This whole subject confuses me. Most docs and scientists in the world take for granted there are viruses. Smallpox existed long before modern tech so those who blame EMF and modern poisons, I don't get it. Just saw my holistic doc yesterday, a follower of Christ, changed my life 8 months ago after 15 years of digestive misery - found an…
This whole subject confuses me. Most docs and scientists in the world take for granted there are viruses. Smallpox existed long before modern tech so those who blame EMF and modern poisons, I don't get it. Just saw my holistic doc yesterday, a follower of Christ, changed my life 8 months ago after 15 years of digestive misery - found and cured parasites in my gut (I went on a mission trip to Uganda 16 years ago, probably got them there) - anyway, he said he believes there are viruses or at least diseases we can't isolate, we didn't have the time to discuss why. He is uncertain why the alleged C19 has some unusual symptoms, ways it spreads, etc. 5G/EMF, poisons added to our air, water, energy our bodies emit... there are a lot of things we still don't understand about our own bodies, immune systems. If viruses don't exist, I haven't heard clear explanation for smallpox, common colds, measles, etc. I've listened to those 'there are no viruses' doctors, I cannot understand them.
Actually. It is. You will see. I was the same as you a couple years ago. Total change now. I hope it helps you. It takes time, to unlearn what you' Thought' you knew. I am older and I am. Predictive Programming( TV) and Public Schools. ' They don't want us knowing the truth. No money in ' Well' People.
Yes, my holistic doc just yesterday said gut health is ESSENTIAL - effects recent brain fog issues my friends have had from C19 or whatever was going around - I'm starting to understand a bit more, thanks!
Yes I agree it's incredibly confusing. The history of smallpox is interesting though- it seems to have been caused by toxins, children were exposed to lead, arsenic, mercury and phosphorus, unclean water and many were malnourished and the vaccines themselves
Actually smallpox was almost eradicated due to many factors, War Ending, Improved Sanitation, ect. When the vaccine was introduced, cases started rising again. Many in Africa were maimed and died as well. See WakeUpMirror Documentary on Odyssey. Many videos there. The particular one most interesting, was posted May 20th 2022.
This whole subject confuses me. Most docs and scientists in the world take for granted there are viruses. Smallpox existed long before modern tech so those who blame EMF and modern poisons, I don't get it. Just saw my holistic doc yesterday, a follower of Christ, changed my life 8 months ago after 15 years of digestive misery - found and cured parasites in my gut (I went on a mission trip to Uganda 16 years ago, probably got them there) - anyway, he said he believes there are viruses or at least diseases we can't isolate, we didn't have the time to discuss why. He is uncertain why the alleged C19 has some unusual symptoms, ways it spreads, etc. 5G/EMF, poisons added to our air, water, energy our bodies emit... there are a lot of things we still don't understand about our own bodies, immune systems. If viruses don't exist, I haven't heard clear explanation for smallpox, common colds, measles, etc. I've listened to those 'there are no viruses' doctors, I cannot understand them.
History, Polio, Smallpox, Videos
A Brief, Untold History of Vaccines
Took the video part down. Incredible.! Asswipes!
Yes indeed
Another Great Substack article.
thank you JustANobody,
Good One.
WakeUpMirror on Odyssey has a video Virus vrs Terrain. Many others on this subject. It would explain alot.
Thank you, I will check that out. I'm trying to understand, it isn't simple stuff.
Actually. It is. You will see. I was the same as you a couple years ago. Total change now. I hope it helps you. It takes time, to unlearn what you' Thought' you knew. I am older and I am. Predictive Programming( TV) and Public Schools. ' They don't want us knowing the truth. No money in ' Well' People.
Many people don’t realize (I’m learning) how your gut health affects your entire body! It’s amazing!
Yes, my holistic doc just yesterday said gut health is ESSENTIAL - effects recent brain fog issues my friends have had from C19 or whatever was going around - I'm starting to understand a bit more, thanks!
yes totally
Yes I agree it's incredibly confusing. The history of smallpox is interesting though- it seems to have been caused by toxins, children were exposed to lead, arsenic, mercury and phosphorus, unclean water and many were malnourished and the vaccines themselves
Actually smallpox was almost eradicated due to many factors, War Ending, Improved Sanitation, ect. When the vaccine was introduced, cases started rising again. Many in Africa were maimed and died as well. See WakeUpMirror Documentary on Odyssey. Many videos there. The particular one most interesting, was posted May 20th 2022.
See my above comment.
That is a good red.