Who is surprised at the actual level of insanity today in a world run amok?

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So, the spike of 2020 deaths shown on the chart is an accurate accounting of murder, homicide , democide, iatrogenic deaths etc, and not due to a contagious pathogen.

Got it.

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Murder By Hospital Protocols.

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That is not quite my contention. I believe the curve is manipulated as well and does not represent what happened on the ground, in real time.

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FWIW nurse whistleblowers in NYC Erin Olszeski (sp?) and Nicole Sirotek were among the first to blow the whistle on malfeaeisance/ murder in the NYC hospitals. This was caused by the inappropriate use of ventilators, remdesivir and other deadly 'treatments' as well as the liability-free environment (due to the declaration of a 'health emergency') which allowed doctors to 'practice their skills' on patients.

It seems that while most hospitals in NYC were lying empty, a few were ordered to admit everybody and anybody, and basically put them on a vent. Erin claims some 'patients' walked into reception with nothing more than stress / anxiety symptoms from watching too much TV fear porn, and they were put on a vent within 15 minutes! She claims nearly all vented patients died within a month, due to the treatment (not 'covid').

These were the hospitals the media reported outside of every evening. So it seems NYC was simultaneously a nothing burger (like the rest of the country) but also a scene of carnage - but only in specific hospitals.

Similar patterns were seen elsewhere, such as in care homes in the UK with massive amounts of midazolam being brought in from France and used to create mass deaths among the elderly, which the TV then reported on, while the rest of the country was basically experiencing a normal flu season.

You may know all this already... just saying :)

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Yes, I "know" all of the storylines - and have challenged many.

Those nurses arrived on the scene ex post facto of the official death spike peak (like Pierre Kory https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/open-letter-to-pierre-kory-regarding)

For me, they are under the heading "Staged" or "Approved Whistleblowers". See thread and threads within thread: https://x.com/Wood_House76/status/1701325819908436461

Contrast their testimonies with that of an NYC hospital employee doctor that we interviewed: https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/new-york-covid-19-hospital-frontline

I have read Erin's book - which was published VERY quickly (August 2020) and it has timeline issues, one of which I attempted to reconcile with her directly, without success. https://x.com/Wood_House76/status/1627522070736171008

If she or Ms. Sirotek filed ethics complaints regarding what they saw, that's news to me. Notably, both nurses affirm/do nothing to challenge the government's core story about a sudden-spreading novel coronavirus. The same is true for Cameron Kyle-Siddell.

There is no hospital in NYC that I have found to have been overrun with patients. Data I obtained via FOIL for "epicenter of the epicenter" Elmhurst Hospital - which is where Erin says she was - shows normal to below - patient bed occupancy. https://x.com/Wood_House76/status/1698060059022880852

Re: the UK - yes to care home deaths, but the hospital death toll has been minimized. Deaths in hospitals rose first and fastest, per weekly place of death data for England.

The London spring 2020 event is under-investigated and insufficiently explained.


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Interesting ... I've always trusted their accounts because they were among the first to speak out (from within the healthcare system) and it seemed to add up. They have often talked of 'covid' and 'the virus' but I never paid much attention because a) they are part of that system (as nurses) and b) I was a virus/ contagion believer back in 2020 myself.

I've had to go back and re-examine (and discard) much of what I thought was true in those early years... (not least the idea that virology was a real science) ..... but I never really thought to question their accounts.

I do give EVERYONE a lot of leeway at the start of 2020 because the propaganda was so powerful and everyone was swept up in the official narrative (or the alternative ones).

I think we enough data today and proper context (the 2009 swine flu scam and dress rehearsal) to know that the whole thing was a con job from top to bottom.... and we do not even need Erin and Nicole's accounts. The MO is obvious now - if it wasn't before.

Anyway, I'll explore your links later. Thanks :)

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Good rule of thumb I have learned to adopt: If you were hearing from the person in 2020, the government wanted you to hear from that person.

It is now therefore wise to ask, "Why did the government want me to hear from this person? Does what this person was saying actually challenge the idea that there was a new cause of death on the scene and the globe was beset with a sudden-spreading risk-additive pathogen?"

Then, proceed with caution.

Yes 2009 was a scam.


So was 2003.



So are pandemics. :)

I agree there is much more that is obvious in retrospect than when were were being subjected to a shock & awe psy-op.

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“Good rule of thumb I have learned to adopt: If you were hearing from the person in 2020, the government wanted you to hear from that person.”

Yes I generally agree with that, but I don’t that automatically makes whistleblowers like Erin or Nicole 'suspect (ie bad actors) …… which is not the same thing as saying we should accept everything they said as fact.

There are true whistleblowers/ truth tellers and at the other end of the spectrum there are controlled opposition/ grifters…. but there is also a middle ground of people who are mostly being sincere but who are still plugged into the matrix (to whatever extent) and are therefore seen as less of a liability - which is why they get given more of a platform.

I know Erin supported Trump and I always thought that made her popular among that whole scene, and Nicole seems to still be plugged into the healthcare matrix which makes her less controversial than the ‘no virus’ / ‘terrain’ camp.

The bottom line…. handle everyone and all of their information with tongs at all time!

Anyway thanks for the heads up and links, I will explore when I have more time :)

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Something made people ill enough to drive them to the ER. The correlation of 5G maps and this illness is strong. Not sure any data can deny there was a health event. What killed people can be reduced to labeling on a chart.

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Sick with respiratory illness and 3+ comorbidities, being told there is no early treatment, wait till O2 sats plummet and give them remdesivir and ventilator.... There's your deaths....oh, and collect money from the govt on hospitizations/treatment. The US govt killed grandma, your neighbors, your friends....you know, people that trusted the exerts

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The first iteration of the virus caused respiratory distress in vulnerable people. The spike mutated and could no longer attach to the ace 2 receptor for cellular entry, so it became less lethal for the vulnerable.

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virus? lol

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I am not a virus denier, but I know many people are.

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At this point, you are a science denier

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I don't understand the hostility from those who deny viruses. Read up on giant viruses, they are easily visible under a microscope.

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there is zero proof of their isolated existence and hundreds of studies failing to prove contagion. People who take your stance tend to be heavily vaccinated. How many shots have you taken?

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they are not the same

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Giant ‘virus,‘ eh!Visible under [winks, cheekily] the ole light, microscope, eh!

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Not a virus denier, say no more! A nudge is as good as a wink to a blind bat.

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Let's start with SARS COV 2 ... NUDGE NUDGE, WINK WINK. How did ‘scientists‘ prove it's existence?

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Google it, the info is all over the place, if you are interested in finding out.

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Here are some ways viroliegists "prove" transmission:

Louis Pasteur, 1881 - For rabies, tried to demonstrate transmission by injecting diseased brain tissue "directly onto the surface of the brain of a healthy dog through a hole drilled into its skull."

Simon Flexner and Paul A. Lewis, 1910 - Spinal cords from deceased children were ground up and emulsified to be injected into the brains of monkeys.

John F. Anderson and Joseph Goldberger, 1911 - Injected blood from a measles patient directly into the heart and brains of monkeys.

Carl Tenbroeck, 1918 - A mixture of ground up rat's livers, spleens, kidneys,

testicles, lungs, hearts, and brains was injected into the brains of other rats.

T.M. Rivers et al, 1929 - “The serum to be tested, from J., was mixed with an equal amount of virus, and then 0.25 cc. of the mixture was injected into each testicle of Monkey” and “The results of the above experiment indicated to us that the serum from an individual who had had varicella many years previously did not contain sufficient antibodies to prevent the appearance of inclusions in testicles inoculated with chicken-pox virus”

Claus W. Jungeblut, 1931 - Ground up monkey spinal cord was injected into the brains of other monkeys.

Wilson Smith, 1933 - “The infected animal is killed when showing symptoms, often at the beginning of the second temperature rise. The turbinates are scraped out, ground up with sand, and emulsified in about 20 c.cm. of equal parts of broth and saline. The emulsion is lightly centrifuged, and about 1 c.cm. of the supernatant fluid is dropped into the nostrils of another ferret.”

Thomas Francis and Jr, T. P. Magill, 1935 - Ground up ferret lung tissue was injected into the brains of rabbits.

Ann G. Kuttner and T'sun T'ung, 1935 - Ground up kidney and brain of a guinea pig was injected into the brain of another guinea pig.

Erich Traub. April 01 1936 - Ground up mouse brain was injected into the brains of guinea pigs.

Albert B. Sabin and Peter K. Olitsky, 1937 - Ground up mouse brain was injected into the brains of other mice.

G. John Buddingh, 1938 - Ground up chick embryo was injected into the brains 2 or 3 day old chicks.

Gilbert Dalldorf, 1939 - Ground up ferret spleens was injected into the brains of mice.

Claus W. Jungeblut et al, 1942 - Ground up brain or spinal cord of paralyzed mice was injected into the brains of 13 monkeys.

Henry Pinkerton and Vicente Moragues, 1942 - Ground up brain tissue from dying mice was injected into the brains of pigeons.

C. Kling et al, 1942 - Injected sewage sludge into the brains and abdomen of monkeys. This convinced him that he had isolated a virus and proven that the sewer is a vehicle for polio transmission.

D.M. Horstmann, 1944 - Allegedly "proved" that the feces of polio patients contained "poliovirus" by injecting fecal samples into monkeys' brains and spines.

Joseph E. Smadel et al, 1945 - Ground up pigeon spleen was injected into the brains of mice.

F. Sargent Cheever et al, 1949 - Ground up mouse brain was injected into the brains of rats and hamsters.

JUST as it happens in nature. LOL! I wonder why the test animals got sick? What could possibly go wrong with having your NUTS injected with serum?

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Check out 21st century peer reviewed science papers to look at both sides of the argument.

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are they being mental?

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Scene: A dimly lit pub in Britain. Mr. Wise to… is seated next to Mr. ViroLiegist, who is nervously supping a pint of warm beer. Mr. Wise to…, grinning mischievously...

Mr. Wise to…: [Leaning in] “Ello, mate. You, er, work in ‘virology,’ do you?

Mr. ViroLiegist: [In a haughty, upper-class accent] Yes, that’s right.

Mr. Wise to…: [Nods eagerly, twiddling his thumbs] Ahhhh, virology, eh? Very important field, eh? [Winks] Isolate any ‘viruses’ recently? [Leans in closer] You know… isolate isolate, wink wink, nudge nudge?

Mr. ViroLiegist: Well, we don’t really… isolate in the strictest sense.

Mr. Wise to…: [Nods knowingly] Oh, don’t you now, eh? Don’t really isolate, wink wink, say no more! So, uh, you get your little culture dish, and-what-throw in some monkey kidney cells, eh? Give it a little stir, nudge nudge?

Mr. ViroLiegist: Well, yes, we introduce cell cultures -

Mr. Wise to…: Introduce, eh? [Winks dramatically] I’ll bet you do! Eh? [Leans in close, eyes wide] Cytopathic effects, eh? Lovely bit of destruction, wink wink, say no more!

Mr. ViroLiegist: Well, yes, it’s just part of the process…

Mr. Wise to…: [Interrupts, grinning] Part of the process, eh? Process, eh? Mixing and matching, bit of this, bit of that – eh? All gets a bit complicated, don’t it? [Leans back, crossing his arms smugly] I bet there’s PCR involved, eh? Eh? Amplifying things that aren’t really, you know – wink wink, say no more!

Mr. ViroLiegist: We use PCR to -

Mr. Wise to…: [Leans forward, raising his eyebrows repeatedly] Ohhh, I bet you do! PCR – right between the old genes, eh? Amplify this, amplify that – nudge nudge, lovely bit of sequences, eh?

Mr. ViroLiegist: [Awkwardly] Well, it’s to detect -

Mr. Wise to…: Detect, eh? [Grinning wider] Oh, I bet you detect all sorts of things! Bits of RNA floating about in the old soup, eh? No need for anything pure, eh? Just a bit of random genetic detritus, eh? You sly dog, you!

Mr. ViroLiegist: Well, it’s not quite that simple -

Mr. Wise to…: Not that simple, eh? [Nudges him] Say no more! No need to complicate things, right? Just throw in some random sequences, patch 'em together, bit of guesswork, eh? Lovely bit of data stitching – wink wink! [Leans in] You ever, uh, publish any of that? Eh? Eh? Get a cheeky little grant for your trouble?

Mr. ViroLiegist: [Hesitating] Well, I mean, we -

Mr. Wise to…: [Nods eagerly] Ohhhh, I bet you did, eh? Got your cheeky little funding, eh? [Elbows him harder] Lots of papers written, all about nothing in particular – eh? Just a bit of this, a bit of that – wink wink, nudge nudge! And all without really having seen the little blighter, eh?

Mr. ViroLiegist: [Sputtering on his warm pint] Well, we have electron microscope images –

Mr. Wise to…: Oh, electron microscopes, eh? [Winks again, jabbing him with his elbow] Big ol’ blurry blobs, eh? Slap a few arrows on there, call it a virus, eh? Lovely bit of science, that! [Sits back, smug] Can’t argue with that, now, can you? Science at its finest, eh? Say no more!

Mr. ViroLiegist: [Confused] I -

Mr. Wise to…: [Leaning back in satisfaction] Ohhhh, you’re a sly one, mate. Absolutely love it! Nudge nudge, wink wink!

[Fade out, as Mr. Wise to… smirks knowingly and Mr. ViroLiegist squirms uncomfortably.]

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Nothing funny though about watching family members die horrible deaths and coincidentally they tested positive for HIV. I read the information Peter Duesberg hypothesized, and we now know he was wrong. Also, ART adds decades of life for HIV positive patients. Before ART they died young.

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How was HIV the ‘virus‘ proven to be a thing? Cant wait to hear this one. 😀🔔

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ART has drastically reduced AIDS mortality. I know you know this.

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How was spike demonstrated to mutate? Cant wait to hear this!!

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Although our understanding of the functional consequences of spike mutations is rapidly expanding, much of this knowledge involves the reactive investigation of amino acid changes identified as rapidly increasing in frequency or being associated with unusual epidemiological characteristics. Following the emergence of D614G, an amino acid substitution within the receptor-binding motif (RBM), N439K, was noted as increasing in frequency in Scotland in March 2020. Whereas this first lineage with N439K (designated B.1.141 with the Pango nomenclature system17) quickly became extinct, another lineage that independently acquired N439K (B.1.258) emerged and circulated widely in many European countries18. N439K is noteworthy as it enhances the binding affinity for the ACE2 receptor and reduces the neutralizing activity of some monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and polyclonal antibodies present in sera from people who have recovered from infection18. Another RBM amino acid change, Y453F — associated with increased ACE2-binding affinity19 — received considerable attention following its identification in sequences associated with infections in humans and mink; most notably one lineage identified in Denmark and initially named ‘cluster 5’ (now B.1.1.298)20. As of 5 November 2020, 214 humans infected with SARS-CoV-2 related to mink were all carrying the mutation Y453F21. The B.1.1.298 lineage also has Δ69–70, an amino-terminal domain (NTD) deletion that has emerged several times across the global SARS-CoV-2 population, including in the second N439K lineage, B.1.258. Δ69–70 is predicted to alter the conformation of an exposed NTD loop and has been reported to be associated with increased infectivity22....Antibody footprints were generated by structural analyses of the spike residues considering potential hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions with a mAb atom that were less than 4.0 Å. Structural analyses allowed the categorization of RBD-binding neutralizing antibodies into four classes (Fig. 1a,b): ACE2-blocking antibodies that bind the spike protein in the open conformation (class 1); ACE2-blocking antibodies that bind the RBD in both the open conformation and the closed conformation (class 2); antibodies that do not block ACE2 and bind the RBD in both the open conformation and the closed conformation (class 3); and neutralizing antibodies that bind outside the ACE2 site and only in the open conformation (class 4)31. Within the RBD, RBM epitopes overlapping the ACE2 site are immunodominant, whereas other RBD sites generate lower and variable responses in different individuals12...Although the RBD is immunodominant, there is evidence for a substantial role of other spike regions in antigenicity, most notably the NTD13,30,34. Early structural characterization of NTD-specific antibodies 4A8 (ref.32) and 4–8 (ref.13) revealed similar epitope locations towards the upper side of the most prominently protruding area of the NTD. Cryogenic electron microscopy was used to determine the antibody footprint of the neutralizing antibody 4A8, and showed key interactions involving spike residues Y145, H146, K147, K150, W152, R246 and W258 (ref.32). Epitope binning of 41 NTD-specific mAbs led to the identification of six antigenic sites, one of which is recognized by all known NTD-specific neutralizing antibodies and has been termed the ‘NTD supersite’, consisting of residues 14–20, 140–158 and 245–264 (ref.30) (Fig. 1a,b). ..Several studies have contributed to the current understanding of how mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein affect neutralization. These studies include traditional escape mutation work that identifies mutations that emerge in virus populations exposed to either mAbs39 or convalescent plasma containing polyclonal antibodies40,41; targeted characterization of particular mutations18,42; and wider investigations of either large numbers of circulating variants43 or all possible amino acid substitutions in the RBD39,44,45,46. For spike residues where mutations have been shown to influence polyclonal antibody recognition, the observation of an effect on either mAbs or plasma is indicated in Fig. 1b. For a smaller number of residues, escape mutations emerging in virus exposed to mAbs or polyclonal plasma have been described (‘mAb emerge’ and ‘plasma emerge’ in Fig. 1b).-SARS-CoV-2 variants, spike mutations and immune escape William T. Harvey, Alessandro M. Carabelli, Ben Jackson, Ravindra K. Gupta, Emma C. Thomson, Ewan M. Harrison, Catherine Ludden, Richard Reeve, Andrew Rambaut, COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) Consortium, Sharon J. Peacock & David L. Robertson

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ED visits dropped 50-60%

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Yes, we are being lied to systematically. I read every report I see now (avoiding videos as much as possible) with the question in mind "what part of this might be deception?".

I really don't like having to do this, but I do wish I had started doing it much sooner. I caught some major deceptions in the past, but many of them fooled me.

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Mike Yeadon states: “Read her 11 major problems with the data summary. Some are so ridiculous that you immediately know that they’re flat lies. Like 40% of all USA-wide home deaths associated with 91-divoc are reported to have occurred in NYC, which holds just 3% of the total population of USA. This is impossible.”

In my opinion: That is NOT impossible, nor is it ridiculous. One has to be very careful interpreting mortality data.

When Jessica says the NYC mortality peak was not from natural causes, she is correct. We published this on 2 June 2020.

When Jessica says or suggests that the NYC mortality peak could not have been caused by gov, institutional and medical measures, then I don’t agree. I don’t see any strong argument for that.

When Jessica suggests that the NYC mortality peak is manipulated and fraudulent, again I don’t see how one can conclude this.

Of course it was not COVID-19 and of course it was used in the narrative, and of course the “response” was mass homicide, but the data is not impossible and data fraudulence has not been shown.

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I looked into this in Scotland and the cremation figures independent of gov settled it for me BUT what i would say is the more serious death event was actuially happening in people's home not in care homes or hospitals. I've yet to see anyone talk about that. NB: Tons of decent data is available for Scotland+ we have the world's only official COVID inquiry to confirm the large scale iatrogenic harms. Why is this not bigger news?




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One way to understand this issue is to compare NYC with Toronto (GTA) or even Canada.

Why wasn’t there a pandemic in Canada?


If a new, lethal pathogen was spreading quickly in hot spots throughout the world (usually large cities), why did it omit GTA and spared Canada all together?

What was so different about the novel, virulent pathogen?

Or, what was so different about the approach to the diagnosis and treatment of the new pathogen?

If we were really dealing with a contagious disease in early 2020, as acknowledged by both Health Canada and CDC, why such great discrepancies between two cities and the two countries? Did SARS CoV-2 refuse to cross the border that was still open?

Or, was it something else that didn’t cross the border?

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Hockett's figure of 40% applied to only April 2020. She wrote: "As if people suddenly dying at Home of a respiratory virus weren't ridiculous enough, a full 40 percent of Home deaths in the entire U.S. that attributed COVID-19 as underlying cause in April 2020 were in New York City, where less than 3% of the country's population lives!" (https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/eleven-serious-problems-with-the)

When I looked at all periods of time at CDC WONDER, and I selected the underlying cause of death U07.1 and place of death at decedent's home, I got 84,401 total deaths in the whole of United States and 2,534 deaths in the five counties of NYC: https://wonder.cdc.gov/mcd-icd10-provisional.html. So NYC made up only about 3.0% of the total.

When I looked at the percentage of deaths in March to May 2020 with underlying cause of death COVID, there were 37 states which had at least 10 deaths where the place of death was listed as "decendent's home" so the number of deaths was not suppressed. But out of the 37 states New York State only ranked 30th highest based on the percentage of deaths where the place of death was listed as decendent's home: sars2.net/nopandemic.html#Claim_that_NYC_accounted_for_40_of_all_COVID_deaths_at_home.

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They manufactured an illusion of a pandemic. Like Hollywood makes a movie on a set.

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Probably some kind of “Flu Mist”……

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Mike, I hope you will give JJ Couey a recent listen. You both may be in tune to a degree. He’s come a longs ways in a short time. Many of us have.

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Thanks Dr. Yeadon, best to you and your family and Lioness as well .

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They will tell the truth if it is in the service of a lie. This is in fact a very important part of their strategy. I had a pastor who used to say that the greatest religious heresies in history were 90% truth. This is what sucks so many people in. It is the recipe for the greatest of deceptions. But of course if the truth doesn’t support the lie(ostensibly), the boldface lying simply continues. Satan is called the Father of Lies in the Bible:

“For even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness.” (1st Corinthians 11:14-15)

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I wish Jessica would allow comments on her page without a paid subscription. I've often wondered about the death figures. Were they also exagerrated and or was the real excess death event never reported --of sight out of mind --AT HOME from months of denied medical care?



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Jessica Hockett is tired. There was a health event in spring 2020. It wasn’t a virus because they have never been proven to exist. There *are* other factors to look at. Hospital protocols certainly increased *mortality* but NOT hospital admissions—many of which wouldn’t have been considered at risk of respiratory illness.

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You are a true hero in my eyes Mike, no bullshit just telling the truth, the horror show continues and the slaughter of our babies, men, women and children continues unabated. All governments across the world are a satanic freak show for all to see. Like you I read no papers, have no Tel-lie-vision and am discovering that everything we have been told is a lie. It’s so massive the fraud that it is breathtaking in its enormity. I find solace in God, he is Love he is my strength, I pray for all the evil that has been perpetrated on the innocent that they find peace.

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