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Jan 15, 2022
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Thanks, I will check it out tomorrow

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This is beyond a horror movie!! In Plain sight, if people only cared enough to look. Why are people not invested in taking the time to read this? What part of ' Experimental' Do They Not Understand? Everything is out there. Our Gov't must know this and yet it's mandated for Healthcare workers and possibly our children? Can the Supreme Court read?? Do They really not know they are not FDA approved? Thank you for sharing!! I will be sending to my state legislature as they will be in session next month. Every day this goes on is a day too many! God Help us and Bless Us All!!

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Of course they KNOW. I wonder why so called opposition politicians never mention these documents. All you need is to read it out loud.. It's a rhetorical question..

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Jan 15, 2022Edited
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Yes. The further they go away from being "living men and living women" the more insane they become and the more they need to siphon off our energy in order to exist in our realm.

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Good record keeping Lioness.

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I agree - but this is so much bigger than the medical aspect. Not only are health officials in all western countries (and most ALL countries) marching in lock-step with this 'vaccine' push and mandates, but our media are all on board, our government leaders are all on board (how QUIET they all are!!!) -- and not only are our corporate media PROMOTING the jabs, but they ALL are censoring - FLAGRANTLY CENSORING - internationally-reputable scientists who express valid concerns! No, this is not just a matter of a whacky Fauci, this is a much broader issue - there is a GLOBAL control plan unfolding under the approval of the City of London (which - somewhat secretly -owns most countries). Anyone THINKING that exposing the TRUTH about the jab are missing the BIG picture.....just as minorities missed the big picture in Europe in the 1930s. We all used to wonder how all those folk could have been so complacent and allowed themselves to be rounded up - well, we are repeating that history at this moment based on the totally IRRATIONAL behavior of ALL GOVERNMENTS, MEDIA, and MEDICINE. There is no way this is NOT all connected.....right? .....right?

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The Hidden History of the Revived Roman Empire


The Olympics Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation:


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I know and agree. That's what I meant by in your face. All in lockstep. Sickening.

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Right!!! It’s all connected for sure! Rome has always wanted to rule the world…and did for well over 600 years under the Popes of the Vatican and the Jesuits! They’ve been working towards this since the Reformation… instigating the Counter Reformation! Their time has come! The Bible speaks of this in many places…but especially the book of the Revelation!

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Here's a look at an explanation of what we're facing, from the great Kunstler. He predicts it will be over soon, with considerable drama. We should take some consolation they're not shooting us, yet, like their russian fellow travelers. It will probably come to that, soon.


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Excellent! Thank you.

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They say it in their own words, No benefit but has side effects including death and people get banned or deplatformed for relaying this information. Pure evil!

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Evil wasn't invented by Pfizer, or their dem enablers. It's been with us everywhere, always. Constant vigilance is the only protection.

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You are right it's been around for since the beginning of time and there is no telling how many are involved in this Plandemic. They tried years ago to get Sars to take off but no was scared enough, that's when they cooked up this: https://pandemictimeline.com/2015/03/peter-daszak-addresses-workshop/

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Why didn't people look you ask? Here's why:

I have a 2,200 page, 10k footnote paper on the masking and Covid shot issue (yes, really; not hyperbole). I mentioned to my rich, normalcy bias brother about the paper and my concerns with the shot earlier on. If this were me, and I knew someone with two graduate degrees, which I have (Univ. of Illinois and Univ of British Columbia) my response would be, "OK, gee. What did you learn?" I'd at least be open.

His response? "Quit emailing me." So I did. Last report, his wife had been sick with her second time with Covid for a month.

Another guy in church, same thing: "I didn't get the shot, and have done a 2,200 pp paper.... etc." His response? Yelled at me and stomped off.

A third person, when I told her about the shot, told me "Well I got it 4 months ago, and I'm fine." Of course, that is what heroin and coke users say, too. I mentioned about the aborted fetal cell lines used (2) or tested with (2), including HEK293, some of which was from Holland, some I believe from Univ of Pittsburgh Medical Center, where I have worked. Her response? Just looked at me blankly and walked off.

A fourth person I mentioned about the same aborted fetal material, and who is supposedly pro-life, said "I know, but I got it cause I want to go to Cancun next month."

Finally, another woman, whose daughter is a fear ridden newly minted PhD in psychology, meanly told her mother, my friend, that she couldn't see her new baby unless she got the shot. Recall, that per Dr. Makary at Johns Hopkins, out of 48 freaking THOUSAND kids under 21, unless they had extreme co-morbidities, there were ZERO Covid deaths, or Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD, Stanford Medical School, said under 21 kids have 2 - 3 times greater chance of dying from freaking regular flu than Covid (verify at Imprimus, Oct 2020), and Swedish data by Ludvigsson reported on the 1,951,905 children in Sweden (as of December 31, 2020) who were 1 to 16 years of age who attended school with largely no lockdowns or masks. They found zero (0) deaths. “Despite Sweden’s having kept schools and preschools open, we found a low incidence of severe Covid-19 among schoolchildren and children of preschool age during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.” Anyhow, so the grandmum got the shot. No doubt the daughter will shorten her life, all due to her frantic fears not to mention her nastiness to her mother.

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Those who refuse to see by now are complicit. They must take a side. Good versus Evil is playing out in front of them. Although they are less complicit then the drivers of this. So many ignored the obvious around death camps during WWII. They too were complicit.

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All I can come up with for an answer is a fear based mass hypnosis. This is life and death not just some political spat.

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Arguing about terminology isn't useful. In this case it is not a gene therapy, but it does have well documented adverse effects. Whether we choose to call it "gene therapy" or not doesn't change the adversity of the effects, or the continuing mandates that we accept them. But the most important problem is it doesn't work. No benegit, serious risk, no one needs it. A few need some protection, they can be saved with hydroxy if caught early, ivermectin later. Every death is malpractice. Focus on the problems, not the semantics.

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Jan 15, 2022Edited
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Lots of evidence its safe and effective. Certainly safer than dying from neglect due to gross malpractice. Those peddling the lies that ivermectin and hydroxy are risky are either on Pfizer payroll or terminally ignorant. I suppose a few are just psychotic.

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Jan 15, 2022Edited
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Thanks for confirming my last point.

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Jan 15, 2022Edited
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How does that help? (HINT: it doesn't.)

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Jan 15, 2022Edited
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Those who rely on conclusions stated by biased researchers are easily misled. HCQ has been used successfully for decades. Likecany other compound, it can be misused. And HCQ has been shown to be deleterious when misused in several biased studies since establishment bureaucratscdeclared it to be prohibited because it undercuts vax sales. Everyone who opposes HCQ is working for Pfizer.

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I wouldn't diss Psychosis, it's just a 'my understanding of the world doesn't match what I'm told' condition. It's a place where truth demands to be let out.

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Get some help.

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You can misled and cripple/kill the participants of the experiment, but woe you when the prospective stock buyers feel betrayed.

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Thank you for this post! Pity Substack is not putting the YEAR on the post.. One can just deduce it must have been Jan 2022?

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Yes, Jan 14 2022

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Thank you!

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"Keeping people in an endless loop of vaccinations isn't the point. Controlling people through medicine is. It won’t be long before vaccine passports are networked with digital identity, digital finances, work records & social credit score so disobedience in any sphere of life can be remedied (punished) in a number of different ways. In the end, what they’re after is total control-over your mind, body & finances. Schwab & his technocratic allies want to turn mankind into cyborg serfs with limited or no capacity to free will & no rights to ownership"

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"Keeping people in an endless loop of vaccinations isn't the point. Controlling people through medicine is. It won’t be long before vaccine passports are networked with digital identity, digital finances, work records & social credit score so disobedience in any sphere of life can be remedied (punished) in a number of different ways. In the end, what they’re after is total control-over your mind, body & finances. Schwab & his technocratic allies want to turn mankind into cyborg serfs with limited or no capacity to free will & no rights to ownership"

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A Judge stated 'Experimental vaccine side effects are publicised & deceased voluntarily took the jab. Suicide's excluded from all life insurance policies in general' Insurance companies world wide cite this case as legal fact. So if you're challenged on whether these jabs are experimental or not & neither pharma companies nor govt nor anyone else but YOU is responsible for accepting them & you die, legally you've committed suicide. No insurance, payouts or refunds" If you're unvaccinated & hospitalized, insurance may not pay either. University of Michigan states: 'Many insurers claim it's justified to charge patients for COVI9 hospitalizations now that COVID vaccines are widely available.  However some people hospitalized for COVID aren’t eligible for vaccines, such as young children, while others are vaccinated patients who experienced a severe breakthrough infection. Our study suggests these patients could incur substantial bills'  So if you're 1) Unvaccinated & hospitalize or 2) vaccinated pre-death, then life Insurance doesn't pay"  This surely proves that all of these vaccines are, indeed, experimental and we are the guinea pigs

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Is the SEC filing sourced pre FDA approval of BioNTechs vaccine?

Is this not just a forward thinking annual report as mentioned on pg. 4 of the document?

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mRNA has become fashionable to talk about again, so I posted my two pennies about it on June13th:


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I can not find a Dec 31 document listed any longer. Does anyone have a link that gets me there? Looks like it was may e pulled? 🙏

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Thank you!

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BionTech address is "On the Goldmine" No. 12!

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I still don't understand the blind trust the population still seems to have for these criminals telling them what to do. The criminals in all governments don't even seem to care that we see what they are or what they do. Or do they really think they are so much smarter than the entire population and that we are to stupid to understand what they are doing? Please let me wake one and start hearing of arrests of government criminals,

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And the MSM has know about this since the SEC filing and refuse to report it.....

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And how did we get here? Dr. Richard J Eggleston, MD, wrote “The initial grave mistake of Professor Christian Drosten, the chief virologist in Berlin, Germany, occurred when he had a sudden change of mind from the disease being only as lethal as the seasonal flu to extremely lethal. He was the only expert the German government consulted, thereby violating an important legal and scientific principle that the other side must also be given the opportunity to present information. This allowed the lockdown and suspension of constitutional rights in Germany for an extended period of time. When Dr. Neil Ferguson of England provided support that COVID-19 was very lethal, the same process happened in the U.S. Both of them in 2009 greatly overstated the Swine flu (H1N1) severity, when it was no worse then the seasonal flu. There were no lockdowns, masking or social distancing then. When dictatorial governors shut down their states, it took the Supreme Courts of Michigan and Wisconsin, and a federal judge in Pennsylvania ruling that governors are not emperors, but only have emergency powers for a few days before consulting the legislatures. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against Gov. Andrew Cuomo, stating the U.S. Constitution is not repealed in a crisis. In October, the CDC agreed with highly qualified epidemiologists from Stanford University, Harvard University and Oxford that mortality for COVID-19 is 0.14 percent. This means about one person in a thousand infected people dies.” Eggleston can be contacted at rjegglestonmd@gmail.com if you need to verify.

So… paired with the gene therapy push to change our genetic makeup, here is self-appointed https://www.technocracy.news/gotcha-bidens-vaccine-mandate-never-materialized-beyond-a-press-release/Might this recall that “Best and the Brightest” cadre that got us into Vietnam? Looks like we have a new replacement crew for them! And it is gene therapy, not a vaccine. See the BioNTech filing, which this site exposes, here, and which you, yourself, can download here, where on p. 28, it explicitly says “Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA.” Oh yeah. Same page adds “As with most biological products, use of our product candidates could be associated with side effects or adverse events which can vary in severity from minor reactions to death and in frequency from infrequent to prevalent… Results of our trials could reveal a high and unacceptable severity and prevalence of side effects”... and there might be “Undesirable side effects or unacceptable toxicities caused by our product candidates… Results of our trials could reveal a high and unacceptable severity and prevalence of side effects..”

***** Did you have informed consent, a la the Nuremberg Code, for this?*** No? They HUNG Nazi doctors precisely for this very reason: experiments without informed consent

PS: Most pharmacy inserts were blank for the shot.

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