All this was outlined, analyzed, and documented years ago by Kathrine Watt. But clearly, since she was not "Harvard educated," no one bothered to listen to her. I detest elitism.

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Exactly 🎯

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… and the ACOG still recommends the biological weapon to pregnant women , why …. To depopulate.

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let's see, i really want to impress a judge. so as my testimony i submit a transcript from the stew peters show

i like boyle but he must know a lawyer or two?

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😞 … he may disappear 🫠

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if alex jones "disappears" stewie gets a big bump in viewers

or maybe they "disappear" together

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I have a dear friend who is now having difficulty with severe spells of dizziness and headaches. She admits that that her illness is probably from the three covid vaccines that she felt compelled to get back during the hysterics over the Covid debacle. So many people were bamboozled to getting the jabs!! I hope we have learned our lesson and seek alternatives for increasing our immune systems with nutrient dense foods and supplements.

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Perfectly said.

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Harvard and Yale both suck.

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And Princeton.

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As well as many over priced ‘Ivy League’ schools. There are two genders and 2+2=4.:

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How impressed should one really be by this? Why has he been silent for three and a half years? It did not take others with less expertise that long to figure this out.

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That's what happens when Doctors change horses midstream.

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I think Dr. Cahill is incorrect with her predictions, it has been 4 years and nowhere near the predicted number of deaths. I believe mortality rates are rising and will continue to do so, but the limiting factor is that some batches were neutral and did nothing at all. It depended upon what batch you were lucky or unlucky enough to receive.

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You are correct. But, the experiment is ongoing.

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You may call it an experiment but I call it WW3. 182 countries were impacted according DJT. WW4 is on the horizon and The US Military never even fired a single shot over DEPOPULATORS.

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That's what you would expect by a KGB controlled 'country.'

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Yes, the insanity continues. Although the uptake has dropped significantly.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9

I wish that was the case. While there were toxic batches and batches with different combination of toxicity it does not seem there were placebos given. Every study I looked or read shows that vaxxed people have antibodies against vaccine spike and in the case of multiple mRNA vaccinated their IgG4 is also elevated. This proves that no placibos were given. Just because some people are fine does not mean they will be fine long term. And if they will be fine then their body was not affected badly, was able to detox and recover. This Bioweapon is designed to be stealth, slow acting, chipping peoples immune system, mitochondria and other organs slowly. Think of HIV but this one (vax and the SARS-COV2 virus) is more sophisticated. Because it is slow acting for majority of people and people with better genetics and health it relies on continues jabs and re-infections to eventually kill the person.

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Dr. McCullough said if you manage to avoid symptoms early on, the risk goes down. However, no one knows for sure because it is still an experiment and only time will tell. It makes sense that the more boosters the more likely you are to be harmed. I wonder how the body clears the shot's spikes which are designed not to breakdown like the spikes in the virus. Another question I have is why all citizens would be coerced to take a shot that will kill them, leaving the globe without any populations? I think it was designed as a bioweapon, (to be used in war but not on citizens, and a leak occurred) with the idea of also producing a vax that actually worked, so it was more about money than destroying humanity. Dr. McCullough also said there seems to be subclinical cardiac harm in all boys who took the shot, so that would contradict the first postulate. Few people die of AIDS today in Western countries, not so in Africa or Sub Sahara, the retrovirals which have side effects can prolong life by decades.

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The jab/vaccines are the way for big pharma/medical/gov’t to get contrived/man-made viruses into you, via injection! If it were possible to create a virus to wipe out the world (lab leak or otherwise), you wouldn't need a rabid (fascist) vaccination program. The FLU vaccination campaign was failing, so let’s scare the people about coronaviruses, most have not heard of, and voila a pan coronavirus vaccination campaign! $$$

Learn, be happy, and fear not! Just slow down and think about it… IF viruses were contagious, we ALL should be sick ALL the time!!! Or extinct by now! We are being kept in fear of germs, nature, ourselves…how convenient for the cartels of big medical/pharma/gov’t…

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We have trillions of viruses living in us. So of course most are benign. Some people are genetically predisposed to acquire a virus and remain asymptomatic. Fear of anything is convenient for exploiters. In this case pharma made out big time.

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Yes, our virome, like our microbiome. We likely have a low level of viral activity going on all the time and that is great! We are wonderfully made! If one is compromised big time, not having had good nutrition (as often in old age), viruses could become excessive (and not kept in check by our antibodies) and cause one to be much sicker…otherwise, they are the good guys!

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Very few are pathogenic.

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Why was he in the position to write that legislation if he wasn’t backed by the deep state?

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And, it was signed by HW Bush, who IS the deep state.

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A sick bunch created C19 in labs, created their DEPOP shot then released both upon 182 countries who just happen to be trading partners with the CCP. When will BOUNTIES BE POSTED for these sick fucks? I am ready to begin the hunt.

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Can Professor Boyle also include self spreading MNRA jabs as a bioweapon? Along with our now tainted blood supply?

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Nothing will stop the WHO until the people rise up together.

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Those silly useless masks look abhorrent.

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Depressing…yah… I know…but there’s hope!!!… in “One Person!” That One person.. is Jesus Christ! 100% of us..are going to be laid to rest..sooner or later! He is not only.. the Creator… but He is also the Savior and judge of this world! He died that we might live…forever! He proved it by rising from the dead! We need to look away from this evil..corrupt..world..and get our eyes fixed on that which is crucial…and eternal! Where are we going to spend eternity? This is the question! With Christ or..in Hell? Only you and I can answer that question! All this other wicked… crazy…ungodly stuff… is going to come and go..and soon…pass away…as I’m sure…another crisis…. will soon appear…on the horizon.. to grab our time and attention! This issue… of the souls destiny.. is of utmost importance! God help us…to find Christ..and peace…and the hope He offers all…before it’s too late! Psalm 121…”I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help? My help cometh from the Lord..” which made the heavens and the earth! He will not suffer thy foot to be moved…He that keepeth thee will not slumber!” Thank you Lord!😊

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There sure is Grace & nature healng protocols being found as helpful in detox. We Do Not Accept Nocebo let alone from a previous pharma vax promoter

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Sorry, but when are going to start seeing articles/discussion around finding legitimate detox? We've had as much (if not more) fear mongering about the vaccine now than that which drove the sheep to get it.

This is starting to get ridiculous now. I refused to test myself or get any jabs, but my whole family did.

Can we please start talking about figuring out a way to reverse the effects of this bioweapon?

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I expect to hear more "experts" sharing their wisdom - about three years too late. "Expertitis" is contagious:).

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Bossche has been spouting this for 3+ YEARS! And even tho MANY HAVE DIED/BEEN INJURED, the moronic 30% of the NPC population is blind...

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I wonder when the "mass destruction" is going to take place? To me, that means more deaths than you can imagine as the bodies pile up beyond our ability to count them. There is no doubt that mRNA poisons have murdered millions but as far as creating massive destruction, the entire fake vaccine parade has been another major globalist failure. This is why they keep pushing one end-of-life scenario after another.

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