RemovedMay 18·edited May 18
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RemovedMay 18·edited May 19
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I fully agree with you. These are the leading lights in our time. They used to call them heroes but that's macho last century bs. They stick their necks out to warn the public. They are doing an immense service to humanity. Let's send them well wishes so they may be surrounded by light that will ricochet any darkness that tries to stop them.

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The only thing "the people" listen to or most people, is the commercial media. And the commercial media is not going to publish the whistelblowers testaments. In fact they'll go even further and recommend people get their jabs and jab their children. That's what we're dealing with - pure evil. And we can win as it actually is not as powerful as the well-intentioned.

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Since 2008 and the ushering in of a colored president with 189 days senate experience mostly spent campaigning for the presidency. It reads of MANCHURIAN candidate. Our downfall began in 1971 when traitors Nixon and kissenger took the dollar off of the gold standard. Clinton and Bush 2 brought US TREASONOUS Free Trase which has hollowed out The US Industrial Base. Today a leading international Mafia is clearly in charge as it sure isn't traitor joe running the show.

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The media helped all bad actors who funded the media who funded the Depopulation efforts globally. They are complicit in TREASON and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. .

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A few US states have recognized the injections as biological weapons. It might seem little compared to the harm done but it's a step in the right direction.

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Damage is done though. I live in Florida and the poison was pushed hard here as well! I’m a dude with a cell phone and knew it was poison, but governors didn’t! I was warning people starting in March 2020 while they were pushing to take it.

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The genetic jab is a Bioweapon to maim and kill… depopulation at its ugly finest.

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If not by injection, then in Foods, Dairy,Meats, Water, and Animal feeds. Culling, the Human Race.

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& shedding, whatever it may be

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And billions of people lined up eagerly to get this crap injected into them because they " trusted the science " and that their governments, doctors, and health officials " would never lie ". These sheeple refuse to believe that the ENTIRE Covid event was completely contrived and manufactured to order.

There are no vaccines for any respiratory pathogen, nor any " antiviral " treatments. It's all bs.

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100% correct, you can't immunize someone for any respiratory pathogen with a "vaccine" because the vaccine-induced antibodies are not produced where the infection is and can't neutralize the pathogen in the lungs, Fraudci even admitted this in a paper in early 2023. Flu vaccines in particular are entirely useless and more and more dangerous.

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May 19·edited May 19

It’s the flat screen tell lie vision. Repeat the same lines over and over again. Vaccines save lives, safe and effective and the sheep will literally suffocate themselves with face nappies,, jam sticks into their blood brain barrier and off themselves with syringes!

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Hundreds of thousands if not millions of humans globally committed CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY collectively. Babylon has again fallen. History is repeating itself because most humans are cursed to become greedy and self serving whenever afforded power.

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I suspect Nano Technologies are being shed, the Clots are results of the Nanos using Blood energies to create more Bots.

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Exactly why I take Nattozimes.

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This is one more reason to seize and analyze these vials.

People like Astrid were ridiculed for saying this but she was speaking on evidence. These poison death shots don't all contain the same substances. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

There is no need to attack people who find something different in the vials they tested. Is it really so difficult to imagine that these killers didn't have many formulations for the different things they want these shots to do to others? They are psychopaths.

If someone says they found something and they back it up--listen. Look at their evidence. Do you really think there is only one thing being accomplished here? Then I think you do not understand what is happening!!!

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We need to question vaccines altogether. They need to show proof of everything they claim and same with the other side. This needs to be done publicly. Doing things publicly is what ensures our safety against these looney toones.

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Not one vaccine throughout history has ever helped or saved one human. Biggest scam ever. They give you diseases through a syringe filled with toxins to sell you a fake cure that doesn’t work and eventually kills you.

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Yet another pfizer whistleblower. Let's hope this one survives.

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May it all come out - and soon.

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The last thing Pfizer cares about is your health. It's all about revenues and profits. Pfizer made over $100 billion from COVID " vaccines ". What a windfall. They didn't develop the vax, either. They license it from BioNTech, a German company founded by two Turkish billionaires. Well, they are billionaires after Covid. It was a very fortunate virus to come along when it did. Sarc. If anyone believes there was anything organic about this fake pandemic, they probably also believe in the tooth fairy and that men went to the moon.

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Gotta love folks wanting to question vax vial contents, as if Any vaxxine has Any human health benefits. All vaxes are toxic.

And always talkin about Nuremberg trials 2.0.

Only 1 or 2 ghouls were actually detained due to those show trials.

Now days the Drs. And ghouls just say Oops, Sorry. But alas, its just too late.

Be sure you’re kids are current on their vaxxines tho.

Funny story , I just had to have a few stitches in a hospital ER.

The 3 nurses who were working with me all had the same first question as we might expect “Are you current on your tetanus vaccine?”

After 1 of them asked me this for the 3rd time, I said I don’t want Any kind of vaxxine At all.

They basically scattered after that.

Heck, If a dog ripped my hand off, I would not take a vaxxine. I’m 68.

My wife even said “those tetanus shots have been around a long time, maybe you should have one. Tell me if you’re jaw feels tight! OMG! We have been sooo indoctrinated by the medical bull sh itters. I love her tho. Its hard to break through a lifetime of the lies.

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My understanding is that GO not in the ingredients but it is in the contents.

Think about it. Simple.

Final product contents are what matters to the patient ( and the murderers ).

Apparently a filtering screen with GO ( you know how they use carbon filters to filter ? Well this one was GO ( Chemist please weigh in, isn't GO a form of Carbon ?) looks damn similar ( gray powdery ) was used and wala, it is now in the final product ( but not an ingredient ). So clever. These Psychopaths think of everything.

Where can we find this proof that is already written about numerous times, perhaps even in this stack or brought to this stack. Well that would be in the Pfizer/BioIntech/Chinese Subcontractor manufacturer's " Methods " section. Which is very public published information. With every Experiment there is a Methods Section that describes in great and perfect detail, the methods and "equipment" involved.

Hope this helps.

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The question still remains: how much exactly of graphene-oxide per vile?

There could have been traces of poison in each vile and technically it could have been okay…

So, what’s the amount per vile???

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You changed vial to vile. Very apt. . . This world is evil beyond comprehension.

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Unless the amounts are known your claim is worthless…

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Out of BILLIONS? Nuremberg 2.0 is overdue.

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