Shocking Data From Germany Shows That mRNA ‘Vaccines’ Harmed Millions
Also: Discovery Insurance flags 200% spike in heart-disease death claims. Pfizer CEO: "mRNA was the technology that NEVER delivered a single product..."
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Died suddenly
These novel data from Germany are shocking. Scrolling through the report shows that the vaccine harmed millions. However, they will most likely blame it on the virus itself.
Source: Dr. Simon
Last week South African Life Insurer reported a 200% spike in heart-disease death claims:

Discovery is reporting a spike in deaths caused by heart and nervous system disorders among its client base, saying this signals a noteworthy shift after Covid-19. | @News24_Business

Blast from the Past
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla: “mRNA was the technology which we had less experience - only 2 years working on this, and actually mRNA was the technology that NEVER delivered a single product until that day, not a vaccine, not any other medicine”

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla:
“mRNA was the technology which we had less experience - only 2 years working on this, and actually mRNA was the technology that NEVER delivered, a single product until that day, not a vaccine, not any other medicine”
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“The Doctors being surprised” is absolutely disgusting - no behaviour lower than “knowingly injecting death” .. I saw the planning of this for 2 years before they introduced the public to the “virus” .. l am an activist and fully understand the risks involved .. but managed to photograph “the preparations” in hospitals .. until l was asked to leave. There are no words .. no words .. as l watch OUR children dying .. utter heartbreak .. what were the parents thinking? I would rather live off grid in a makeshift home and stack shelves than give up my body or those of my children to mass genocide and eugenics!
I’m at a mammogram appointment and they’re still using the mask theater. Stupid mask Nazi’s st OU medical center in Norman OK. Did they think we didn’t hear (under oath,) Dr Fauci admit he had no study’s that showed paper masks worked.