It still baffles me--why people cannot accept the fact that there are dark forces afoot who do not wish us to be well. Or why some still cannot understand that population control has been on the "controllers" Action List for at least the last century. The fact that glyphosate was even approved for use on our crops ought to provide a clue…
It still baffles me--why people cannot accept the fact that there are dark forces afoot who do not wish us to be well. Or why some still cannot understand that population control has been on the "controllers" Action List for at least the last century. The fact that glyphosate was even approved for use on our crops ought to provide a clue: we have been poisoned over many decades, while paying for this via taxes or inflated prices at grocery stores. thx for posting this!
It still baffles me--why people cannot accept the fact that there are dark forces afoot who do not wish us to be well. Or why some still cannot understand that population control has been on the "controllers" Action List for at least the last century. The fact that glyphosate was even approved for use on our crops ought to provide a clue: we have been poisoned over many decades, while paying for this via taxes or inflated prices at grocery stores. thx for posting this!