My understanding is that GO not in the ingredients but it is in the contents.
Think about it. Simple.
Final product contents are what matters to the patient ( and the murderers ).
Apparently a filtering screen with GO ( you know how they use carbon filters to filter ? Well this one was GO ( Chemist please weigh in, isn't GO a form of Carbon…
My understanding is that GO not in the ingredients but it is in the contents.
Think about it. Simple.
Final product contents are what matters to the patient ( and the murderers ).
Apparently a filtering screen with GO ( you know how they use carbon filters to filter ? Well this one was GO ( Chemist please weigh in, isn't GO a form of Carbon ?) looks damn similar ( gray powdery ) was used and wala, it is now in the final product ( but not an ingredient ). So clever. These Psychopaths think of everything.
Where can we find this proof that is already written about numerous times, perhaps even in this stack or brought to this stack. Well that would be in the Pfizer/BioIntech/Chinese Subcontractor manufacturer's " Methods " section. Which is very public published information. With every Experiment there is a Methods Section that describes in great and perfect detail, the methods and "equipment" involved.
My understanding is that GO not in the ingredients but it is in the contents.
Think about it. Simple.
Final product contents are what matters to the patient ( and the murderers ).
Apparently a filtering screen with GO ( you know how they use carbon filters to filter ? Well this one was GO ( Chemist please weigh in, isn't GO a form of Carbon ?) looks damn similar ( gray powdery ) was used and wala, it is now in the final product ( but not an ingredient ). So clever. These Psychopaths think of everything.
Where can we find this proof that is already written about numerous times, perhaps even in this stack or brought to this stack. Well that would be in the Pfizer/BioIntech/Chinese Subcontractor manufacturer's " Methods " section. Which is very public published information. With every Experiment there is a Methods Section that describes in great and perfect detail, the methods and "equipment" involved.
Hope this helps.