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Jun 20
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Dont forget his lover, guru, harari

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The anti-semitic shtick just invalidated a good argument.

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He can stuff his ‘cancer and many other things’ where it’s dark for, um, safe keeping! 🤬

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Thanks to all the misinformation spreaders, I am super healthy at the cellular level. Healthy Cell supplements, magnesium, iodine, berberine. Pfuck you and your “medicine” horse doc. I won’t be needing any of your poison- ever. Hard Pfucking pass.

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burla is a burlesque vermin

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“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his job depends on his not understanding it.” --Upton Sinclair

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This man is fucking evil, these people need to be taken down.

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Pray for blessings upon them. We can't defeat them, only God can and He will "heap buring coals upon them"

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Got my vote.

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Indeed, our Western civilization is under severe attack. Our fight is far from over. Our own institutions are weaponized against us. How unbelievable?

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All means to date have failed.

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'No holds barred!'

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In total agreement.

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A good swift kick in the ass to Bourla would be a good start aka Rehearsal!

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Albert Bourla, while he's in his maximum security prison cell, after a fair trial of course, can rehearse his walk up to the gallows.

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Dear bourla the murderer...I am testing my gallows and need a nefarious test subject. Thank you for volunteering. Now I know our best days are ahead of us once you give her a try.

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Yep. Covid was the beta-test to check our avenues of resistance, (to make sure they're plugged up for the next round) and to study the "effectiveness" of their hard kill mechanisms for adjustments before they roll out their "final solution" to the existence of ANY free humans.

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That may well be their intention, but this time a lot of people will say, "No, the whole covid thing was dumb and pointless. I'm not doing it again."

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It's what they want. But hey, people in hell want ice water. It doesn't mean they're going to get it;-)

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Currently, in Australia, the Federal Government is working to pass a bill called the ‘MAD’ bill - Misinformation and Disinformation. The Government wants to quell our resistance by heavily fining social media companies if they allow any speech which causes ‘harm.’ The Government certainly won’t tolerate any questioning of mRNA injections, because three mRNA facilities are being built in three different states - Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria - big, big money ahead if they can convince us we need more vaccines. See Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) bill 2024. Under proposed section 2, ‘harm’ is defined as including any of the following: (a)….(b) disruption of public order or society in Australia; (c)…..(d) harm to the health of Australians; (e)….(f)….

The definitions of harm are extremely broad, as in (d) harm to the health of Australians. Who decides what harm is here? Government is exempt from censorship, (of course!) and itself causes harm to the health of Australians by continuing to promote dangerous gene therapies aka vaccines. They could see anyone communicating on social media that they were injured by CoVid vaccines as causing harm to Australians. Or if anyone dare tell others to avoid these dangerous shots, they will be viewed very seriously. Perhaps the most likely result for the general population is that our posts would be taken down so no one sees them, but the social media companies are expected to censor them or be fined big sums. Communism, anyone?

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They pass many "laws." Enforcement mechanisms are another matter. Plus, some laws are so obvious as a rights violation that they are repealed soon after the first few attempts to enforce them are made. Praying for Australia, and the whole world at this point;-)

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Sounds as 'Wishful Thinking' as the W.H.O., WEF, Chatham House, The Council For Foreign Affairs, Central Bankers and the Democrat Party of the U.S. and all the other


perpetrating this current


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You know Gates exercised the next big for 2025, knowing this sure the best days for big pharma are ahead, covid was like a test run compared to the next big, covid the renamed flu only set in mechanics and laws in place for the next big this time real one...

Here a pdf on the exercised "spars 2025-2028"


edit, sorry this was not the link to the pdf Gates exercised, only a paper


that is the pdf

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They cannot make a 'real' one with RNA replication. They can try and fake it again, of course, but let's see how that works out this time.

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He is paid well to say that. Hoping 10,000 lawsuits or more drill holes in his Pfizer ship and bleed this company to oblivion we pray 🙏 amen

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Jun 24Edited

lawsuits should of buried them already-how arrogant and cocky this prick is and what he utters out of his evil cavern in the middle of it's face is enough to know the gvmts, courts are controlled-this pricks are of the lowest frequency and are cowards and slither and deceive-if we had a real justice system-they would not be so bold-when light is shine they scurry and hide like the cockroaches they are. For him to speak like he does signals that everything is compromised. It will be up to the people.

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Karen Kingston seems to have found some reason to think pfizer is not out of the woods insulated from the law.

Whether or not true we shall see.,

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Try to watch both when I get home! Thank you

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Boy that sounds deathly optimistic!! I hope it’s not that gruesome…the dark side of me says yes that could be true…the other half says keep going …and don’t take any shots.

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Jun 25Edited

Here is another one - "Dr. Boyle refers to the Kansas lawsuit against Pfizer as “promising,” but the issue is that it is a civil lawsuit, not a criminal one." https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/top-law-professor-covid-was-a-nuremberg

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Thanks somehow missed this

Thanks Tan

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With others still lining up for their multiple boosters, it is a challenge to stop the genocide.

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Not many others - we're onto 'em.

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The best days of Pfeizer will be when he and his management can demonstrate their ideal, "own nothing and be happy ", while in prison for life. And Pfeizer paying into a multi-trillion$ trust for damages and corruption

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He needs to be pumped full of his products

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