Consider this. They are only admitting what they have to. Imagine what we still don't know about what is in those jabs.

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I don’t know, about that. If you saw “died suddenly”, on Twitter, undertakers or embalmers, were interviewed. Something I have been waiting for...as the embalmers showed the “clots”, and the graphene oxide. If I am wrong, please correct me🤷🏻‍♀️. There is an abstract I have of graphene oxide and the leishmania parasite, sand fleas carry them, the parasite eats up graphene oxide. I have over 50 thousand pictures, still looking for it, as they redacted it.

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Hi can you reference the page number in which the graphene oxide was mentioned pls?

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Hi! I have been with you for quite awhile now, on here and ig. I just want to say thank you for all of the knowledge you have given us. It’s been a long road to get here, and with all the deception and lies, you are a breath of fresh consciousness, for me. I appreciate all the research you are doing. It’s helping me connect the dots. ~Lee

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For what purpose does Big Pharma place graphene oxide in the JAB?

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Whomever is controlling them wants us harmed.

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Pharma has big plans for all of us.

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Apr 2, 2023
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It would have saved a lot of lives. Panic leads to confusion and bad choices.

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Check with your own doctor, and this is not medical advice, but you can use N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) at any health food store to help create glutathione; the silymarin in milk thistle - also at your health food store - can also help as it helps the liver. Finally, I have had glutathione via IV. It was about $100 bucks in the Chicago area. Cheap when you consider the alternatives. I'm sure you can just do a web search to find someone local

And if you are still using Google, shame on you. Use Brave at Brave.com, and/or search engines SwissCows, Presearch or Freespoke. **Quit feeding the crocodile that only is planning to eat you later that same afternoon.

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Excellent response! NAC is great for people who do not have rh- blood. Also, agree with you about googly gloop, I use Brave, Qwant, and a bunch of other sites as well. Thank you and stay well!

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Perhaps more context would make the quote you cited more impactful. I'm not really sure if the GO is involved in the lab test or as you claim in the sauce. It's unclear and not convincing to me.

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GO is involved in the sauce, the leishmania parasite is the carrier, and it connects it together making blood clots. Neither white or red blood cells can fight it. Also, our bodies carry natural parasites to combat the bad ones. This leishmania parasite comes from the sand fleas at the beach or shore and is in dirt. Our bodies are naturally used to this parasite. Why not use it to carry the poison around in the body? There is an abstract floating around from the Lancet infectious disease journal. I lived with an infectious disease doctor for 4 months in 2017. We spoke about the plandemic. She also was kind enough to let me read her microbiology books and also giving me knowledge above and beyond what I ever thought I could have, after a stroke. As far as not being convinced, so many people are fighting about this and fighting each other. I have been following lion for a while and this guy drops lots of knowledge. If so many people are saying the same thing, why would you not be convinced? Trust, faith, hope and love. Knowledge, power and guidance is what we need now.

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Gosh - Happy Weekend to y'all too! The United States & The Planet Earth of Graphene Oxide. All the news that is fit to print???? Thanks - I think!

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This article's claim:

"So, now that it has been confirmed that Graphene Oxide is definitely a secret ingredient of the Pfizer Covid-19 mRNA injection, we can guarantee you are going to want to know how you can remove the toxic substance from your body."

Is FALSE, based on the documentary reference that it cites and uses to justify this claim.

You do not have to be a scientist, doctor or technical expert to know this. Look at the page of the document. It does not concern the manufacture of Pfizer's product. It concerns an external (in vitro) scientific analytical process (flow cytometry) that is divorced from the manufacture or ingredients of the Pfizer products. If you look at the full section from which that page has been pulled, it is even more clear that an in vitro experiment into the “Flow Cytometry Analysis of Binding to Cell Surface-Expressed P2 S” is an analysis method totally divorced from the production process of Pfizer’s Covid gene therapy products. The graphene oxide highlighted in the text is part of the analysis process and not an ingredient, per this document.

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I suggest you go to Dr. Ana's substack. She has a huge amount of information on this from different sources around the world including La Quinta Columna who has proven that it exists in the product.

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Sorry, they are lying.

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OK, you've convinced me.

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Liars don't have proof.

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Liars are capable of presenting false proofs.

How do you know whether the proof of Delgado, Sevillano and Campra is valid or false?

This is not about your person or about your feelings or about your need of Justice.

Please, explain why do you believe the arguments from la quinta columna group.

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You’re correct. Dr. Ana and many others have been diligently researching these injections and pointing to the GO and many other noxious substances that are found in the vials. But the snippet presented here has nothing to do with the stuff in the vial. The text refers to preparing a sample for cryo-electronmicroscopy. Sure, there is GO in the jab if you look for it! But this text IS NOT evidence of it. GO is a great matrix for electron microscopy (great conductor, tough material, transparent...). Don’t muddle the waters.

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I am glad that you acknowledge that it is in the vials. It sounded like you had doubts. When dealing with these demons we cannot give them the benefit of the doubt. The fact that it is in the vials is the main point here. I am not muddling the waters, just trying to not get side tracked, which in my opinion, is the real muddle of the waters.

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Hi I don’t know what to say to this comment, but read the lancet infectious disease journal. Unless you are already in the med field. If you are than answer me this, mold and fungus do the exact same thing, how do I know? I got hit with blk mold from a “sick house”. My dog passed within a 4 months and my conure in 8 months, I had a stroke. I lived in a cytokine storm for 1 and 1/2 years. I also lost my detox and my mutation genes, mthfr factor, which gets checked in our blood but everyone bypasses it.

Also, CRISPR is a gene editing machine, how could you even say GO is divorced from the process? Did you speak with the scientists at Berkeley? I did in 2018, as I found, CRISPR could replace my metal knees for real ones. I called and they said, and I quote, “we are working on gene therapy right now, that is in the near future, we will keep your name and email, we will notify you when ready”. I have a couple of emails I never responded, I am no scientist, but I know a lot about the body and how it works. Being rh- is already hard. There are so many documents and whistleblowers, how can you dispute the science?

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100% crap misinformation.

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Absolutely correct. This is describing a sample preparation for cryo-electron microscopy. Let's fight this the right way, people!

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Thanks for the support. The search for the deliberately obfuscated truth is long and arduous, made worse by the fumbling blind.

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Thank you. I was going to point this out, but you've already done so.

While I'm firmly in the "jabs are poison" camp, this piece of info is definitely not proof of graphene in the vials.

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Thanks for the support.

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Perhaps the next "booster" will "Do the trick" for you... keep boosting...

God Bless

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Irrespective of what's claimed/stated in that video, the specific claim (EDIT to remove "you've") made here in relation to those highlighted words "graphene oxide" is false. Those words, in that position, in that document, in that context, are not proof that there's graphene oxide in Pfizer's Covid gene therapies.

My OP wasn't discussing anything else, only this specific claim and the documentary reference used to support it.

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Correction, I did not make any claims, I posted the article by the Expose. I personally believe that this doc is a circumstantial evidence confirming findings by different researches and scientists


Also, any method of removal of GO is beneficial. I think all these points are clear. People need to do their own research and come to their own conclusions.

I wonder why you are so defensive towards Pfizer. Go to the NIH .gov and search GO studies, some of them can be found posted under the link I just posted. They've been adding GO to vaccines, masks and tests swabs. I don't think you realize the depth of evil we are dealing with.

Have a great day

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Thank you for passing it along. I had read and then forgotten about the flow cytometry issue, in almost more detail than my brain could stand, but what I did notice about the article is that it is considerably more "neat and tidy" than the actual evidence.

I am always looking for more witnesses to what is going on. This article summarized the thoughts and conclusions of some of the witnesses I have already heard. I want to hear from still more. These matters are not settled.

The larger picture that I see, taken from the word of all the witnesses I have heard, is that the world is distracted by many, many things, much of it being deception, and that people are failing to consider where we came from, what our nature is, and the role that we ourselves have in causing our world to be this way.

When people do consider these things, it can sometimes lead to recognizing why we are here, turning from what they were doing, and discovering the truth that sets them free.

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I've edited my previous reply to correct for your reposting of the Exposé article.

The rest of your post is not my concern regarding what and how people do and act re GO. My concern is only the highlighted claim.

It should be noted that I have not defended anyone, especially Pfizer, and it is weak of you to immediately cast aspersions of that kind given what I wrote. That is a deliberate choice of technique on your part, which is totally unjustified. It appears to have escaped you why I spoke up, so I will explain in explicit terms.

Any false claims peddled by those who question the establishment narrative serve only to discredit the people asking the questions. Thus, errors like this made by the Exposé and spread by this repost compound those vulnerabilities. I have pointed out exactly why the claim is false in order to protect truth and facts, for the express purpose of ensuring that those who legitimately question do so based on truth, not lies or propaganda or mis-readings and misconstruing of documents such as this.

If people want to believe what the Exposé has claimed without analysing the source material and the claim's credibility, then what does that say about them and the "journalistic integrity" of the Exposé?

Don't be led up the garden path by people who don't bother to read, analyse and critique. That's what got billions of people dosed in the first place - they believed lies told to them by charlatans and did what they were told.

See the ongoing discussion around GO in shots that now includes the possibility that the analysis technique, laser raman spectroscopy, employed by Quinta Columna and others may have been misapplied and thereby carbonised the samples, triggering false positives. Other people are doing other forms of analysis so there are many, many questions that are open, including GO and RNA/DNA contamination, and the corollaries of either.

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Agreed Ignasz!

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People, listen to this "Ignasz Semmelweisz" substacker.

He is telling the truth about this issue.

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