Why do the so-called left-wingers continue to keep silent, continue to protect murderous, fascistic, corporations and 'Governments'? The only possible reason is that they are not really left-wingers anymore (if they ever were), rather capitalist puppets.

It is only the working-class which can stop this now; they have not been fooled by capitalism, and need only an alternative to the present system (coming soon).

Google Play published my game!!!

Could've knocked me down with a feather. I really thought they would nix it, but no.


Btw. if it all gets a bit much, here's some light entertainment:


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Not just lefties - I know nutter rightees racing off to Walgreens w/both limbs (arms) stretched out the car window to be shot regardless of dangers revealed in their gifted scripts of 'Epoch News' rag. Reckon a gal (and guy) can't have enough arms today! Actually they just had 3 jabs of something. Hope I never go around them again - shedding.

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Right, but historically the left-wing should be very suspicious of Corporations. The right-wing would, again historically, be expected to be all in for Big Corporations.

Up is down, left is right, and the whole world is going to sh***.

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They captured Lefty Dems by turning the terrible “Trump vaccine” into the virtuous thing to do under Biden.

They captured Righty Republicans with “The Monster from Wuhan” where any horrible thing was possible.

Both narratives had each side running to the needle. It was military grade psyops.

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Because either, a) The Left have been hijacked by Soros/WEF types and are now the exact opposite of who they always claimed to be. Or, b) They have been lying to us all along.

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I think, and hope, it is a).

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At this point it no longer matters. Either one lead to the same horrible outcomes.

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Red-Green hybridization has been pushed since 2000. Greens went full on totalitarian with COVID-19 narrative.

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As far as I’m concerned the greens were always totalitarian. They’re just emboldened now.

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The people of South Africa need answers about the safety and effectiveness or lack thereof of the Covid "vaccines".

"On the 15th of November, Emam raised a formal question for response by the Minister of Health, Dr Joe Phaahla. Here is the question and the response:"

Exit The WHO - Update from South Africa


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As though the Ai/Bioweapons camouflaged as vaccines marking the end phase of the Demon's 'Silent Weapons in their Quiet War' is the only issue they must answer for. Since when have the Nephilim/Demons of The Crown Corporation which is really part of the Committee of 300 inclusive of The City of London...A small protion of the remnant of beaten Rome, EVER answered to ANY people.

Here is a link including a another link defining the names and their lineage from ancient times (THERE ARE MANY) and most names from the top of the Hierarchy of Evil are not generally commonly known in this time.


Exactly WHEN in history were they EXPOSED AS NOW? Or, were held accountable and punished by anybody except their own Demonic relatives lopping off their heads while their own children were forced to watch gruesome murders of family members? Or, assassinations in Operations of Betrayal when someone disagreed or didn't obey?

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Knowing government, it would take these clowns decades to get to the bottom of this, if ever. No one is going to be hanged and no one is going to prison. The only thing that will happen is that a few will get fined the standard $2. By the time anything really serious could be done to stop these murdering cowards, 27 more fake pandemics will have come and gone.

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No we’d have to organise that ourselves.

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ACOG still recommends the jab to pregnant women. Deliveries are decreasing, and infertility is rising . Thank you Lioness for bringing Dr. Yeadon’s wisdom here . Happy Thanksgiving to all. 😘🙏

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I know brainwashed nutters who would be assassinated if their beloved Fox News or CNN suggested best thing for them -- it will keep them from 'viruses' in the future.

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We could spread their admission from sin city to Bum___ Egypt and there would be no accountability - EVA!

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It doesn't require a scientific degree to realise long term effects still unknown as they didn't allow correct time, not even 9 months for pregnancies and we already know of all miscarriages, still births and neonatal deaths. The point of this global "innoculation" was not because of some dangerous novel killer "virus" but for experimentation using new technology to inplant all kinds of undisclosed technology for the Internet of Bodies. A well planned execution with so called Covid 19 Test kits on order, globally, in 2017! Could they see into the future in 2017? Remember Fauci saying at start of Trump's term "there will be a pandemic." www.bitchute.com/video/Phu1LMekfPep UK's labs used 45 CTs.

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Cull. It is a eugenics cull.

"....Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to an abrupt halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We won’t be able to run intelligence tests on millions and millions of people, you can imagine!

We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated.

We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution.

The selection of idiots will thus be done on its own: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own.”

Jacques Attali. Bankster and French eugenicist..

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Yes, he said this. Prof Chossudovski has free ebook on global D'Etat from both no pandemic to banking crisis view and real reason for lockdown. globalresearch.ca

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Doctor's ban extended after she recommended controversial drug as treatment for Covid

The horse deworming medicine, ivermectin, recommended by Dr Sarah Myhill, became famous when celebrities including Joe Rogan advocated it as a Covid treatment


A doctor has been banned from practising after "risking safety" by endorsing fringe coronavirus treatments — including a drug best known as a livestock dewormer. Powys-based Dr Sarah Myhill was working as a private GP when she exposed people to "potential serious harm", a medical tribunal found.

Dr Myhill, 65, worked for 20 years as an NHS GP before going private. Earlier this year she was suspended from the medical register for nine months after the General Medical Council (GMC) raised concerns over the doses of vitamins and other substances she had advocated as Covid-19 treatments. Now she has been suspended for another 12 months after a panel found she showed no "reflection" following the previous tribunal.

Ivermectin made headlines during the pandemic when celebrities including Joe Rogan spoke in favour of treating Covid with the antiparasitic medicine, which is commonly used to deworm livestock. Popularity for the drug as an alternative to the Covid vaccine increased to the point that the US Food and Drug Administration said in a 2021 statement: “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”

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Same in the USA with Dr. Zelenko and others besides Joe Rogan advocating it also.

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Ivermectin won Nobel prize for its effects on humans way before the Pandemic. It was developed for humans. Read about it. So glad I took it. It helps many things....

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Susan - thanks for your comment. Most of us on here are aware of ivermectin and will have used it ourselves during the crazy. I posted the above because it is a MSM report of a brave and wonderful doctor who was prepared to risk all in to help others.

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They should rot in jail

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All of us who vocally opposed (and personally resisted) the whackccine - did so TO PROTECT THE CHILDREN!! (Goddammit!)

We were just working on a higher, deeper level - and with a longer-term view.

(Far LESS selfish - if you ask me.)

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it's so clear why people are locked in denial.

notwithstanding the purely evil, the psychopathic and the sociopathic, if you were someone who cheerled these kill-pricks - and you possess an iota of empathy - it's imperative that you DO NOT wake up. (i think your unconscious KNOWS this) - for if you did, how could you POSSIBLY live with yourself?!

i have to keep reminding myself of this, - that there ISN'T going to be that time coming (of which i've oft fantasized) when 'the world knows the truth' about the scamdem - and humanity learns and grows.. nuh uh. not happenin'

maybe, when everyone from now is dead and the future-folk look back..? but we don't now (since the genetic attack) even really know what the 'future-folk' are gonna be like. i, for one, reason that the depop. element in all this is less about 'those that'll die' than it is about 'those that'll now never be born'. - and that there's also the whole nanotech/gene-patenting/homo-borg-genesis* shizzle yet to manifest.. struth!

*"but that's just a bat-shit conspiracy theory!"


so WAS everything else.."

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Global governments sought to kill as many elders as possible who knew history and voted conservative. It was a way to reduce load on SSI, Medicare and Medicaid. They used Remdesivir for 3 or 3 years which shut down kidneys of C19 patients. The vents were mostly for looks. They made it look as if someone cared even though they didn't. Years of conditioning in schools helped.

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If politicians think they can keep up this " covid vaccines" fraud they are fooling themselves. Remember what happened to every Ponzi scheme in history: they all end up collapsing. What is going on right now is very similar to a Ponzi scheme: as long as there are believers left, the game can go on. But the minute nobody believes in it anymore, it's going to collapse. And hundreds of millions of people will demand justice for themselves and their families. If course politicians, government and health authorities don't want this " Ponzi scheme" to end. They know perfectly well that what they did was evil and unforgivable and there is no place to hide for them. Not after the most horrifying event in human history perpetrated by them.

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Yes…what happened to Mussolini.

Most Italians hated what was happening with his evil alliance with Hitler.

The tolerance of the people has mostly evaporated here and worldwide.

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Imagine that! Examining history is important so we don't keep repeating it like they did with Prohibition of alcohol and all other substances; any other situation in history instead of pretending things didn't happen. On a different topic, and if anyone isn't yet aware or wants to learn more: Justin Smith is an excellent film maker from the UK who will be releasing his next film, In the Shadow of Flexner, an American educator, best known for his role in the 20th century reform of medical and higher education in the United States and Canada. For tickets, Zoom only and 15.50 (in pounds): https://www.tickettailor.com/events/justinsmithfilms/1071896# Dec. 10, 4:00-6:30 PM

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It still baffles me--why people cannot accept the fact that there are dark forces afoot who do not wish us to be well. Or why some still cannot understand that population control has been on the "controllers" Action List for at least the last century. The fact that glyphosate was even approved for use on our crops ought to provide a clue: we have been poisoned over many decades, while paying for this via taxes or inflated prices at grocery stores. thx for posting this!

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