was looking for a citrus tree to purchase this past week and they are no longer available in Southern California due to the imported Asian Citrus Psyllid infestation - hosts the citrus greening disease (huanglongbing) …considering kiwi vines 🥝 as substitute


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Wow. Have been distracted in recent weeks, but it appears we're circling the drain quicker than ever.

Per the Chinese expression/curse, we certainly live in interesting times.

There is so much to unpack, but time is short and this one leapt out like a senile POTUS bounding after the icecream truck;

[Asked about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s comments earlier on Thursday that Moscow has nothing to gain from deploying nuclear weapons in Ukraine, Biden answered with a question of his own, saying: “if he has no intention, why does he keep talking about it?”]

Is anyone else weirded out that the US 'Government' is pulling the same 'grade-school-logic' 'blame the other guy for a false flag attack that you are yourself planning to execute'? And that the subject matter is a nuclear or radiological weapon? Bad enough when it was used at the start of the 'war' or over a pipeline, but rattling those sabers?

Russia is no threat to anyone. Except for the nuclear dimension. While this Kabuki-war has served many interests, and the Globalist Psychopath script requires a major shock to execute the final stage of controlled demolition, surely some adult in power is going to balk at formenting a nuclear exchange? With all of the unknowable variables and potential for a hideous butchers bill?

I guess it isn't just the CCP which has a 'No Limits' doctrine for asymmetric warfare.

Interesting Times, indeed!


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