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Dec 31
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She’s lucky to be alive but given her vax status it’s only a matter of time 🤷‍♂️. Sad but true

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She's lucky indeed. I hope she knows how lucky she is. Because millions like her died after taking the shots. She just won the lottery.

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She’s evil. Lead many to the slaughter. She’s so cavalier about this evil. Hollywood is a horrible place.

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Exactly. She's evil to the core. People are so addicted to their fealty for 'famous' people. Her influence must have helped convince innumerable people to follow suit.

Holy water in the veins....

Hollywood is supremely evil. Those that cannot see that at this very late date, must be NPCs.

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"... fealty for 'famous' people". It's what feeds propaganda. Curious how the Homo-Globos cares not for its mouthpieces.

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Exactly. Homo-Globos (to use your term) cares not one bit if one of their starlets dies. They have them coming out the seams. Shit, they will sell the tragedy of Gadot (should she die in the next year etc) as a heroine. completely manipulate the minds of anyone who tunes in, remind them that she was 'Wonder Woman."

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Those who cannot see the truth at this late date are literally blinded by a lifetime of lies, deception and brain-washing. The mind-control is vast.

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Not sad.

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Not sad even one bit. People are constantly giving away their emotions to grifters like Gadot, who made a fortune through one of the world's most prolific propaganda machines. People LOVE to project their good-natured qualities onto others. They rely upon people being blind to their own energy management.

Hey, same as the Jimmy Carter stuff on the boob tube right. Earlier today I saw perhaps 20 photos of Carter flash by, in many he is surrounded by well known evil doers from the NWO. So, Carter is either so naive he didn't know who those people were, or, something else. And if he's to be remembered as a Statesman, then how could he be so naive on the world's stage? People LOVE naivete, they truly do. It is witness-able every single day.

Never ending streams of false idols.

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I feel bad for her GMO babies

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To be honest, it's only a matter of time before all of us are dead.

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While true….one doesn’t have to hasten the inevitable

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Another vaccident side effect. When are Sheeple going to wake up from the fraud and treasonous brainwashing????

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I’ll take never for the Daily Double Alex

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Yeah, I was wondering if anyone was going to address the bigger question. Like ... Why are we still having these "EXPERIMENTS" being done on us ?

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Why? Because not enough people started to rebel demanding justice.

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true, people still don't want to hear what I have to say

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...but I do!

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We as a group are passive

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Gadot actively supports two genocides. The injection of toxic substances and this: https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2023/12/7/hollywoods-israel-problem

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If she was part of the the original get-vaccinated PSYOP as an ex-IDF motion picture MOCKINGBIRD, this seems like a damage-control follow-on PSYOP. If a ‘random’ brain blood clot can afflict her, it can afflict any woman, or so it’s implied.

The wonder woman who allegedly loves bringing life into the world sure did her part to achieve the opposite.

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Yes. Thankyou. Interested in the layering psyop methodology

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She forgot to mention her jab did this and killed others— for sure damage control.

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you are very likely over the target!

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She’s evil!😡 Will, she’s all for genecide so I guess we shouldn’t fell bad for her.😳

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Usually, with genocides populations shrink. Perhaps you can take a few minutes from parroting propaganda to discover this particular population ahs grown, not shrunk. And a good thing too! Who wouldn't want more of those loveable little flesh eaters.

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Which demographics grew though? It was the continent which for the most part didn't get vaxxed- Africa.

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We’re assuming the story is true; it may not be.

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You would reference something from Al-Jazeera as credible???

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Perhaps you need the word "genocide" defined for you - as well as read and comprehend more Muslim literature clearly stating their desired intention to kill every Jew - never heard a Jewish person or entity claim an interest in destroying all Muslim lives. Oh, interesting side note: the Grand Mufti of Palestine, al Husseini, still lauded and admired far and wide in the territory (not state, not country) of Palestine, spent WW2 in nazi Germany assisting in the holocaust of the Jews.

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'Never heard a Jewish person or entity claim an interest in destroying all Muslim lives'. =

You obviously must live in a small exclusive construct! Maybe check current Jewish parliamentary Ministers & IDF Tirades! There's Any number of them, on File tape, Requesting Continued 'Endless' Genocide & Ethnic cleansing against surrounding & Already 'Occupied' Nations - Especially Kids & infants = The Specific IDF Command targeted next Generation!

Some 'Light reading' on ZION/NAZI (It is after all, an anagram with 1 only vowel differential - BUT, the Same Beast!) Co-Ops = 'A Nazi travels to Palestine'. YOU, can view Co-Op Trade medals struck, with 'Star of David 1 side - Swastika on the other side! Extra; THE Magical 'Holocaust' & 6 Million Jewish 'Casualties Figure', has been touted/Reported initially in 1915 - '6 Million Souls in Peril', requiring U.S.$ 1 Billion in Aid - UKRAINE! Seems a familiar Number! & Ukraine no less - Constructed 'History repeating' maybe!

Wellness - even 'Trapped in Sparta'! Have the Persians 'Gotten thru the Hot Gates yet'- or relocated? John D.

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Looks like karma is catching up....

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I don't think its karma, if the shots did cause the clots, then it is due to her buying the propaganda.

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No, it's karma for her and others who went around SPREADING the propaganda, calling for death to the unvaxxed, demanding they be sent to camps and worse.

I'm not referring to those who simply bought into the propaganda.

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I don't know enough about her position. I am shocked that she called for death for those who refused the clot shots. She would have so much positive impact if she admitted the shots cause clots. She may have been told at the hospital it is due to the pregnancy. Even now, doctors are doing harm by their denial. The nurses at Cedars tried to guilt me into taking the shot. The hospital sent in an officious looking woman with a notepad in hand, asking me 'why I didn't take the shot' in a confronting tone. I explained a close family member developed a hematoma after the shot. She immediately left the room. So many were in on this, the nurses, doctors, administration, all to get the money of course, which we didn't know about at the time. How can so many regular workers, people feel they have the right to push medical protocols on anyone. How can so many people working in the health industry, in hospitals have no training on how natural immunity works. I get the administration wants the money, but the workers didn't get a bonus for covid drug pushing?

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I know, it's so insane and horrific!!!

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Beth they’re bad people. Not all people are Good. It’s hard to swallow. Our stores still support this. I hope we rise up.

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It’s ficked our stores still offer jabs!

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What does the word “ficked” mean?

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There is no karma just like there was no pandemic but a plan-demonic.

God is in control but He gives us free will!

Therefore it just depends on who do you trust?

In the Bible it is written that a man who trusts another man is cursed.

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The dots , sadly , will never connect.

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The ACOG , wants every pregnant woman jabbed .

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not looking good in the hospital, last week a woman almost died giving birth, jabbed X2 Pfizer, seeing a lot of babies with missing digits, no one knows why

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Almost sounds like thalidomide again…

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A bunch of murderous scum…

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Another brainwashed idiot that has yet to figure out what is really happening.

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Or is being paid to gaslight us.

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Her admonitions, to others, to partake of the killshot makes her an accessory to murder. Complicit.

Does everyone have access to specialized brain surgery & medical treatments, the same as Hollywood superstars?

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I had told everyone who would listen to *NOT* think of the "vaccines" as a jab of deadly poison. Rather, I told them, think of being injected with a *time bomb* that would 'go off' at different times for different people. For some people it would go off immediately, or within hours, days, weeks, or months. For the majority, I added, it would be between 1 and 5 years.

Well, we will soon be entering the 5th years since the jabs first rolled out. Has anyone else noticed the dramatic increase in those dying, specially early in life (under 40 years of age)? Hmm... ...

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your counsel was very astute and wise

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I told people it was like Russian roulette 💥

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Unfortunately, from what I've seen in other vaxxed people, this is not a "one and done" situation for her.

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if her baby is next :(

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they dig in their heals

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I was feeling sorry for her children who will receive every vaccine offered including flu/Covid combo. If they survive all that, there might be hope it’s not as bad as we thought. My guess is her kids are at the least going to spend lots of time in doctors offices.

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Whether consciously or super consciously she knows the truth.

Further she also knows her "influence" was extremely harmful.

There are consequences for false beliefs, some are severe.

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When they have conducted autopsies of people who have died suspiciously,

their brains often show tiny blood clots throughout the brain plus a plethora of

other abnormalities

Sometimes when they try to embalm they are unable due to the fibrous material

in the arteries etc.

I am very worried about my sister who had 3 this year, Jan, May and Sept

When on earth is it doing to stop?

The latest FEAR MONGERING are ads on tv 'If you become sick with COVID, somebody will

be left alone'

(features older, ie elderly, individuals.

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I'm sorry to hear about your sister. If she's had 3 recently, I can only imagine how many she's had before that.

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ALL of them from the very beginning

When they first became available in the Portland metro area by drive thru

they immediately made arrangements to drive to the airport where they

had set up jab stations

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This is a rather strange and perhaps useless observation...but I noticed that, in the photo of the actress getting "vaccinated," her upper arm (bicep area) is rrrrrrreally thin, the same width as her forearm, and is disproportionate to her torso. Perhaps it's just a Photoshop fail and nothing else. Or I'm just imagining things. Regardless, thanks for your reporting!

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(It's an optical illusion where the breastplate of her costume obscures the other half of her left upper arm.)

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