A Digital Prison would be more honest Tru.

Gavin is our version of Trudeau

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As I stated to you before, Canada seems to be the new trial ground for everything. Castreau as the WEF's puppet works out perfectly for them. Will be linking today as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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We have been warned not to give any information or even suscribe to the Canadian arriveCan program by an agent who calls it what it is: a trial for the Digital Identity Program. Now...This pass cuased such a mess and problems in airports that I wonder if they plan to make a reset based on this system...??? "Pas fort" as goes the expression in French... ("not strong")

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I will never cross the ambassador bridge again .

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I a.m heartsick, angry, and terrified. This is a hill that I am prepared to die on, because what good is life without freedom? I cannot believe how quickly Klaus and his puppets are destroying western civilization.

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In August, 2020, I was bawling in the car, listening to Mozart. I understood that the techocrats want to erase all that is good and beautiful. Of course, they called my a conspiracy theorist, a pessimist, and whatever else (some people still do), but everything is progressing as it was projected by the globalists already decades ago.

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I've had moments like that, too. I'm actually grateful that we're not desensitized to the unfolding horror. I find it gives me renewed appreciation for all that is good and the strength to keep speaking out.

I wasn't able to talk my parents out of getting the initial two shots, but I have succeeded in persuading them not to get boosted. My brother doesn't take advice, but what I did do was offer to look after his kids if the daycare they're going to in the fall requires the shots, and he needs help while he finds an alternative daycare that doesn't. (So far, the daycare doesn't have a policy in place, but I wanted him to know he had options in case push comes to shove.)

But yeah, some days are hard, very hard. It's shocking and overwhelming how psychotic, powerful, and relentlessly destructive these monsters are.

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

The importance of boycotting digital IDs can't be overstated.

With digital ID CBDCs are almost a given, which means they can 'mandate' whatever they want on whatever schedule they want.

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It will be linked to people's "health passports," "UBI accounts," "carbon footprints," and "social credits."

How exactly will that be possible to boycott? The disobedient will not even be allowed to access their UBI accounts (most people won't have a job), as it happened to those, who supported the truckers.

Moreover, Canada is already under occupation, but certain signs are more spectacular than others:


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Gabriel is there a recommendation you would make for cleaning up my Apple phone which has a virus?

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

There’s no question that the spawn is hell bent into ushering “social credit” a la “basic dictatorship” it admires. With the advancement of CO2 scoring, and companies like MaterCard (“master” was never so apropos...) testing and launching carbon-linked credit cards, we are beyond the proverbial slippery slope. We’re in tobogganing territory.

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry


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I do NOT like this post, but thank you. I have to stop now, because of what is coming out of my mouth after reading this...and the steam out of my ears.

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