Well, no PCR test and no vaccine. Does that make me invisible?

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Do your eyes glow under UV?

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No, it makes you an "anomaly".😐

Which when "scanned", "logged", "analysed", makes you stand out.😐

Don't assume your invisible, because the data is analysed and patterns show. Even when it's "a glitch". 😉

So use the "glitch" as a cover, but have a back up plan. Invest in clothes that mess with facial recognition cameras. There's a crew in Italy that are having a ball messing with the tech😉

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53 mins ago·edited 52 mins ago

True, like a red hot pimple. Like the idea of messing their tech up. :-)

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and still very few are mentioning the pandemic treaty are you aware tedros and co plan to have it finalised by the end of the year

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This so-called treaty isn’t even legal there claims are fraudulent.

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I doubt they are gonna tailor vaccines to our dna...I suspect a much more nefarious use for it

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When will this evil stop? Bodily autonomy and knowledge will likely be the key.

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This evil will stop when Jesus returns.

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Profiling.. putting us in socio- economic "boxes"

Studies have show that we are being given different offers, jobs for instance, according to our box ( race, income and such ...)

Divide and conquer..


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Only one way to escape the wickedness of man. Maranatha Yeshua Messiah!

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This is getting so much weird wilder and more satanic every single day. I just don’t understand how a small group, relatively speaking, can be taking over the world.

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I saw this morning that they said Queen Elizabeth actually died of a rare cancer. Of course they made her take a Shot. With Prince Charles and Kate both coming down with afflictions, I strongly suspect the shots.

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I have not stuck no PCR test up my nose, I did not get covid, have not been sick, quite frankly all the PCR test did was scam everyone, why not use your own q tip? Oh right it does not have the poison in it. I do not comply I will never comply, I mean really people standing inline to have a q tip shoved up thru the brain barrier, while they fell fine. Really people. Why would you stand in a line up when there was nothing wrong with you.

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But you still have nano machines inside you sending and receiving signals. We ALL do. Buy a megaphone and run the speaking into end around your body while switched on . You are after feedback. This hasnothing to do with vaccines. Nanoparticles are in everything

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