deletedSep 3Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry
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Tri! My man! I was just coming here to post that. I could a couple more links to provide:

1. Masks are definitely ritualistic: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-i-dont-wear-a-mask

2. You could say masks could fall under Democide: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/democide-and-menticide

3. The policies were both Democide and Menticide: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-covid-19-protocols-killed-millions

The starter guide if anyone’s interested: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-unorthodoxy-roadmap

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deletedSep 3
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I am man- hanging as well as on can hang! Hope you are too!

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nice. katherine watt on maria zeee, last winter


the very first EUA product wasn't vax, it was the PCR test. second one was the masks - the PHEIC needs visuals to be effective

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deletedSep 3
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great video - you have it all in there - asch experiment and what it spawned

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Sep 3Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

During the covid mitigation insanity, I would be denied needed medical care at the VA if I was not wearing a mask. In what universe is that even humane?

No accommodations were made for veterans who have PTSD, traumatic brain injury, anxiety, depression, military sexual trauma.

I have pulmonary problems and when I was forced to wear a mask, I felt like I was suffocating. My breathing would become more shallow and the inside of the mask would become wet.

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Sep 3Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

You didn’t feel like you were suffocating, you actually were suffocating. The CO2 concentration under a fabric mask will create dangerously low oxygen levels (below 19.5% O2).

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So sorry that you were objectified and treated as if you were a hostage without choice! I have seen so many inhumane acts like that, against those who are suffering and in need within medical settings that I believe in another setting people would be more willing to help. How sick is that?? Sorry KJ, the Covid pandemic world was a humanitarian catastrophe where we almost lost all sensibilities and benevolence.

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The cruelty was unimaginable.

Never in my life would I have thought that the US could sink into such a dystopian biomedical security state so quickly.

I never realized we had such a tenuous hold on freedom.

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What is disconcerting today is that a large proportion of Americans still don’t seem to see that we have fallen so far from the values that once were regarded by all as virtuous. Respect for all individual differences has been lost even in the field of medicine unless you have been recognized as one of the special interests DEI groups that government can leverage for more power. To think that medical professionals at the VA can justify this, is the height of hypocrisy! It isn’t just mindlessly following orders from above, it is malicious compliance.

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There's NOTHING humane about what has and is going on.

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Sep 3Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Wait a sec...they can find micro-plastic particles by the gazillion but can't find one virus molecule in a mask which should be teeming with them? This is exactly why viruses do not exist because they should be able to find billions of viruses in the one place they tell us they should be...in your mask as it does its job protecting you from deadly viruses, right?

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Being forced to wear a mask was dehumanizing.

It states right on the box that the mask does not prevent covid.

When I would push back to my providers at the VA, I just got a deer in headlights look in return.

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Sep 3Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I can't tell you how insane it is to still see elderly people wearing a mask OUTSIDE and struggling to walk with their cane or some in a wheelchair... I literally want to yell at them "you are killing yourself"!!!! They need fresh air!

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The biggest problem with masks is the lack of oxygen. Industrial hygienists have oxygen meters to ensure workers are are in a oxygen deprived environment. All fabric masks will trigger low extremely oxygen levels. Proper respirators have a separate open flow exhaust and filtered input so the carbon dioxide exhale is not trapped in the mask. This is absolutely not allowed by OHSA which is why they invented the separate inlet/exhaust respirator.

The whole thing is nonsense.

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Why am I not surprised they had us violating OSHA standards. They really hate humanity.

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All these criticisms of masks - what about the masks and respirators people and tradesmen wear for construction work?

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We have have cartridge respirators, and pressurized breathing air systems for our painters.

In order wear simple cartridge respirator, you must pass a fit test. This is done with a foul smelling liquid that, if sensed while inhaling, causes failure. Generally 2 days unshaven will cause failure.

For ILDH (immediately dangerous to life or health) environments, you must use the pressurized systems, there must be lookouts and tethers to extract personnel from these environments (tanks etc).

A cloth mask is for simple dust. That is an absolute joke for a sub-micron particle.

When this Covid lie was first announced I immediately bought four 3M cartridge respirators and dozens of P100 organic filters. I never used them because I knew it was a farce with about 2 weeks.

Go look up 3M cartridge filters, and you will begin to understand breathing protection.

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This is very informative and reinforces what I suspected with my own gear. I noticed I could easily smell the Oregon wildfire smoke with N95 masks but not with P100 masks, plus I also had cartridge respirators on hand before covid from all my home renovation projects. But, my question relates to the safety from contaminants in the manufacture of ALL these masks. If the simple surgical masks and the N95s have sketchy components, then the others probably do, too, right?

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I wouldn’t trust anything Chinese, but 3M is pretty reputable

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I'm surprised they didn't mandate moon-grade spacesuits for every human to wear.

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Not to mention, I always wondered what the effects are of breathing back in some of what you just breathed OUT. And masks are crappy for someone dealing with acne or skin irritation, but even without acne it’s probably not great to have this plastic lined (I’m guessing) face diaper on your skin with pores wide open.

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So Fauci who just got Covid AGAIN, is making recommendations on how to avoid it? So, if toxic masks were mandated, what recourse to people have legally for the harms inflicted. I know EUA protects against mRNA harms and the 1986 rule protects pharma from harms of school shots, are there protections in place for mask harms? Anyone know? What about the harms of having a technician at urgent care ramming a PCR swab too high up your nose to where you are in pain and bleed? And, what was that very strange metallic scent on the swab? I asked the tech, and she didn't know. Was it a toxic chemical? Any recourse there, or are we total victims of the system?

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Not all mask wearing is wrong or dangerous. People having chemo and other diseases choose to wear masks just as other people choose not to wear them.

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Been known for years before the panic.

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