It shocks me that more than three years into fake pandemic people are still reporting about mrna without explaining the REAL PURPOSE FOR IT. It has nothing to with vaccination and everything to do with remote mind reading as documented by Quinta Columba. I am also deeply disappointed that you and others have no reached out to report on my situation. I have multiple nonconsensual implants including neuralink, have graphene in me activated remotely and am

being disabled. When you write about Klaus and brain chips it’s theoretical. When you write about me IT IS REAL and no longer hypothetical. https://www.orwell.city/2021/06/la-quinta-columna-5G-graphene-oxide-and-neuro-rights.html?m=1


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I know you and Karen Kingston have done fantastic work in this front. I do not mean to take away from it. I thank you and appreciate you being so far ahead of virtually everyone else. But I am a ViCTIM stuffed with all this stuff, am being harmed, forced to homelessness and making pleas to Congressmembers for help (they ignore), currently being HANDICAPPED while being mocked by the deep state. And I cannot find anyone anywhere to report on my situation. I see influencers and so-called patriots yammering constantly about freedom and the impending totalitarianism but by not reporting on me and other targeted individuals you basically are helping Klaus & Yuval roll in their enslavement system. I also see a complete disconnect between what WEF is doing and the US Congress all of whom are in cahoots. When is someone going to call Thomas Massie and Rand Paul and ask them why they are silent and have not introduced any legislation to protect the sanctity of our bodies and minds? Massie introduced legislation to prevent cattle from being chipped but is mute when it comes to citizens. Congressmembers are selling us out each and every day. They are traitorous criminals who have LEGALIZED COGNITIVE THEFT. https://tinyurl.com/2bekstzs

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My point is I NEED HELP GETTING TECH OUT OF ME THAT IS HARMING ME AND THAT DOCTORS HAVE BEEN THREATENED HARM TO THEIR FAMILIES IF THEY REMOVE. This is insane. I am a 62-year-old woman with no criminal history being disabled/murdered/forced to suicide by the US govt. which destroys nations under precept of liberating them and I cannot get a single ‘reporter’ to help me or force accountability on US govt.

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Your plea struck a chord with me.

I can help.

What do you need removed?

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Thank you. I have tech throughout my body but it is Neuralink and some wifi capsules in my skull doing most damage. I have managed to remove much of the apparent hydragel that covered the power coil. The material is nano — self-assembling nano. So it feels differently when activated with radiowaves. A wire and fluid-filled capsule are palpable at temple. It is not deep but I can assure needs cutting and likely pliers to remove. The capsules have fluid in them

that spew lowlevel radiation and are intended to cause mental disability. The US is so depraved it is hiring nurses and handicapped people to stalk targeted individuals. FYI, Jim Jordan knows this is going on and refuses to investigate. I now believe those gymnasts. Here is a photo of the area where the neuralink is palpable. https://x.com/sophiadahl1/status/1676396344867422208?s=46

You can hear my story here: https://rumble.com/v3ocviv-elizabeth-coady-needs-your-help-being-removed-from-darpa-brain-initiative.html

You can reach me directly at elizabethc@protonmail.com.

Understand that this depravity is happening around nation but media, medicine, law enforcement, academicians and Congress are colluding in a holocaust. ALL CONGRESS is guilty. This law is hiding torture, nonconsensual implants and theft of cognition. There is no doctor who is trustworthy. https://tinyurl.com/2bekstzs

There is an international war occurring for primacy in brain data. Innocent are being trafficked by the FBI under falsified FISAS and diagnoses. It is all hidden. The victims have had their lives stolen from them so Blackrock/Google/Microsoft/Musk/Harvard/etc. can earn billions more and gain control of our minds. This situation has been enabled by venal Congressmembers. I have reached out to dozens in Congress who claim to be patriots. The biggest boasters — Jordan, Greene. Perry — are the biggest frauds. The descent into madness since 2016–2017 I assure you derives from the battle for control of this brain data. Anybody who claims to be a reporter or for ‘freedom’ needs to dig into this law now. https://tinyurl.com/2bekstzs

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Great points - and also the purpose of mRNA is too trans The Children

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Why continue to refer to the contaminants that are being deliberately introduced tot he populace as either vaccines or mRNA? Ana Mihalcea, David Nixon, Shimone Yanowitz and a growing number of others are observing hydrogel/graphene oxide and self-assembling, EMF-sensitive nanoparticulate transmission/reception and white fibrous clot-producing elements in the blood of those jabbed and those unjabbed, in insulin, childhood vaccines, in dental anesthesia, in our air, water and food supply (these activites have been observed in cadavers where the biolife functions have ceased to exist along with the tracking of MAC addresses). Geoengineering has, for decades (as demonstrated by Dane Wiggington and observed by Clifford Carnicom who called the activities of the synthetic biological nano organisms cross domain bacteria 30 years ago now) been literally rained down upon us and the fact that the military who also oversaw, through the DOD the scamdemic "bioweapons countermeasures" they called vaccines that also contained hydrogel polymers, quantum dot technology and other contaminants and likely pathogenic payloads which could be released remotely through a series of frequency broadcasts via 5 G or other EMF technologies has discussed in detail brain warfare and the use of these and other measures to both harass and to manipulate individuals and groups of people, or the fact that Dr David Martin has traced the 5200 patents back to 1965....why doubt something so nefarious when the evidenc is al around us? I LOVE the Mike Yeadon story -- Iwould just hate to see him end up like Malone, RFK, Cole, and others who do not believe what Todd Calendar, Ana Mihalcea, and Karen Kingston (Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt) have uncovered -- that this is the deliberate administration of biological warfare on civilian and military populations throughout the world to cull populations and to control the remaining servants who will serve in the neo feudal system under their Luciferian system...that it is intentional, evil and is being done with great coordination and without regard to law or to decency of any kind by those seeking to complete their plan for global domination and rule., inspired and empowered by Satan/Lucifer in opposition to Jesus Christ -- which we who are born anew already know ULTIMATELY will be defeated (and the victory by our LORD celebrated -- a victory that happened in centuries past but will be manifest in the last days when it is applied to the affairs of this world) after a period of great darkness and suffering in this world.....we who have the SPIRIT of God are to bear witness to the truth and to show the compassion, love, mercy and wisdom of our God in these times to warn and to comfort those who are imprisoned by their constant campaign of fear and doubting -- of fake realities that are designed to keep the masses busy with their selfish and narcissistic endeavors -- with their material pursuits, with their delusions of some kind of freedom while being completely managed and enslaved in a beast system being erected all around them. The truth, as ugly and as violent and seemingly dehumanizing (for that is Satan's plan -- to digitize, synthesize and to subvert the organic world our Creator put into existence to house the humans He seeks to share fellowship and community with post-restoration from the fall, accomplished by Jesus Christ). To gather around him in his insanity those who will worship and serve Lucifer, whose bodies are no longer sovereign but have been contaminated and subverted, whose minds have been captured, and whose souls have been defeated -- we who are of the light must not shrink back from evidencing the ugly, obvious lies and the perpetual campaign of terror being conducted against us -- not out of paranoia or fear, but in their face to expose and ridicule and force them into the pen (they're nearly there now) so they can be see for what they truly are and clear decisions made before the darkness is so suffocating and widespread that all is in great jeopardy of being forever lost.

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THANK YOU -- I'm aware that you are keenly studied on these issues, but I'm concerned for a courageous man like Mike Yeadon, whose amazing journey has taken him from being an insider to publicly outing the bad guys. I know it's difficult to get to the place where you can clearly see the "plan" and the"players" but it's an imperative or you become part of the "controlled opposition" and a hindrance to the truth coming forth in its gory reality. Our government and the globalists in the cabal are plotting (and carrying out) our murder and they are not interested in preserving but instead destroying humanity -- and the medical community is a primary weapon of theirs.

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Sir, perhaps YOU can help me. I HAVE 20+ nonconsensual chips and multiple materials implants including graphene. I have literal WIFI chips in my skull and am assaulted with 5G eveeywhere. I have been a victim of depraved torture for a decade, have had my homes stolen, cat burned alive, car vandalized three dozen times at least, property stolen and DESTROYED AND YET NOT A SINGLE

CONGRESSMAN WILL HELP. SOME TELL ME THEY CAN’T. That’s because CORPORATIONS HAVE BEEN GIFTED MY COGNITION AND OTHER BODILY DATA. AND WE THINK WE LIVE IN A FREE COUNTRY. We do not and anybody who trusts any hospital or doctor is a fool. https://rumble.com/v3ocviv-elizabeth-coady-needs-your-help-being-removed-from-darpa-brain-initiative.html

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I forwarded your link to Ana Mihalcea who ha experience in chelation therapy using intravenous EDTA, Vitamin C and other agents to clear the blood of parasite and nanotechnology, hydrogels and other contaminants.

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Thank you. The implanted material includes apparently graphene and wifi and a clear sticky fluid that literally seems to become a directed energy when activated. There is some kind of mechanical plumbing or delivery system that needs to be surgically removed. Dave Larsen spoke about this in his reporting on these abuses much documented at abovetopsecret.

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I appreciate when anyone takes the time to care. What has been done to me is so criminal and there is literally not a single person in US govt. bothered by the inhumanity of these depraved crimes and moving to stop. The US FBI & DHS hire nurses and handicapped people and parents of mentally disabled to stalk targeted individuals. How grotesque is that? And the man whom everybody is rushing to make speaker knows about these crimes and refuses to investigate them. I need help physically removing this tech and I need help finding a safe place away from wifi. Wifi has been weaponized to torture targeted individuals. Please share. If you know any real Christian churches please share. I have contacted dozens and they too are in cahoots with FBI. You can reach me at elizabethc@protonmail.com. Here is a long video presentation on what is going on. https://rumble.com/v3ocviv-elizabeth-coady-needs-your-help-being-removed-from-darpa-brain-initiative.html

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From a spiritual perspective, I was never really alarmed by this notion of aerosolized mRNA. I was never alarmed for this simple reason:

I believe that this is a spiritual war, and as such, deception and consent are key dynamics. An aerial drop almost completely removes that consent, so from a spiritual perspective, the Dark Forces would gain nothing (and perhaps even fall back a few steps).

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And by the way, I don't mean to minimize the significance of the findings of Ana Maria Mihalcea et al. Her findings suggest potentially devastating consequences for all life on this planet.

I'm only saying that if you don't give consent, and actively act on your conviction, then at least, from a spiritual perspective, you're not perpetuating the evil we're facing.

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I didn’t consent to getting morgellons

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This is delusional thinking.

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May I ask why you say my position is delusional thinking?

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You think you will be protected by aerosols because you are a good guy? The aerosols are ubiquitous. There is no eacaping.

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Oct 15, 2023Edited
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I didn’t take the shot.

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I think you may have misunderstood my position.

I didn't say that anyone was protected from the aerosols. (To the contrary, that's why I mentioned Ana Maria Mihalcea, because she's showing that there's something very physically real taking place.)

What I mean is that there are 2 aspects to this: a spiritual one, and a physical one.

From what I read about your comments (and from watching the first 2 minutes of your video), your testimony confirms that this tech (whatever it is) exists. As you say, "There is no escaping."


So, I don't deny the existence of what's going on. I actually agree with you.

What I am saying is that while there is a physical assault, we shouldn't worsen the situation.

Actually, your testimony reflects my position: I'm sure you didn't give your consent to this (that's the spiritual aspect), yet you are suffering tremendously from it (that's the physical aspect).

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Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I misconstrued you as saying we can escape because it is a spiritual war. My body emanates odors from the chemicals dumped on me all day. I ask that you watch my video and share it. I am being gravely harmed and this was done to me for political revenge yet NO ONE in the US govt. is stopping. That’s because the US has a MASSIVE INDUSTRIAL-Level nonconsensual experimentation occurring and ALL OF CONGRESS IS IN ON THE CRIME.

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Hi Elizabeth,

I'll have to make time to watch your video. That said, I was thinking: your case reminds me of people who are called "targeted individuals."


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Like all the fake viruses, mRNA substances would be blown away in the wind. These menacing psychotic clowns want us all dead and gone and they will try anything to get 'er done.

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That's what I figured, it would end up as on expensive mess on the carpet, or you could breath it in and it's going to land in stomach acid.

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Relieved to read this because I trust Dr Yeadon.

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Evil that is beyond one's imagination is quite possible by a government that has collaborated with "the cabal" to inflict genocide on its citizens to depopulate them. We cannot be blind to the fact that for decades aircraft have dispersed huge quantities of a variety of chemical poisons into the atmosphere which are basically bioweapons in powder form – leaving chemtrails in the sky for hundreds of miles.

The possibility is strong that they do spray a powdered form of the vaccine into the atmosphere, and have done this for years.

Yes, people's hearts are evil beyond imagination just as Jeremiah, the Old Testament prophet, made it very clear according to what the Lord directed him to say to the Israelites “[t]he heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his doings" (Jeremiah 17:9‭-‬10 NKJV)

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Here's the thing, although it may not be possible to inject this areasol from an air plane, how about inside the plane, or inside of a bus, how about a mega store or Mall. Don't trust the government, they are capable of doing anything.

Stay safe and be informed 😊

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It is possible from a plane. I am hit virtually every day with aerosolized bioweapons.

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