nhs tried to kill john o'looney this way...didn't work :)

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Patience... they didn't get Donald Trump the first try...🤔

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The bankers will ensure we stay in debt. The pharmaceutical companies will ensure we stay sick. The weapons manufacturers will ensure we keep going to war. The media will ensure we are prevented from knowing the truth. The Government will ensure all of this is done legally 🤫

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And our education system will insure we never learn the truth if we happen to step on the truth along the way in our life.

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True. The education system will ensure that no one will be educated.

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I'd agree, but thankfully, that age is coming to an end. There are some, inherited from the Kingdom of the Most High. Having an uncompromising quest for Truth.

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I just caught that.. lol, not punt intended.

R. I. P Rob

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The media will ensure we are prevented from knowing the truth.

No, there is little trust in legacy media now.

A recent US poll showed trust in The Medical System has plummeted from 70%+ in '19 to 40% in '24.

We are in the majority.

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But how scary is it that 40% still trust the medical system?

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Bet I know who those same 40% are voting for!

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Not as scary as 70%. It is more the massive change brought about by convid, which is uplifting to say the least.

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Not 40%. 80%.

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So, a continuation of the last 100 years but with more of the blindfolds removed, and TPTB just doubling down.

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the reptilians will keep doubling down. Until they can't. This is just hope but maybe all their horrific plans will collapse and they will meet with justice.

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Yes, AS LONG AS THERE'S MONEY IN IT (for themselves). This is why nobody in gov't SHOULD be allowed to have one cent more than their poorest constituent.

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Maybe better if the poorest constituent is not allowed to have any less than anybody in government?

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OBVIOUSLY--our Fearless Leaders aren't going to allow themselves to live in poverty.

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Hard to believe that all of them are satanic murdering ghouls but I am hard pressed to think differently. That is the one good thing about all this, they are exposed for what they are. All of them, thanks to the internet. The ghouls thought they had everything. They didn't reckon on the internet.

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That's odd Wilson: I have no problem believing that at all.

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yeah, I know. I was trying to be circumspect. Or civilized or something.

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>>>>>>>>The Government will ensure all of this is done legally<<<<<<

No, The Government will ensure all of this is done , period. LEGALITY will NOT be a requirement.

The President of Pfizer admitted UNDER OATH that the CONvid19 Clot SHOT was NEVER TESTED TO SEE IF IT PREVENTED INFECTIONS:


Under US Law a compound must PREVENT INFECTIONS in order to be considered a vaccine,

And so it goes.

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Only if we continue to consent/acquiesce. It's our choice.

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Those fucking Soulless medical care!!!

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Don't forget gross overuse of supplemental oxygen. That alone is a killer.

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Let me introduce and salute the pioneer the most daring whistleblower who risked her life and license to expose the CONvid19 HOAX :

>>>>>>>>>>>ERIN MARIE OLSZEWSKI, RN<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<




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Yeah.. this is exactly what took the life of Rob Skiba.

Amongst other's.

R. I. P

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My wife died in the same way, in the same region, time period and circumstances as Skiba.

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My condolences.🫂

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For sure they did this. My brother was murdered by them and they were nasty to him and his family because none of us were vaccinated. Lots of attitude and bad vibes towards all of us. I wrote about it recently.

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There is a deep spot in Hell, close to the fallen Angels for psychopaths that knowingly killed these poor folks.. 😥

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I now understand why God is also the God of Wrath as well as the God of Mercy and his punishment is for eternity. He must punish according to degree of sin and He has made preparation for that. All through scriptures He has warned us and especially about those who harm children AS Well AS THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN HIM.

And of course, over 90% of religions are apostate trying to eliminate the idea of eternal hell and prevent the knowledge of the Truth getting out.

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My son took me to the ER in 2021 where I was diagnosed with Covid pneumonia and a DVT. I never got a Covid shot. One of the things he told the doctor was that I wasn’t to get remdesivir or there would be hell to pay. I was there for 8 days and I was asked more than once if I wanted to take remdesivir. I kept saying no. The last time I was asked by a doctor I told him....No because I didn’t want to die! He put his head down and left the room. I was released the following day...still very sick but alive.

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Glad you made it.

Hope you’re getting better.

My sister in-law wasn’t so lucky.

Even though her husband knew and said no many times, he finally caved after they kept telling him she will not make it if she doesn’t go on the protocols.

Two days later she died. Both were unvaccinated.

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23

Similar experience with my husband. So Cal Kaiser. I advocated strongly for him including no remdesivir. He had Covid pneumonia and his oxygen level was lower than it should have been. By the grace of God we got doctors who didn't do the protocol. I think they wanted to, but listened to me and to him. He received antibiotics, oxygen, vitamin c & d and zinc. He was discharged a couple of days later, still sick, but he healed in time and is fine now. Knowing about the protocols it was very unnerving going to the ER for this at that time. We had called 911 but no ambulance was available for at least 30 minutes due to the heavy load of med emergencies occurring in our area then. It was crazy. I should add we are both non vaxed.

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Dear Lioness...

How can what Polly is saying in any way, surprise you? The writing has been on the wall now, for how long? According to some, at least a century, probably longer. For example, MD Creekmore's presentation this morning: "This Is Where The Missing Children Are!" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7k6F-sG5WM) 620,000 missing migrant children. The Biden Regime has no idea what happened to them, or where they are. Or tune into "Ice Age Farmer" and learn about the deliberate destruction of supply lines and livestock with the patently-asinine justification of "bird flu." Or how about the destruction of farms in the Netherlands in order to "reduce carbon"? They'd have us believe that Carbon Dioxide is a dangerous pollutant that must be expunged from the atmosphere? And people believe this?

It is almost impossible to make the average person understand the truth, which is that the monsters running our world are literally demonic entities and that they are out to destroy us, any way that they can, that St. Paul's warning in Ephesians 6:12-13 is the utter truth regarding our reality!



Capt. Roy Harkness

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BINGO! I think anyone admitting to this themself would then have to acknowledge there is a God and there is evil and we are in a spiritual war. I think it's too hard for many to stop being blind and the choose to not see what is in plain sight. It's just easier to be voluntarily blind for too many.

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Click on the graphic to enlarge it. That angel at the top with the guitar? That's Eric Clapton who got "redpilled" as the nature of the vaccines.. just a little too late..


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Maybe late is better than never. Isn't it interesting how each of us (those who choose to) has our moment of clarity in this world. That is quite the graphic, like it.

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A slow and painful death is what these witch doctors and the big pharma drug companies that incentivized them deserve.

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its a sad fact that people do die in hospital however its surely a MAJOR RED FLAG that so many died in hospital during convid the numbers far exceeded the norm and yet msm MAINSTREAM MANIPULATION remained silent they clearly did there job well by doing nothing they are clearly complicit for much more information on the scamdemic be sure to check out the following...the expose/dr vernon coleman aka the old man in a chair/bitchute/rumble/ the steve kirsch substack/the james roguski substack/.......however theres something far more sinister lurking on the horizon namely the international health regulations be aware theres a petition at citizengo.org...break free from un control reject the international health regulations its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours all platforms and alternative outlets can be used to do so yes even gestapo book but only if you share and tag it in so doing you will bypass the censorship gestapo because once youve shared and tagged it it cant be stopped it can be shared and tagged with up to a maximum of 100 people

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Any international health regulations can go to bloody hell.

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Thank you, but I cannot BEAR to watch and re-live the torture my Love and I endured.

I HAD to learn to forgive or the Powers would have enjoyed destroying my personality, and outlook on life. The anger could have festered and given CANCER. Sorry, I turned to a Higher Power...The Living God, this is all temporary horse poo anyhow. The world is binary folks, the choice is yours to select a perspective to determine wether you are sane (seeking Truth) or silly (sucking the teet of mankinds ignorance).

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Aug 22Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I cite evidence for “different” treatment of the unvaccinated here:


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They had to create deaths to reinforce the " deadly pandemic " narrative to bring in the vaxxes.

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