The WEF and the UN are responsible for the food shortage with their banning of natural gas (needed to make fertilizer and the war the intentional caused in Ukraine (no wheat and grains, and no natural gas).

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Grateful you're back - God bless ...

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Isn’t this a Frankenstein blood or clone blood. Or clone food or milk.

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Pfizer profits from COVID vaccines and treatments, reaping almost $100 billion in sales

Really? This corporation's title should be MURDER INCORPORATED! The word pharmacy

is derived directly from the Greek word PHARMAKOS which means "SORCERY".

Definitely this corporation is guilty of practicing sorcery and will stand before the wrath of God

on the day He judges all mankind. Your time is short wicked people, your time is short.

As it is written, " It is appointed unto man, once to die, after that judgement."

And if judgement begins with the household of God, where shall the ungodly and sinner appear?

Woe unto man, woe unto the world.

Revelation 18

"And the nations were enraged, and Your wrath came, and the time came for the dead to be judged, and the time to reward Your bond-servants the prophets and the saints and those who fear Your name, the small and the great, and to destroy those who destroy the earth.”

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Welcome back! Hope you’re feeling better. I missed my morning black pill lol.

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I am trusting that you are beginning to feel better. Being sick is no fun. Thank you for your faithfulness in sending out these updates.

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Yes, feeling much better today. Thank you!

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Praises to our Lord. We need to keep you engaged. I too, am an Eschatologist, the need for keeping the Body of Christ informed as to global events is critical. I deeply appreciate all that you do!

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Please share HUNGER GAMES. This was plotted years in the making and this is the plot is uncovered here https://youtu.be/uWUDobJQDYE

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Glad you are feeling better! 🌻! Dr. Simone Gold had a great insight about physician psyops in California. I will try to find the link ! Have a restful weekend !

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great interview. need to go shopping for a new doctor… current one bivalent boosted & HCQ denier🙀😿.

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