Actually they don't really need to release anything, they just need to announce it, and do the media campaign for many people to believe that there is a virus. And many will believe. Everything they are doing is based on deception, the only "virus" which is real is the biopeapon vax . We'll see which way they will play it.
By employing Malone as a soft “whistleblower”, the Kabal are using him to set an artificial limit as to what is an acceptable level of dissent or opposition to their obvious mainstream lies and
deception. When they censor him, then all of the truthers go running into his arms for comfort. They do this because they conclude that if he’s being censored, he must be telling the truth. That’s how the bait-and-switch works.
The little voice that I always say in hindsight that I'm going to listen to, has given me that feeling about Dr. Malone. After I saw him and Alex Berenson go at each other, I really began seriously questioning the motives of both.
Not sure I trust anybody anymore, but berenson is a lefty, programmed to hate what he has to report, and can't wait until we get a good communist in power. Because he can't imagine being conservative. Doc Malone I'm not so sure bout either. But if I had to pick one, I'd go with Malone.
Dr. Malone has done more to expose the truth, both politically and health wise, than this site will ever do. While I admire what you're doing here, trying to discredit this great man is wrong.
So, is comfort all we are looking for. Or is his open arms just another and another and another distraction. Or do you get anti vaxxers with closed eyes and some with open eyes. This substack can also then act as another distraction...since all we get is answers and speculations on answers, mot just feom this substack but from 100's like this one to no end, mo solutions and rhey all say stand up, but how the heck do we stand up against our govs, tell me for &&^&%%&# sake! These answers and descriptions around them are all going in circles, even if it is true that malone is a puppet, and others as well, what the heck do you want us to do about it? I spend hours per day reading these substacks, followedrainer fuellmich as a joan of arc figure, but nothing came of it. The globalists are just carry ons as if nothing is in their way...and it seems we are getting less and less time. Give us something to hold on to, some structure to all of this. The fear is also eroding on our own immune systems.. we don't even need the vax to do that..
Face the fear, walk through it, come out the other side having decided you will rise up and get involved in waking up all of the people who don't get access to any of this truth and discussions with other awakened human beings. look up worthwhile activism you can support to start breaking down the millions of minds stolen by the enemy - ie. like #Exit the WHO with - just one real serious area we need as many ppl with the time and online access - to petition against the International Health Regulations ammendments currently on the table that all countries need to be petitioned/awakened to the fact - THIS IS IT - if we don't stop what they (WHO) have written up in those regulations...the world is lost for good. They are using the internatiional health regs to mount a coup to take over world control. Help stop it.
Such strong words. The answer unfortunately will require that we get comfortable with killing and dying. Y'all can try to vote your asses out of this all you want. They, the dark people, and I don't mean hue, but evil, are going to cheat in 24 too. They've perfected it, been doing it in NYS for decades. So plan on it, expect it, and be prepared for nastiness the likes of which most have never seen.
to shine on brighter than ever before and light up as many scared and fearful souls I can - that its better to be grateful for the life we were given, and to stand up to whatever comes our way, and keep busy helping others with what they are struggling with. We have to represent "what" we hold dear and defend it, from a place of positive energy and conviction. Everyone can help lift their own and others - positive high wave frequency. Together we form an impenetrable army of it. We are beings of light, energy. We are electrical beings. You paint the doom and gloom reality all about us ...
I say aim higher, plug in to your own power and radiate the outcome you want.
Soligenix also developed a ricin vaccine, Rivax, that is being fast-tracked by the FDA since feb 2020. It makes receivers of the jab immune to ricin poisoning. Ricin is a byproduct of castor oil production so might be available in large volume. Symptoms are similar to viral disease. They could do ugly things with that.
Check out recent news on Monkeypox, 1-10% death rate. Edit: Marmots (rodent host for plague & MPVX) Marmosets study below..
"Nonhuman primates (NHP) infected with monkeypox virus (MPXV) were also assessed as smallpox model. MPXV, which is not genetically the closest known virus to VARV (18), is responsible for a rare zoonotic disease similar to human smallpox but with milder symptoms and lower lethality (case fatality is between 1% and 10%) (19). It is mostly transmitted to people from different wild animals such as rodents and primates.
Marmosets challenged intravenously with high doses of MPXV developed a disease fairly similar to human hemorrhagic smallpox after 3 days of incubation."
Yes, and we are very close to the "disclosure" the great alien delusion which will deceive the entire unbelieving world. " For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." - Matthew 24:24
There has been an uptick in alien articles recently. I have not read “Alien antichrist” but can you please go into a little more detail about disclosure and the great alien delusion for those of us learning, or a source to read? I can sense where this might be going. Thanks!
Perhaps the "next one" could be a global campaign hunting rats and snakes? After decades of wombat hunting in the Middle East as we played whack a mole against the threat de jour, this is something people could really get behind. Because the villains in this tragedy will have killed millions more than all the 'terrorists' in recent centuries.
As the true death toll of these forced medical interventions become undeniable I believe the appetite for such a cleansing will be unstoppable. Bancel et al, won't be hiding in caves. How about we invert the scenario and turn technology against them? In a world filled with cameras they will be unable to hide. Then trials. Then dangling by their necks for genocide exponentially worse than Hitler was accused of. We owe it to the dead to see real justice served. We owe it to the living to make sure it can never happen again.
Regardless, certain things have to cease, right away. BWC violations under the guise of GoF must be stopped. That is, ALL GoF. The decades-long corruption by Fauci of journals, labs, universities, science in general, etc needs to be undone. The absurd number of childhood Shots needs to be reduced as close to zero as possible, with only those remaining having undergone full clinical trials proving they actually work and that they don't cause the litany of SAEs of the current generation. Such is not the case for any extant Shots, and none should be grandfathered. Legal immunity for Big Pharma needs to be stripped away for good. If they can't make something that is proven safe then we can do without it - that is far safer than our current approach of treating children like pin cushions for 18 years and causing the worst levels of chronic disease in history. True, environmental toxins and dietary ones are hugely important too and need to be addressed. Eliminating the ability for Big Pharma - or other interest groups - to legally bribe regulators and legislators - and the MSM - i.e. to lobby or buy influence.
And we need to demolish the wall of lies that have delivered us to this point of vulnerability. The lies about vaccines. The lies about pandemics. Polio. HIV. Spanish Flu. Each lie, accepted, has paved the road to this point. They have convinced people to give up their freedoms without a fight because they have built a narrative that was unquestioned despite being faked. We need to build a better narrative around truth.
Rather than fixate on and invest in the questionable threat from pangolin-bat-mouse parties in the jungle, let us dedicate our national efforts to cleaning up our water, air, and land. To re-vegetating, to regenerative farming, transforming education, wellbeing, and returning to a level of balance with our planet.
The villains don't want any of that. And they have expended fortunes keeping the status quo while amassing larger fortunes. They will suck this planet dry then rocket away as we die of thirst on a barren wasteland.
The 'Next One' will be a war of survival: Civilisation Vs Psychopaths. Pangolins not required.
Wow. I'm late to the ball, but this comment makes me glad I came. Thank you. You have demonstrated that one of their biggest lies, is that "conspiracy theories" are actually logical facts. 💟
One would think if they want ignorant slaves, they would have made it aright wing thing. They all say we're moron knuckle dragging gun toting Neanderthals, Bible thumping idiots, so who better to enslave? But no, they went after their own. Makes you wonder.
I believe that the vaccines and the 5G will take out the population to their desired depop. I read somewhere that 5G is still not vamped up, so I guess they are waiting for them to give them the GO.
In one of the last podcasts done by Dr. Rashid Buttar he mentions that it has been confirmed by 3 independent doctors in labs that at least some of the vials of bioweapons positively contain Marburg virus as a payload. He also said that the payload can be released by two 1 min. long pulses at 16-18Hz from 5g. It is thought that he was murdered before he could release this information at the Medical Conference in St. Louis. He hints at Ivermectin maybe helping, but it is unclear. Hopefully someone who knew him will release the info people need to combat this weapon.
Whatever develops, its whole raison d'etre will be to vaccinate the masses. This time around I would expect a smaller percentage of willing fools. You can be sure the vax is worse than the disease, whatever the kill rate.
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Thank you for your support! 🙏🏼 💕💕💕
Actually they don't really need to release anything, they just need to announce it, and do the media campaign for many people to believe that there is a virus. And many will believe. Everything they are doing is based on deception, the only "virus" which is real is the biopeapon vax . We'll see which way they will play it.
The victorians were crazy adulterating their food with aluminium, chalk, dirt, dust, excrement. No wonder they had so many diseases
We have not even finished with this rowuhan thing...
Could all that graphene oxide and spike protein from the vaccines create so much stress to the body that it hemorrhages??🤔Interesting
I hear you!🙏
Triggered by 5G ?
By employing Malone as a soft “whistleblower”, the Kabal are using him to set an artificial limit as to what is an acceptable level of dissent or opposition to their obvious mainstream lies and
deception. When they censor him, then all of the truthers go running into his arms for comfort. They do this because they conclude that if he’s being censored, he must be telling the truth. That’s how the bait-and-switch works.
The little voice that I always say in hindsight that I'm going to listen to, has given me that feeling about Dr. Malone. After I saw him and Alex Berenson go at each other, I really began seriously questioning the motives of both.
It is like these big saviour men don't like any competition
Not sure I trust anybody anymore, but berenson is a lefty, programmed to hate what he has to report, and can't wait until we get a good communist in power. Because he can't imagine being conservative. Doc Malone I'm not so sure bout either. But if I had to pick one, I'd go with Malone.
Dr. Malone has done more to expose the truth, both politically and health wise, than this site will ever do. While I admire what you're doing here, trying to discredit this great man is wrong.
he's a plant
Controlled opposition
well and truly hooked, line and sinker - you are
he is controlled opposition, a chaos agent for the enemy,
The guy worked for the enemy. Buyer beware!
So, is comfort all we are looking for. Or is his open arms just another and another and another distraction. Or do you get anti vaxxers with closed eyes and some with open eyes. This substack can also then act as another distraction...since all we get is answers and speculations on answers, mot just feom this substack but from 100's like this one to no end, mo solutions and rhey all say stand up, but how the heck do we stand up against our govs, tell me for &&^&%%&# sake! These answers and descriptions around them are all going in circles, even if it is true that malone is a puppet, and others as well, what the heck do you want us to do about it? I spend hours per day reading these substacks, followedrainer fuellmich as a joan of arc figure, but nothing came of it. The globalists are just carry ons as if nothing is in their way...and it seems we are getting less and less time. Give us something to hold on to, some structure to all of this. The fear is also eroding on our own immune systems.. we don't even need the vax to do that..
Face the fear, walk through it, come out the other side having decided you will rise up and get involved in waking up all of the people who don't get access to any of this truth and discussions with other awakened human beings. look up worthwhile activism you can support to start breaking down the millions of minds stolen by the enemy - ie. like #Exit the WHO with - just one real serious area we need as many ppl with the time and online access - to petition against the International Health Regulations ammendments currently on the table that all countries need to be petitioned/awakened to the fact - THIS IS IT - if we don't stop what they (WHO) have written up in those regulations...the world is lost for good. They are using the internatiional health regs to mount a coup to take over world control. Help stop it.
Such strong words. The answer unfortunately will require that we get comfortable with killing and dying. Y'all can try to vote your asses out of this all you want. They, the dark people, and I don't mean hue, but evil, are going to cheat in 24 too. They've perfected it, been doing it in NYS for decades. So plan on it, expect it, and be prepared for nastiness the likes of which most have never seen.
That is surely their plan....mine?
to shine on brighter than ever before and light up as many scared and fearful souls I can - that its better to be grateful for the life we were given, and to stand up to whatever comes our way, and keep busy helping others with what they are struggling with. We have to represent "what" we hold dear and defend it, from a place of positive energy and conviction. Everyone can help lift their own and others - positive high wave frequency. Together we form an impenetrable army of it. We are beings of light, energy. We are electrical beings. You paint the doom and gloom reality all about us ...
I say aim higher, plug in to your own power and radiate the outcome you want.
Soligenix also developed a ricin vaccine, Rivax, that is being fast-tracked by the FDA since feb 2020. It makes receivers of the jab immune to ricin poisoning. Ricin is a byproduct of castor oil production so might be available in large volume. Symptoms are similar to viral disease. They could do ugly things with that.
Does this one create as much immunity as the wuflu jab? LOL
Check out recent news on Monkeypox, 1-10% death rate. Edit: Marmots (rodent host for plague & MPVX) Marmosets study below..
"Nonhuman primates (NHP) infected with monkeypox virus (MPXV) were also assessed as smallpox model. MPXV, which is not genetically the closest known virus to VARV (18), is responsible for a rare zoonotic disease similar to human smallpox but with milder symptoms and lower lethality (case fatality is between 1% and 10%) (19). It is mostly transmitted to people from different wild animals such as rodents and primates.
Marmosets challenged intravenously with high doses of MPXV developed a disease fairly similar to human hemorrhagic smallpox after 3 days of incubation."
I'm wondering if you have read Alien Antichrist?
Yes, and we are very close to the "disclosure" the great alien delusion which will deceive the entire unbelieving world. " For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." - Matthew 24:24
There has been an uptick in alien articles recently. I have not read “Alien antichrist” but can you please go into a little more detail about disclosure and the great alien delusion for those of us learning, or a source to read? I can sense where this might be going. Thanks!
Perhaps the "next one" could be a global campaign hunting rats and snakes? After decades of wombat hunting in the Middle East as we played whack a mole against the threat de jour, this is something people could really get behind. Because the villains in this tragedy will have killed millions more than all the 'terrorists' in recent centuries.
As the true death toll of these forced medical interventions become undeniable I believe the appetite for such a cleansing will be unstoppable. Bancel et al, won't be hiding in caves. How about we invert the scenario and turn technology against them? In a world filled with cameras they will be unable to hide. Then trials. Then dangling by their necks for genocide exponentially worse than Hitler was accused of. We owe it to the dead to see real justice served. We owe it to the living to make sure it can never happen again.
Regardless, certain things have to cease, right away. BWC violations under the guise of GoF must be stopped. That is, ALL GoF. The decades-long corruption by Fauci of journals, labs, universities, science in general, etc needs to be undone. The absurd number of childhood Shots needs to be reduced as close to zero as possible, with only those remaining having undergone full clinical trials proving they actually work and that they don't cause the litany of SAEs of the current generation. Such is not the case for any extant Shots, and none should be grandfathered. Legal immunity for Big Pharma needs to be stripped away for good. If they can't make something that is proven safe then we can do without it - that is far safer than our current approach of treating children like pin cushions for 18 years and causing the worst levels of chronic disease in history. True, environmental toxins and dietary ones are hugely important too and need to be addressed. Eliminating the ability for Big Pharma - or other interest groups - to legally bribe regulators and legislators - and the MSM - i.e. to lobby or buy influence.
And we need to demolish the wall of lies that have delivered us to this point of vulnerability. The lies about vaccines. The lies about pandemics. Polio. HIV. Spanish Flu. Each lie, accepted, has paved the road to this point. They have convinced people to give up their freedoms without a fight because they have built a narrative that was unquestioned despite being faked. We need to build a better narrative around truth.
Rather than fixate on and invest in the questionable threat from pangolin-bat-mouse parties in the jungle, let us dedicate our national efforts to cleaning up our water, air, and land. To re-vegetating, to regenerative farming, transforming education, wellbeing, and returning to a level of balance with our planet.
The villains don't want any of that. And they have expended fortunes keeping the status quo while amassing larger fortunes. They will suck this planet dry then rocket away as we die of thirst on a barren wasteland.
The 'Next One' will be a war of survival: Civilisation Vs Psychopaths. Pangolins not required.
Yes indeed, and watch out for Marburg virus too.
Well said.
Wow. I'm late to the ball, but this comment makes me glad I came. Thank you. You have demonstrated that one of their biggest lies, is that "conspiracy theories" are actually logical facts. 💟
The next one is’s the jab.
It eliminates the uneducated fools.
One would think if they want ignorant slaves, they would have made it aright wing thing. They all say we're moron knuckle dragging gun toting Neanderthals, Bible thumping idiots, so who better to enslave? But no, they went after their own. Makes you wonder.
I also see malone with other eyes... his background with dod etc.
I believe that the vaccines and the 5G will take out the population to their desired depop. I read somewhere that 5G is still not vamped up, so I guess they are waiting for them to give them the GO.
In one of the last podcasts done by Dr. Rashid Buttar he mentions that it has been confirmed by 3 independent doctors in labs that at least some of the vials of bioweapons positively contain Marburg virus as a payload. He also said that the payload can be released by two 1 min. long pulses at 16-18Hz from 5g. It is thought that he was murdered before he could release this information at the Medical Conference in St. Louis. He hints at Ivermectin maybe helping, but it is unclear. Hopefully someone who knew him will release the info people need to combat this weapon.
How 'bout Wee Willy goes back to Epstein Island and his mistresses, and leave us alone.
Whatever develops, its whole raison d'etre will be to vaccinate the masses. This time around I would expect a smaller percentage of willing fools. You can be sure the vax is worse than the disease, whatever the kill rate.