He is jumping ship to save himself...... Mistakes were NOT made..... he STILL says it was not wrong to promote the vaccine...that was/is neither SAFE OR EFECTIVE..... all of these players need to be held responsible.... remember, that his policies killed, maimed and had people die alone...... unforgivable..... Don't Let Them Get Away With It. Dr. Yeadon Reading Of 'Mistakes Were Not Made An Anthem For Justice' Poem Is EPIC! We MUST STOP THE COVID VACCINE CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY! https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/dont-let-them-get-away-with-it-dr
He is jumping ship to save himself...... Mistakes were NOT made..... he STILL says it was not wrong to promote the vaccine...that was/is neither SAFE OR EFECTIVE..... all of these players need to be held responsible.... remember, that his policies killed, maimed and had people die alone...... unforgivable..... Don't Let Them Get Away With It. Dr. Yeadon Reading Of 'Mistakes Were Not Made An Anthem For Justice' Poem Is EPIC! We MUST STOP THE COVID VACCINE CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY! https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/dont-let-them-get-away-with-it-dr
He's going to have to evolve from pushing "vaccine" mandates to pushing a broom on a prison floor.