemics if we don't get the sorted out right now. https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/were-so-far-down-the-rabbit-hole?s=w I think some of them must be invested in viruses continuing - or aren't ready to admit their whole careers are based on a false assumption.


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This whole subject confuses me. Most docs and scientists in the world take for granted there are viruses. Smallpox existed long before modern tech so those who blame EMF and modern poisons, I don't get it. Just saw my holistic doc yesterday, a follower of Christ, changed my life 8 months ago after 15 years of digestive misery - found and cured parasites in my gut (I went on a mission trip to Uganda 16 years ago, probably got them there) - anyway, he said he believes there are viruses or at least diseases we can't isolate, we didn't have the time to discuss why. He is uncertain why the alleged C19 has some unusual symptoms, ways it spreads, etc. 5G/EMF, poisons added to our air, water, energy our bodies emit... there are a lot of things we still don't understand about our own bodies, immune systems. If viruses don't exist, I haven't heard clear explanation for smallpox, common colds, measles, etc. I've listened to those 'there are no viruses' doctors, I cannot understand them.

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History, Polio, Smallpox, Videos

A Brief, Untold History of Vaccines


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Took the video part down. Incredible.! Asswipes!

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Another Great Substack article.

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thank you JustANobody,


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Good One.

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WakeUpMirror on Odyssey has a video Virus vrs Terrain. Many others on this subject. It would explain alot.

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Thank you, I will check that out. I'm trying to understand, it isn't simple stuff.

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Actually. It is. You will see. I was the same as you a couple years ago. Total change now. I hope it helps you. It takes time, to unlearn what you' Thought' you knew. I am older and I am. Predictive Programming( TV) and Public Schools. ' They don't want us knowing the truth. No money in ' Well' People.

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Many people don’t realize (I’m learning) how your gut health affects your entire body! It’s amazing!

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Yes, my holistic doc just yesterday said gut health is ESSENTIAL - effects recent brain fog issues my friends have had from C19 or whatever was going around - I'm starting to understand a bit more, thanks!

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yes totally

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Yes I agree it's incredibly confusing. The history of smallpox is interesting though- it seems to have been caused by toxins, children were exposed to lead, arsenic, mercury and phosphorus, unclean water and many were malnourished and the vaccines themselves https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/lets-hope-the-monkey-pox-nonsense?s=w


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Actually smallpox was almost eradicated due to many factors, War Ending, Improved Sanitation, ect. When the vaccine was introduced, cases started rising again. Many in Africa were maimed and died as well. See WakeUpMirror Documentary on Odyssey. Many videos there. The particular one most interesting, was posted May 20th 2022.

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See my above comment.

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Jun 8, 2022
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That is a good red.

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I guess viruses are kinda like the monetary system, or religions, wholly dependent on group belief in 'very invisible things' to exist at all?

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Jun 7, 2022Edited
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Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid

The PCR "Covid-19 Confirmed Cases" are Meaningless. The Multibillion Dollar Antigen and Home Test Project is Fake


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Apparently, we agree.

The ulterior motive must be emphasized.

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And in Wuhan, as in all the illegal bioweapon sites, it was the lethal injections that were developed and tested. There is nothing experimental about them...

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