Unprecedented: Mortality in Finland Has Risen to All-Time Highs. Australian Deaths Are 17.5% More Than the Historical Average
Nothing to see here, must be the climate change
And so it continues… The horrifying spike in excess mortality worldwide, to be exact in all the countries with the majority of the population injected with mRNA bioweapon.
The timing of the spike perfectly coincides with the rollout of the experimental “vaccines”.
According to the government data in January-May 2022, Finland has had approximately 12% more deaths compared to same time period in 2021.
Finnish Ilta Sanomat reports:
According to Statistics Finland, mortality has risen sharply in the first half of the year. If the same trend continues, girls' life expectancy will fall for two consecutive years. This has not happened before.
ACCORDING TO STATISTICS FINLAND, more people died in Finland at the beginning of the year than in years.
According to preliminary population statistics published on Tuesday, 26,560 people died in Finland in January – May, which is almost 3,250 more than in the corresponding period of the previous year.
Statistics Finland has not recorded the same increase in the number of deaths during the current series of measurement periods, which dates back to 1990.
In total, almost 61,000 people have died in Finland in the last 12 months.
Statistics Finland's chief actuary Markus Rapo estimates that the number of deaths in 2022 will also reduce the life expectancy of newborns.
The life expectancy of girls decreased already in 2021
According to Statistics Finland, the life expectancy of boys in 2021 was 79.2 years and that of girls 84.5 years. According to the unofficial life expectancy for the last 12 months, the life expectancy for boys would be 78.8 years and for girls 84 years.
The life expectancy of girls has already decreased in 2021 from the previous year, so if it also falls in 2022, it would have fallen for two years in a row. According to Statistics Finland, this has never happened before, when annual life expectancy began to fall in 1970.
Life expectancy in 2022 will ultimately be determined by how mortality develops during the latter part of the year.
Mortality increased in the elderly population
According to Statistics Finland, the number of deaths is explained by the fact that the Finnish population is aging. Mortality has risen most strongly in the oldest sections of the population, and has risen to its highest level since 2013 in the 70-74 age group.
Australian deaths are 17.5% more than the historical average so far in 2022

The “experts” are baffled, what could possibly cause this mysterious spike?
Must be the climate change…
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Jabs and Boosters keep muzzling that immune system . Wake up world, don’t comply. Our immune systems are wonderfully made from God. What a shame the world put their trust in Man and Initials(NIH, CDC et Al).
The Finns, so brave in standing up to the Soviet invasion in 1940. Such a nice, inoffensive people. Such excellent skiers and Winter Olympic athletes. And now, they fall for the same BS as the rest of the world. Take an experimental mRNA spike protein bio-weapon jab to protect against....the flu? The common cold? So foolish. And now the die-off begins. It didn't have to be this way, but the bell can't be unrung.