Apr 16Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

People have to stop with the "why hasn't the Main Stream Media looked into this?" Isn't the answer self evident by now?

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Respectfully, Yes. It is obvious. That's why we need to keep asking louder and louder.

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Dear Lord, deliver us from evil & help us to help ourselves. God's blessings to humankind - I believer in the Power of Prayer & right action. I will never stop speaking TRUTH to tyranny.

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The number of young people who have died since the mRNA jabs came out is accelerating even after most of them have stopped getting jabbed. Dr. Makis has another essay on college students dying because their colleges had illegal vaccine mandates. Just like if doctor said nurses, pilots and college students had balked at getting jabbed those mandates would have failed because of the amount of money each industry would have lost. Hopefully if this happens again people will do just that.


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Yes I am constantly amazed at how many people took the jab just to keep their jobs. Greediness overcame so many people.

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I have sympathy for those who took it to keep their jobs because many of them had family, mortgages and probably a lot of debt. But college students should have told me college to take a hike and then could have taken a year off. But then what would have happened to the scholarship?

People taking it to travel though…but then even though I questioned the safety I had no idea how dangerous the jabs were. I used to take other jabs my doctor said I should get..I just never thought my government was trying to kill me. Did you before this happened? Did anyone else?

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The video is private now, where is Barry right now!!

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I thought the same thing. I hope it is saved somewhere

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They arrested him and , the other woman who was reporting with him, I forget her name. He had his original video up with the chart, because he was the one who created the vaxx system with all of the names, the vaccine, how many vials, how many shots, when they took it and when they died. NZ was easy to see clearly what was going on because it's a smaller country, they went after Barry, and they scrubbed his video, I'm quite certain it's been downloaded, we need to keep pushing it out and find out if Barry is in jail or if he's even alive. Looks like they may have taken him out, I had said New Zealand is the smoking gun, it's undeniable evidence, We can't let this one go, it's up to We The People!!!

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