Pregnant women have been under attack well before "covid." Steve Kirsch recommended my corresponding article on the subject:


All the "covid" injections contained a few dozen computer-selected pathogens, parasites, toxins, and graphene, but each batch was different in order to maintain plausible deniability. Yet VAERS data in November, 2021, showed periodic recurrences of the same damages/deaths, irrespective of manufacturers:


mRNA has not been found in the vials, but hydrogels have. Hydrogels are needed for delivering the graphene-based self-assembling nano-computers into the body that can later manipulate the DNA per 5G instructions. The result is the same as if mRNA were used, but this way, they chain reaction can be controlled.


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Pregnant women are told not to take Nyquil. I will never understand how they went along. Maybe as the Bible says, they are “without natural affection.” God-given instincts were missing before the shots were presented. As sad as it is, there must be blame attributed to the women who foolishly took these shots, as well as the cabal. It honestly goes against every natural instinct and “Medical” precedent. Their punishment may be to see their child and themselves pass. How awful.

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I do not blame the women. Their doctors, family members, friends, co-workers, employers, governments, media, were ALL telling pregnant/nursing women that this was NEEDED to PROTECT them from the "deadly" COVID. And, don't you want to pass those antibodies on to your baby? I know this firsthand as a mother of a highly intelligent nursing mother (who did not vax my granddaughter thank God). She was seeing a Naturopath, had resisted for months , but was getting so much pressure from ALL SIDES, asked her doctor, "Is it safe?' He said, "Most probably ' so she got 2. Luckily both mother and child seem to be fine. She went through literal hell from both her mother and sister -in-law. Her partner is not happy to have taken it, and will take no more. It is pure evil what has been done (and continues) to the people. These facts MUST get into everyone's hands!

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I agree, when I said blame I did not mean all blame. I meant some blame. It cannot be understated how a Mom is to protect her child. I understand they were lied to. But I know many who also chose not to research, and scoffed at the truth.

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What do “off label use” and “product use issue” mean in the lactation section?

Also: this all makes me so angry!!! And so glad again that I refused the vax as a pregnant and lactating woman, even though it was pushed on me by society.

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clear intent to do harm - undeniably premeditated MASS MURDER

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Thank you for this post , it must be shared continuously!

I knew in my spirit from the start that this was the case with these shots !

I warned NOT to take these shots while pregnant or nursing or EVER!!


There are NO words other than PURE EVIL!!☠️

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When I was going to school for my nursing license, they did not even encourage Tylenol use unless it was absolutely necessary during pregnancy…

What happened to our medical community?! May the Lord rebuke them! 🔥🔥🔥

May these doctors and nurses be made to take 10 boosters for every one that they recommended to their patients! 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

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Apr 30, 2023·edited Apr 30, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I read about these not being approved for pregnant women in the beginning and I can’t believe any doctor would have recommended them and the mothers didn’t read up on their safety. Just like them approving it for children when there has been no threat to them. They should all be criminally charged for telling any pregnant woman to take them. Having had two children that I developed a rare condition that affected my liver, they couldn’t even give me the medications to stop that or even anything to help with the side effects of the condition. It started in my second trimester with both of them and got worse as the pregnancies progressed, but I couldn’t be subscribed anything for fear it would hurt my babies. Now they unleashed these deadly jabs on all these women!! As soon as I delivered my sons, it immediately stopped the day I gave birth. The medical establishment can never be trusted again….they were already on thin ice as it was!

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Apr 30, 2023·edited Apr 30, 2023

They did what they did because they did know.. People just will not understand that all these people knew what their poison could do, because they tested it to make sure that it was unsafe and effective at killing.. We assumed they test for safe and effective, but they have always tested for unsafe and effective at maiming, injuring and killing.. Injuring so they can sell more drugs to treat the injuries..

My Question is this: WHY??????????? Why are they killing?? What is the reason it cannot be just for money, not that they have not done that since creation, but I would like to know why they want to kill off so many people in so many different ways ... WHY????????

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"The Corona Operation is the beginning of the satanic End Game. The controlled demolition of the current World Order has begun. It will be reduced to ashes, and out of the ashes, the phoenix shall rise. A New Order Of The Ages ruled by a One World dictator, The Antichrist shall emerge. "


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Eugenics. Population Control. And, if you listen to Catherine Austin Fitts in Plandemic, "they are working to upload an operating system in the human body and do not care how many they kill to get it done."

Enter "Brave New World,: if we do not, with God's Grace, stop them!

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

From Over Here, "they" aren't vaccinating for prophylactic therapeutic purposes...

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