Here ye here ye when will action be taken or are all governments still captured by the totalitarian cabal running this show.? Me thinks the process will continue unabated until the cabal achieves the die off designed in its evil war on all of humanity. Pray I am wrong.

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Praying with you. . you encapsulated that perfectly. . . Damn this evil cabal

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Correct. This thing is just for show, to mock the citizens. It gets both sides, mocks the ones who complied and mocks those that want justice . In additon they get to piss away a TON of money on all kinds of stuff related to the fake hearings, meals, transportation, booze, drugs, prostitutes, little children, etc.

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And then will usher in the CBDC’s

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Yes, there is much worse to come. I've read the Bible, I know that God wins.

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Mocks both sides. Exactly! I hadn't thought of that.

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That whole thing was very informative and hidden ending. Comments were powerful now let’s hope we can put some pressure on people to be held accountable.

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Don't hold your breath..

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"This means that they are not vaccines at all, but genetically modified organisms that should have been subject to totally different regulatory conditions, and certainly not be classed as vaccines".

Danger here, is that at some future point they will (claim) they have been able to filter out all the plasmids leaving only mRNA.

Put another way, even if there were zero DNA contamination it would still be a gene therapy as opposed to a vaccine, since RNA is also genetic code.

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Yes. An ordinary Kiwi saw this early on. Glad to have (4) friends with same conclusion. Sadly 2/3rds of my adult children (due travel) have accepted jab.

I was willing to be 1st in line as I agreed with vaccination theory being recipient of Polio Vaccine at age 5 or 6yrs Maxwell School in 1962. Actually a true Vaccine, not an mRNA.

Perhaps a matter of opinion about polio decline due hygiene vs vaccine success but true vaccines take 10yrs to develop/make.

I see results around the world to be consistent with population control.

Glad I asked Yeshua into my life yrs ago & learned how & why he's the promised Messiah. Thks to believers at Golf Rd Gospel Chapel Taumarunui, Ariel Ministries & "life experiences" to have put my life in Jesus hands.

Fearless Fred. (Now wot! Push blue dot?)

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This should be frontpage news! Thank you, Lioness!

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Just wait until Epstein gets tied into this. Wow. I can’t believe it’s taken this long for the truth to come out. A massive, Satanic eugenics attack on all of humanity. There are many more humans with good souls, than those that call themselves ‘Science’ and pretend to play God.

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Wakey Wakey Rise UP & Shine. Before They M*rd*r Us ALL!! AGENDA 2020-2030 Depopulation Of This Planet & It's In Warp Speed. The Biggest Problem Is The Governments Who Have Been Bought Who Are Now Making Laws Up Has & When They Please. We Could Start There Just Saying!!

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Have all the other members of the house died from the injection or have they been told to not to be present to hear the truth by their leaders?

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The latter of course. They are wimps with self interest being their priority.

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Disgusting where is everyone on both sides.

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They are globalist captured, evidently.

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Unfortunately, humanity as a whole loses either way.😐

If it doesn't come out, then humanity will continue to be culled to acceptable levels, via genetically modified shots directly or indirectly (mRNA technology is added in food supplies, see meat and vegetable industries new protecols), OR if it does come out, the decades of fingerpointing, yes will eventually lead to the technology being redrawn/reinvented, but will also completely coverup the fact that nanotechnologies have been in use on all populations for decades, via cloudseeding, geoengineering program's run by almost every westernized country, and the effects have caused countless nanopathologies, while also spawning two highly profitable (try 33Billion profits annually) and next level technologies, that usher in the transhumanistic wet dream of silicon valley and global DoDs, the security panoptican wish of EVERY country's government, and the cradle-grave customer goal of pharmaceutical/supplement kings everywhere!😐🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

The only way this ends well for humanity and the natural world, is to physically, mentally and philosophically, reclaim control at a local level (via localism) and break the globalism stranglehold grip on everything.😐🤨📣📣💯


#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Not sure about all the things you listed.

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