Exactly. Now that I'm no longer blinded by the god of this world I can truly agree with Christian Widener's assment that possibly the white horse already looses in 2020 with the conquering. Then the red horse sent out on the next track round. As they come around soon the black horse will be released to run with then.

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And the dragon overseeing all this.

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Agree Justin The evil 😈 endtimes derby overseer ...but he need not think he has checkmate on the Almighty. As ....see link. https://youtu.be/px0Jiw961DY?si=9AE2TE6TRKWl-ZZA

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It's said that politicians never lead the parade.... But maybe there are a few who still need to hear this.

Considering that in late 2020, he was quiet about this after being on the receiving end of begging and pleading by Dr. Pierre Kory in a senate subcommittee hearing to allow ivermectin to be given to people to treat covid (before the vaccine was released). This after the FDA's presentation that showed very specific adverse events resulting from the vaccination. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XTiL9rUpkg&t=9219s (you'll have to slow it waaaay down to see it. and note the date - Oct 2020. BEFORE the vaccines rolled out.

It was all there... and he remained silent then.

I wonder if he still even remembers that. He could have helped unravel this faux crisis.

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He is not interested in unraveling anything. If he was, he would....BUT, he has to make a "show" of playing the game like he is trying to!! All of them know. They all know. They have all KNOWN just like you pointed out. He knew this before the "vaccine" even rolled out!!

Good job bringing this to the light!!

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It was always a sham. people are too easily frightened, it is all about me and the rest of that junk.

It started with AIDS, and it ends with Immune Dysfunction (VAIDS).

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beware the pandemic treaty is far from being dead in the water in fact its coming back a lot sooner than we think check out the james roguski substack for the details

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Wonder how he (johnson) became so wealthy being a public serpent? Did he invest in gileads remdesivir in 2020 like rand & his wife? Why does he cintinue these sham hearings, wasting tax dollars when he knows nothing will be done. Recall our corrupt politicians, sieze their assets and distribute to the American people.

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"[The Coronavirus "pandemic"] was used to frighten and control the public on a global scale."

And Lockdown Ron (Johnson) - who officially declared a 'pandemic' a week before the WHO - was one of the main offenders. See this post:


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