Turdo is a cuck

Likes to blow and suck

Seems to like his cuckus

With its dirty muckus

Lies now every day

But will have hell to pay

Worst ever male so sappy

Bet would make Whoopi happy

Turdo is a fake

All that he can make

Of things is total mess

Wish he would confess

His lack of intellect

Belongs to leftie sect

A lying puke I know

Will reap what he will sow

Bisexual I think

Armpits surely stink

Fat and ample ass

Guts are filled with gas

Take a walk you pr*ck

Make all of us sick

Fall straight to your death

Take your final breath

You are just a cucker

Just a stupid sucker

Such the Singhy ass

You are so damned crass

You must resign now

Then marry Whoopi cow

She will be your love

Make God puke above

Ample assed lie face

You are a disgrace

Death cannot come too soon

For a scum maroon.

I have said my piece

Wish you would decease

Best for all the nation

You are abomination.

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A Digital Prison would be more honest Tru.

Gavin is our version of Trudeau

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As I stated to you before, Canada seems to be the new trial ground for everything. Castreau as the WEF's puppet works out perfectly for them. Will be linking today as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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We have been warned not to give any information or even suscribe to the Canadian arriveCan program by an agent who calls it what it is: a trial for the Digital Identity Program. Now...This pass cuased such a mess and problems in airports that I wonder if they plan to make a reset based on this system...??? "Pas fort" as goes the expression in French... ("not strong")

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I will never cross the ambassador bridge again .

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I a.m heartsick, angry, and terrified. This is a hill that I am prepared to die on, because what good is life without freedom? I cannot believe how quickly Klaus and his puppets are destroying western civilization.

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Claudia, every so often God comes along and at times will intervene in the affairs of man. It may be His time to do so shortly so do not despair. I am not terrified, nor in despair, but I am angry as you are though both of us and others have just cause that damned fools elected this ample assed snot rocket as slime minister. Only a stupideedoodoo would vote for such a useless cuck.

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They just rigged the election in BC, so it's hard for me to believe that we have any control over who the next prime minister will be. That said, like you, I take comfort in believing that God will balance the scales one day.

Vengeance is Mine; I will repay says the Lord.

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BC is a nuthouse province.

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In August, 2020, I was bawling in the car, listening to Mozart. I understood that the techocrats want to erase all that is good and beautiful. Of course, they called my a conspiracy theorist, a pessimist, and whatever else (some people still do), but everything is progressing as it was projected by the globalists already decades ago.

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I've had moments like that, too. I'm actually grateful that we're not desensitized to the unfolding horror. I find it gives me renewed appreciation for all that is good and the strength to keep speaking out.

I wasn't able to talk my parents out of getting the initial two shots, but I have succeeded in persuading them not to get boosted. My brother doesn't take advice, but what I did do was offer to look after his kids if the daycare they're going to in the fall requires the shots, and he needs help while he finds an alternative daycare that doesn't. (So far, the daycare doesn't have a policy in place, but I wanted him to know he had options in case push comes to shove.)

But yeah, some days are hard, very hard. It's shocking and overwhelming how psychotic, powerful, and relentlessly destructive these monsters are.

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The importance of boycotting digital IDs can't be overstated.

With digital ID CBDCs are almost a given, which means they can 'mandate' whatever they want on whatever schedule they want.

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It will be linked to people's "health passports," "UBI accounts," "carbon footprints," and "social credits."

How exactly will that be possible to boycott? The disobedient will not even be allowed to access their UBI accounts (most people won't have a job), as it happened to those, who supported the truckers.

Moreover, Canada is already under occupation, but certain signs are more spectacular than others:


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Gabriel is there a recommendation you would make for cleaning up my Apple phone which has a virus?

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There’s no question that the spawn is hell bent into ushering “social credit” a la “basic dictatorship” it admires. With the advancement of CO2 scoring, and companies like MaterCard (“master” was never so apropos...) testing and launching carbon-linked credit cards, we are beyond the proverbial slippery slope. We’re in tobogganing territory.

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If you are referring to trudope it is fitting. There has never been a worse slime minister ever except for his commie father.

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Trudope destroyed Canada.

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...and the pos needs to be tried and executed for treason.

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This damned fool needs to understand his misuse and the CYSTem misuse of law enforcement is creating hatred and malice towards them. While neighbors here now refer to OPP as pigs as I do and call their fiasco a sh*t show, were I driving and saw a bunch of punks beating on an OPP officer I would ignore it. These pigs are dishonest and enemies of justice and freedom.

But were I to be in the USA and see some punks beating on a Sheriffs deputy or a state trooper I would not hesitate to stop and attack the punks using lethal force if necessary were these punks armed with knives and/or clubs.

Were they armed I would drive my vehicle to run over them.

There was a case several years back of a black assailant on top of an officer beating him after he had been shot in the shoulder. In the good old USA it is legal to concealed carry for the average man or woman. This is especially useful for women to protect themselves from armed rapists. The officer was wounded and helpless. A white guy came along and pulled his handgun and told the black to get off the officer. He ignored the white guy until the white guy drew his handgun and shot him dead.

Unless one is a BLM racist criminal the police in the USA can generally count on citizenry support and assistance if necessary. Up here that is not the case and the worst are the OPP.

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I do NOT like this post, but thank you. I have to stop now, because of what is coming out of my mouth after reading this...and the steam out of my ears.

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The city (sh*tty of Ottawa is a deep dark sh*thole and to be sure, the sub humans therein are the spawn of leftist libbie loon stalinists. See what the asswipe mayor is trying to do probably at the behest of turdo the ample assed pie face ugly slime minister.

Muzzling Your Voice in Ottawa


David Cooke, Campaign Life Coalition <subscribe@campaignlifecoalition.com> Unsubscribe

1:11 PM (1 hour ago)

to me

The City of Ottawa – our nation’s capital and the acclaimed guardian of our democratic rights and institutions – is set to become the new epicentre of suppressed speech in Canada, if Mayor Mark Sutcliffe and other Ottawa elites get their way.


Mayor Mark Sutcliffe

Above: Ottawa Mayor Mark Sutcliffe

Last week, Mr. Sutcliffe proposed a “Vulnerable Social Infrastructure By-law”, which is a fancy way to say “Bubble Zone By-law”. This wide-reaching proposal goes much further than the current abortion access zone law, which muzzles speech for 50 metres around every abortion killing centre. This new rule could restrict ALL types of protests, demonstrations, rallies, and even prayer vigils in a 100-metre (300-foot) radius around thousands of “protected buildings” across the city – around every school, hospital, place of worship, child care centre, care home, and more.

The public sidewalks, parks, roads, and other spaces all around these buildings will no longer be open to the public. They will be “off-limits” if you run afoul of the woke government narrative. For example, if you want to call out the LGBT agenda in our schools or the practice of euthanasia and abortion in our hospitals, you could be treated like a criminal if you step foot on the wrong patch of public sidewalk.

And with so many “protected buildings” packed close together within the downtown core of Ottawa, entire city blocks will be captured within the new bubble zones. In fact, it might be hard to know when you happen to be passing through a bubble zone. Nevertheless, if you are caught saying the “wrong” words, holding the “wrong” signs, or praying the “wrong” prayers within any speech-muzzling zone, you could face a fine of up to $100,000!

It might be impossible to hold any demonstration of any kind in Ottawa under this by-law, including our annual March for Life!

The mayor’s proposal even suggests that every “community centre or any other community gathering space” could qualify for a “bubble zone”. This might include libraries, recreation centres, parks, and maybe even bars and restaurants – the definition is so vague! Does Mayor Sutcliffe intend to cast a massive censorship net across the entire city?

Ostensibly, the mayor claims these censorship zones are necessary for “protecting residents” from intimidation, harassment, and expressions of hatred, which sounds well-meaning on the surface. However, there are already laws in the Criminal Code of Canada that prohibit these acts, which the police are more than capable of enforcing. So, clearly, Mr. Sutcliffe has another agenda.


It is obvious that “bubble zone laws”, such as Mr. Sutcliffe is proposing, do not exist to protect people from any real injury or harm, since we already have laws that do that. Rather, they are like “Trojan horses”, using trickery to quash the viewpoints, opinions, and concerns of political opponents. In particular, pro-life, pro-family, and pro-faith advocates like you and me are in the crosshairs of these laws. As a form of 1984-style suppression, these laws strip us of our God-given rights and turn meddling bureaucrats into “Big Brother” figures.

A recent op-ed in the Ottawa Citizen stated: “What we need is aggressive enforcement of the law, not politicians sitting around the table mulling how to take away our rights – because that’s exactly what Sutcliffe is proposing. However you cut it, he wants to restrict people’s right to free expression, association and assembly, which is fundamental to who we are as Canadians.”

CTV Reports on Bubble Zone Proposal

A lawyer with the left-wing Canadian Civil Liberties Association also noted: “If you have a protester engaging in criminal conduct endangering human safety, well law enforcement can and should intervene and the police do not need a new by-law to do that. There are already offences available through the Criminal Code, for instance criminal harassment, threats, incitement of violence.”

If the mayor and city council of Ottawa wish to call on Ottawa police to enforce the existing laws of Canada more strictly, they can do that. But they have no right to take away our rights in public spaces! Our tax dollars pay for those spaces – they belong to every Canadian, and we should be free to peaceably share our opinions and concerns in those spaces – whether it is in front of a school, a hospital, an abortion mill, or anywhere.

Afterall, according to our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: “Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law… Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: ... freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression ... freedom of peaceful assembly...”

Let’s call on Mayor Sutcliffe and the entire Ottawa City Council to put the brakes on this speech-suppressing by-law proposal. Join me in signing our new petition demanding the mayor and council reject any and all bubble zone laws. Instead, we will urge them to stand up for the rights of all Canadians and preserve the heritage of our national capital as the guardian of our democratic rights and institutions.


Even if you don’t live in Ottawa, or in Ontario, this by-law can affect you if it’s allowed to pass. Why? Because other municipalities across Canada, seeing the City of Ottawa get away with censorship, will be emboldened to do likewise where you live. So please sign, even if you don’t live in the Ottawa area!

Yours for Life, Family, and Freedom,

David Cooke

Campaign Manager

Campaign Life Coalition

P.S. For a web version of this email that you can print and share with others, click here: https://www.campaignlifecoalition.com/clc-blog/id/416/title/more-bubble-zones-proposed-in-ottawa

P.P.S. Click here to sign the petition to Ottawa City Council: https://www.campaignlifecoalition.com/petition/stop-ottawa-bubble-zone-by-law

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