was looking for a citrus tree to purchase this past week and they are no longer available in Southern California due to the imported Asian Citrus Psyllid infestation - hosts the citrus greening disease (huanglongbing) …considering kiwi vines 🥝 as substitute
was looking for a citrus tree to purchase this past week and they are no longer available in Southern California due to the imported Asian Citrus Psyllid infestation - hosts the citrus greening disease (huanglongbing) …considering kiwi vines 🥝 as substitute
was looking for a citrus tree to purchase this past week and they are no longer available in Southern California due to the imported Asian Citrus Psyllid infestation - hosts the citrus greening disease (huanglongbing) …considering kiwi vines 🥝 as substitute
Find a neighbor with good oranges and use seeds or cuttings to start your own orchard.
Pink grapefruits 🌝yum thanks
I had no idea kitten
🙀enjoy your orange juice while it’s still available 🙀