Humanity got along without daily vaccines pre-2020 March. I think we better start getting aggressive with Mr Tadros. 8 Billion vs 1 man representing a cabal of lunatics who decided to get rich forcing vaccines or any Hitlerian experimentation should be dealt with extremely harshly as an example on the world stage. Mr Tadros, go tend to your pigs.

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192 nations willfully signed onto the UN’s recent Pact for the Future and to their previous insane UN Agenda 2030 (depopulation) agenda — they took $$$ from the billionaires club to sell the souls of humanity and the innocent trusting millions of good everyday people who believed the big fat “safe and effective” lie and took the deadly jabs. Each of these nations MUST NOW haul in these perpetrators (politicians, public health officials, etc.,) who knowingly supported and signed onto these demonic hateful crimes against humanity — and every last one of them MUST be brought to Justice IMMEDIATELY! Do not forget the victims who were sacrificed for the WHO and UN’s Luciferian mission to destroy humanity. Their blood cries out against their murderers and it is TIME for humanity to shut down the kill machine.

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How to do it? What authoritative bodies will take action? How to collect evidence and organize a case? They are scrubbing the internet now regarding lockdown orders etc during the COVID Pandemic. If 192 of 196 countries have signed on that was the document subjugating humanity to globalist rule. Trudeau is imbued with the drug of belonging to the globalist master class and in his “good boy@ persona is rushing the 2030 agenda building blocks to fruition including digital biometric government controlled ID. Instantly we are deemed farm animals without human rights ir Charter Rights. Anything can be done to any one of us on whim. Closely connected Fake, Surveillance, Judgement, Control and Punishment Digital Programable Currency and finally shots update passport Guinea Pig papers. Straight to dystopian nightmare like Jews promised a refreshing shower in Nazi Germany. It’s amazing a handful if guards could murder millions. Here we have a tiny number of psychopaths building the infrastructure to subjugate ALL HUMANITY. Is this nightmare or real? Help me out on this. Am I nuts?

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The nightmare IS real. But Dutch farmers saw the writing on the wall and stormed their parliament with truckloads of manure and took down the government. Where there’s a will there’s always a way. The logistics may look impossible but I think we are way past the point of collecting any more evidence or organizing cases. There’s mountains of evidence everywhere — including Canada’s National Citizens Inquiry 5,000+ page report on cv19 for starters. It’s not over until it’s over. May Truth and Justice prevail against the gates of hell.

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Hey, thanks for the reference Canada’s Nation Citizen’s Inquiry (5,000pg). Without sugar coating it they are mass murderers.

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That was brilliant. Filled their offices with _hit. The footage was fantastic. Canadians are screming every time Fidel Trudeau steps out in public. The oligarchs are losing.

Soon to be deposed...

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I don’t think you’re nuts. I feel the same way.

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time to act is now.. the things that's mostly frightening to them is to lose control over the populations I am floor every country on this planet stand up before it's too late a billion of us must find a way to squash this agenda

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Digital ID is nothing more than a euthanasia contract. To participate in society, access to banking, access to food, travel, etc will be tied to health status meaning up to date clot shots! Sign right up to die suddenly!

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You're making it too complicated.

Just start punching them in the nose.

Eventually, they'll be taking several dozen a day, and it works itself out.

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Even his pigs manure is Satanic.

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Unfortunately, there are more corrupt individuals like Tedros that we've got to remove to stop the New World Order from trying to turn us all into SLAVES.

I'm up for it! What about the rest of you?

Unjabbed Mick (UK). Let's fight dirty - just like they are?

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Greetings from the U.S. The only way things will change here is if “We the People” start a revolution. I’m ready but don’t know if we have the numbers of people needed.

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Sort of. Some of us knew that vaxs and quaxs are neither safe or effective and NEVER drank the kool aid or requested refills. That was over 30 years ago, and we were not early.

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He is a disgusting POS!! Does anyone really care what he says, thinks, or does? I have never received vaccines and never will regardless of what these evil parasites say. Ignore this garbage of filth.

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Most interesting. How did your parents have this profound Wisdom and transfer it your way?

Am studying this for several decades...

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As long as I can remember, my Father always said “question everything “. Glad he did

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You are already responsible for over 30,000,000 deaths. You manufactures the virus and then you deceptively mis-labelled/named untested genetic injections as “vaccines” and proceed to kill human beings while gaslighting, repressing and sweeping under the rug. You should not be “aggressively” promoting anything. You should be aggressively charged with “crimes against humanity you S.O.B. Puppeteered by Bill Gates, Big Pharma, WEF and Klaus Schwab, Larry Fink and BlackRock (finder of American Mikitary and constant War. You sir need to be given a rifle and sent to the Russian Meat Grinder in Ukraine. We genuinely need to DE-POPULATE the planet EARTH of monsters like you and your ilk.

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His warnings fall on deaf ears now. We have witnessed what the Jab did to millions of people. Ted rod is declaring war on earths population. He must be tried for crimes against humanity as a contributor to the culling of earths population. I now consider him also a Nazi

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Who (pardon the pun) brings him to justice? Everyone is complicit.

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We will have to intervene a world court once again. The same as last time. Nuremburg was the place. No the peoples of the world need to speak( that means the stupid dem libtards have to wake up from their woke state) and we need to let the trials begin. Diddy was the tip of the iceberg berg. There’s more evil people killing off earths population that need to be arrested and hung to let all the little despots know the are next if they wanna screw with the people of America and the people of the worlds lives. This has to come to an end before the healing process can begin.

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Tedros Adhanom is instead a former Communist revolutionary who helped overthrow the government of Ethiopia in 1991 and then headed their health ministry.

American Economist, David Steinman who was nominated for Nobel Peace Prize in 2019, lodged a criminal complaint demanding the WHO's prosecution of Tedros Adhanom. David Steinman exposed the Ethiopian dictatorship's human rights abuses of theft of thirty billion dollars from famine victims and hidden mass murder. He said Tedros was a "cruel decision maker in relation to security service actions that included killing and arbitrarily detaining and torturing Ethiopians." That is who is directing the World Health Organization.

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Tedros is a dillywhap of huge proportions, an accessory to murder, a criminal and according to scripture is hellbound. For as it is written, "murderers and liars" are in the list God has ordained unto eternal damnation. This same message has been heard down through the ages and it is true.

He is the author of his own destruction and as it is also written, the wrath of God abideth on him as a "worker of iniquity who God hates." Another damned fool wallowing in the waters of the sewer, choosing to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season victimizing innocent babies, children, young people, men and women.

Tedros, God has already tagged you for death, and you can believe what you want but you are damned with dirty hands covered in the blood of innocent children. It is coming at the right time in His discretion so as it is written, "Prepare to meet thy God."

The smile will be, at His timing, on the other side of your face. I am rough but not stupid...I would not take all the gold in the whole universe to do what you have/are doing. Fool. You have sold your soul for thirty pieces of silver.

Your vile carcass will rot in the ground temporally but your miserable spirit will burn in the hell you have merited for yourself.

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I’d be interested in any connection this guy and his organization has to pfizer, moderna or other drug companies. I’d say a freedom of information clause needs to be brought about to examine any evidence that may point to a connection between them.

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He's their bitch.

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The devil’s henchman!

A hot eternity awaits you 😈

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In Tedros’s own words, “ I think we need to strategize to really push back because vaccines work. Vaccines affect adults, and we have science and evidence on our side.” It depends (entirely) on what he means by ‘work’. Work to do what? …

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Yes Bazza, (that’s what we call you in Aussieland, it’s a term of endearment so don’t shoot me :) ). That’s exactly my thought. What totalitarian authoritarian Lucifarian war against humanity will they pull out to “enable” us to follow their nightmare, without “informed consent” and what good would that do humanity anyway - if it worked once….evil knows no bounds. Not jabbed with their recent poison here (childhood vaccines did enough damage), will fight tooth and nail not to be.

“In God we trust” seems to be more pertinent now than ever before.

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"Public Health" is how they plan to soft-sell their NWO.

But make no mistake, this is not just a literal terrorist pushing his agenda. He is but a pawn on the table, like GatesOfHell - who coincidentally is majory funding the WHO.

We've already seen that our governments will do whatever they are told by TPTB, and in the next round they plan to hold us down and force-jab us with whatever bioweapon is sold as the cure to the latest threat they have pulled from their freezers.

What this tells us is that the WHO, and its parent UN plus all the rotten fruit on that vine, is our enemy.

We need to destroy it all, forever.

Take away The Monster's puppets and watch the real Evil flail about like spoiled children.

Of course the US Government and every other government are also The Monster's puppets.

So they have to go also.

At this point it is self defence.

They have injected over 5B of us with a slow acting lethal injection bioweapon. And threatened each of us.

If that is not hostile intent in legal terms then nothing could be.

Defending ourselves against such a lethal threat is the duty of us all. On a side note, it is our duty to cleanse our nations, too.



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Poison yourself to stop the spread of bullshit!

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be aware the who pandemic treaty has NOT been stopped in fact the who are meeting on november 4th they intend to finalise the treaty by november 11th for confirmation and the details check out the james roguski substack..i highly reccomend the following petition..go to citizengo.org and scroll down till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty..read it carefully to understand just how serious things really are..be aware its a worldwide petition it can be signedv and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours..that said dont waste your time resharing it on gestapo book/you tube/twitter who are currently and will continue to both censor and suppress it..it currently has over 273000 signatures

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Well huh, Teddy, guess you botched the op.

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I'd like to see that prick show up here to try to give me a shot. It wouldn't end well for him. Isn't that piece of shit a Military target by now? Fuck the WHO.

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Take a hike, Tedros.

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The only “aggressive action” necessary is against him & his cartel

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Tadros needs to be charged, tried, convicted and jailed for dis-information and hate crime against humanity. Then punished, life in prison, using Trudeau new Canadian Anti-Charter of Rights and Freedoms Law. Trial must be begin full view, on world stage, under oath, discovery including behind the scenes puppeteers, financiers supporters, accomplices and operatives

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or worse...

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Bring it on you fucker

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