I’m coming across this post again at the first week of January 2025… all the more relevant and interesting given the recent rash of “drone” and/or “ufo” sightings. Also, conspicuously unnatural “fog” that allegedly makes people sick.

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1The LORD is my shepherd;

I have all that I need.

2He lets me rest in green meadows;

he leads me beside peaceful streams.

3He renews my strength.

He guides me along right paths,

bringing honor to his name.

4Even when I walk

through the darkest valley,a

I will not be afraid,

for you are close beside me.

Your rod and your staff

protect and comfort me.

5You prepare a feast for me

in the presence of my enemies.

You honor me by anointing my head with oil.

My cup overflows with blessings.

6Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me

all the days of my life,

and I will live in the house of the LORD


Maranatha Yeshua Messiah!

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I'm sure it's just a coincidence that the vax contains Luciferase made by 66.6 increments of luciferin...All a homage to Nimrod, the original antichrist! & Thank you, Soldier (Lioness),

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I have painted the whole covid story and corruption as the bible is being repeated as foretold.

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Yes this is how I saw this !!

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Glad to see they had corn with the human flesh... need to get your vegetables.

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That was a great hard hitting truth Interview - I am with her 💯

Trump knew he is not a stupid person

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I believe.. Great article! I appreciate all the research you have done. Your article put all my personal research into perspective. Now it all meshes and makes sense. Seek and you shall find, right? Well done, thank you!

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this has come up before. the search for Gilgamesh is fake. anyone can submit a search on that.

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The screenshot in the article is taken by me from the FOI document that DID come up. They could have removed it later, who knows. SO it;s not FAKE. Have a great day

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Thank u Lioness 🙏

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No its real and not fake! That person in that tomb is freaky looking! I believe it's real too because if you look closely at that person or being laying in that tomb, he looks just like the person or being depicted in the ancient sculptures that we have that's been left to us by people from those ancient times. Those people from that time period are speaking to us today from their carvings and sculptures of what their life was like then, how they lived and especially who their leaders and kings and queens were! We people today have to remember that the majority of people living in those ancient times were illiterate, couldn't read written words or write written words but these people know what they saw with their own 2 eyes and needed to describe what they saw. So they drew pictures and made sculptures describing in detail what they saw just as we do today with written words. Today we modern people, the majority, probably couldn't create sculptures and carvings just like these ancient people could because we can read and write. Reading and writing is quicker and more efficient than making sculptures and carvings and over time as more people became educated they stopped communicating with sculptures and carvings and used written words instead. So creating sculptures and carvings like this became a lost art to us modern people. We can learn how to do sculptures and carvings like the ancient did, but could we do the same fine details that these ancient people did? These carvings and sculptures are beautiful with detail and really depict what these people are trying to tell us! So my question is why on earth would something like this be a fake? Then Somebody's gone to a lot of trouble to create a wax person inside a glass tomb! What would they gain by creating a hoax like this? I hope that question doesn't sound stupid because I know "the powers that be" lie to us and trick us every day! Over this one I just have to say "hmmm, interesting!"

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i guess my point is that anyone can submit that request. i could. you could. doesn’t mean anything if that makes sense.

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No it does not make seance, sorry. Read the entire post and watch ALL the videos, may be then it will make scene for you.

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when I came across this predictive programming movie I thought CERN.

https://youtu.be/ibMV4ZOYHh4 They like to stuff it in your face and the majority of pleabs just don't get it, great article and info. Respect & X 2 All

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Height of men and women depend mostly on nutrition. In the 19th century the Dutch were shortest men in Europe. Then they discovered dairy. Cheese made them the tallest. The truth is stranger than fiction because fiction has to make sense. Science fiction is just stupid, nephalim is like science fiction. Not buying it.

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I think that it's true, on the balance of my previous research into the cuneiform tablets interpreted by Zacharaia Stitchen. The fact that these tablets are the oldest of their kind lends credence to what this article purports. Without prior knowledge of the subject and with an emperical perspective, its way too easy to dismiss it as fantasy. Eventually the fundamental weakness of the scientific method is laid bare for all to see. It precludes all that does not fit it's model of reality.

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Yeah it's true that these Sumerian cuneiform tablets are the oldest known writings! I believe these tablets are Sumerian or from a similar culture of ancient people? But we have to remember that most ancient people were illiterate and couldn't read and write. Mostly the leaders, rulers, wealthy people, priests and clergy of those ancient times were literate and were able to read and write. The leaders and rulers had scribes too that they probably trained to write documents for them. So maybe Zechariah Sitchen didn't interpret these documents exactly correctly? Or Sitchen did and the "powers that be" told Sitchen to tell the public that aliens from outer space are real because these "powers that be" have lied to us about everything! I believe these evil controllers "powers that be" understood what these cuneiform tablets were saying, that these " beings" that Sitchen described were fallen .angels and Sitchen had to agree to their agenda or else! Because these "powers that be" have lied to us about our origins and history on this planet and deceived humanity into believing in aliens. That aliens created human beings! These controllers allowed Sitchen to have a career through deceiving the public. These "powers that be" hide the fact that human beings were Created by a Most High Creator and they've done a fantastic job of deceiving humanity by getting us to believe that we came from monkeys and the evolution theory! So maybe they used Sitchen to create an alternative story about the Anunnaki and other space aliens coming to earth and altering human DNA and creating us to be a slave race for mining gold! It's a great story! This story fits into their hiding our true Creator and to keep humanity dumbed down and believing that we are nothing! I think that there might be a glimmer of truth in this story however based on what these evil "powers that be" have done today with convid and the poison jab because this nanotechnology in the jab alters human DNA. I believe that these "powers that be" are the offspring of the fallen angels and related to Cain from the Bible. I don't believe that all of the Nephilim died in the flood. So maybe back in ancient times these surviving giants/Nephilim tried to corrupt humanity just like they are trying to do today. They've been at war with humanity for millennia and they hate our Most High Creator! Also I saw a video of Zechariah Sitchen and Jordan Maxwell, I believe on BitChute, doing the masonic hand shake! That's what this video was about. Both Zechariah Sitchen and Jordan Maxwell were free masons. That's why Maxwell and Sitchen made a career doing what they do. Both of these people have passed on now. I question if the "powers that be" offed both Maxwell and Sitchen because they will do that and also "the powers that be" saw humanity waking up and starting to question everything! So they have do what they do to hide their agenda and the fact that human beings have a real Creator!

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Zacharaia Stitchen research is a PSYOP to fit the "Space Aliens" narrative.


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He challenged Stitchen to a debate after the guy had died, according to the chronology of his own testiment. I remain to be convinced that this isn't the PSYOP.

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No, he actually challenged Stitchen when he was still alive, I remember it very well, because I was following the story and waiting for Stitchen to respond. BTW Stitchen did not know ANY of the ancient languages, and was not an expert of any kind. His conclusions perfectly support Satanic Alien PSYOP, and had been used to brainwash people into "Space Aliens are coming" narrative...

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Thanks, I'll do some more research. I need to further question some of my own sources, as well as your own, to validate.

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I believe you’re more aware than most. I have a very strange family connection to this web that ties the Celtics, Egyptians, Vatican, Kabbalah and high degree Shriners/Masonic mysteries to the bloodline’s and elites quest of immortality. This is also why they have been seeking Atlantis in the Hot Zone. It’s very complicated to unravel that which they want to remain hidden. It’s been right in front of us in plain sight, like so many other things.

Our entire false history has been carefully manipulated which they believed would remain hidden. There are not merely cracks with the truth shining through, we now have large chasms (rabbit holes) illuminating the truth.

Everyone needs to catch-up, sooner rather then later.

Thank you for being brave enough to help open the eyes of those who slumber.

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I would welcome prayer. My wife and I are headed to Barcelona Friday to visit our son studying abroad - then to Switzerland to stay at L'abri (Christian retreat founded by Francis Schaeffer and visiting a cousin) very close to CERN and Jesuit strongholds. Our Lord Jesus is our shield and rock, He is faithful.

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Turgon safe travels 🙏

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Going to the the virtual reading room of Clinton emails and search for Nephilim and it returns zero results. However, if you search for the name Denetra D Senigar, 12,726 results return.


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So this "find" is the truthful reason why the US went to war with Iraq! Our government wanted the tomb and the technology! Our government fed the public the "weapons of mass destruction" story!😆 So The US invaded and took many ancient treasures from Iraq including this tomb! Things are starting to make sense today for the people who are awake! This is the reason for CERN, so these evil "powers that be" can open up a portal to another dimension where the fallen angels are and release them on earth in our present time. They want hell on earth! Truth is stranger than fiction once you start piecing all of these strange events together.

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I would love to see it , on an IPhone it’s literally impossible (she says after trying for 2 hours).

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Yes this is one of the more disturbing/compelling news clips that we are likely approaching tribulation times, like what other explanation is there? Maranatha, come Lord Jesus!

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Thought provoking post. The location of United Nations - I had no idea.

Yes, we tend to have a very limited perception, and don't know our true history, the wars that have been waged throughout the ages, and our place in the larger cosmos. Without these pieces, we have no idea who we are, what may be going on, and how to navigate.


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I'm wondering something, is it about not knowing who we are? Or is it about understanding those who try to rule over us and the true history of that battle.

For that is something other than who we truly are, is it not?

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I think the two are inextricably linked. The manufactured world has given us a version of ourselves, not as cosmic beings, but as mortal humans who are disconnected from these larger narratives. Of course there have always been people who could see through it, and I suspect that's because in a deep way, they do know themselves.

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Yet if we pay continuous and constant attention to the insanity that 'others' create, we can easily miss the beauty and the work of ourselves. That is how we come to know ourselves.

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People tend to overlook this type of information or dismiss it all together. Why, I don't know. Are they afraid to look at something because of the religious overtones or should I say because of the good vs evil struggle? Do they not realize that perhaps some of the technology that is used against us today, is actually old technology that has been used hundreds of years ago. Hence the reason that governments tend to pursue this avenue today. Thanks for bringing this to light and will be linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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