They ought to be putting their efforts into banning the injections instead

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Exactly. This is subliminal messaging at it's finest. Make euthanasia legal for the poor souls who were injured or are becoming depressed/bankrupt in this great taking of health, money & resources. Euthanasia = The next killing fields.

"People in the United States and Canada have been driven to suicide over Covid “vaccine” injuries.

In many cases, with nowhere to turn, no care, no money left, and no support, some people are turning to shady networks that provide “assisted suicide” services."


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Legal assisted suicide is being brought up again by Kid Starver's gov in UK. The DNR's on over 60's in care homes and hospitals was enacted during lockdowns too.

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The marketing machine to 'choose death' is running full speed as this article shows. Many alternative news (like Slay news) are controlled. If a jab kills thousands (millions) of people, only one reaction is a valid one: stop shots immediately! Asking for an urgent reform of the compensation scheme for vaccine damage or legalization of euthanasia is just insane.

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I totally agree with all your points. From someone who only discovered alt. media and rabbit holes since the plandemic, and learning actual meanings of never heard before phrases such as controlled op, or, limited hang out, it takes time and plenty research to establish who is who. Still good as informers, but tends to just lead to hopium, some hero, or around in circles whilst the carnage continues.

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Absolutely. Glad to hear people out there are still using common sense to assess what's happening. If a faulty dam breaks time and time again, flooding a nearby city, it wouldn't make any sense to fight for compensation or state-organized/legalized murder of near-drowning victims. You'd want the dam repaired or closed immediately to prevent more victims.

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Exactly my thought, if that had been a member of my family my last thought would be monetary compensation. I would first do everything to get the message out that the vaccines need to be banned so that other families could be saved from experiencing the same tragedy.

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The video reporter says 'triggered a rare neurological disorder'. No it didn't, it did what vaccines do, cause neurotoxicity and harm. Deceptive toads these people, trying to put part of the blame on the victims body for the injury.

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His family are fight8ng the good fight against the dark forces

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Re: “During the pandemic, all NHS workers were forced to take the shot under strict vaccine mandates.”

Is that correct?

See: Covid-19: Government abandons mandatory vaccination of NHS staff. The government has done a last minute U turn on its plan to make covid-19 vaccination mandatory for NHS staff in England. The BMJ, Feb 2022: https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj.o269

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It’s not correct. NHS staff were bullied & coerced into taking the vax but many resisted and the government had to back down

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It was the care workers, in the community, who were mandated, many left but majority took them. I'm sure, seeing devastation of adverse reactions by hospital medics was in their favour when mandates dropped. I'd be very angry as a care worker, forced, just to keep food on the table.

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Yes it is correct. The mandate was only withdrawn because the NHS could not afford to lose the 80,000 staff who would not be coerced into getting an experimental substance injected into their bodies. If all NHS staff had stood with their colleagues, it would never have been enforced on anyone.

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The Mandate never happened. It was proposed, but it was vehemently resisted and the government backed down. No-one was ‘forced’ to be vaccinated, but many were terrorised into being so.

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"Terrorised" equates to a mental or psychological application of force.

Only the strongest refused.

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Elizabeth, your comment poses it as a question but you're implying the post stated incorrectly that all NHS workers were mandated to submit to the deadly shots. The original post is correct: all NHS workers were in fact mandated. The BMJ article you linked admits as much. The mandate was ordered. NHS workers were given a deadline to comply (3 February). NHS announced just three days before that deadline that it intended to withdraw the mandate (after further rulemaking). By that time, according to the BMJ article, almost all NHS workers already had complied with the deadly mandate (i.e., all but 5.4% of the total): "The decision came just three days before the 3 February deadline given to unvaccinated staff who deal directly with patients to have had their first dose or risk losing their job. The government said that more than 127 000 NHS staff had come forward for a vaccine dose since it first consulted on the issue in September. But on 16 January 80 092 staff (5.4% of the total) still remained unvaccinated."

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No. Government passed a Statutory Instrument which meant that the Mandate forcing all HC workers to be vaccinated in order to work with patients. would come into effect from February 2022. Staff were working right up until that point (and afterwards once it was ‘rescinded’) completely unvaccinated. The SI was disputed as being in violation of both Statute & Human Rights legislation.

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It’s a tricky one though Lulu, as no doubt NHS workers were under pressure to comply.

You seem across the issue - were unvaccinated NHS workers made to have regular testing?

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No, they were not ‘forced’ to do any of it, they were bullied, manipulated, and coerced though. The ‘force’ was in fact fear generated in people’s minds. Threatened with the fear of losing lifelong careers & jobs, many people capitulated. Unfortunately for the State though, not enough vital NHS staff did capitulate. And, had the State gone ahead with all of the empty threats, they’d have found themselves with empty hospitals and maternity units on their hands. Not a good look.

There is a marked difference between force & coercion which is why authorities don’t like to go down the ‘force’ path. With coercion the State can & will always deny any liability when it all goes wrong - saying ‘you took it of your own free will’.

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There were coercion and mandates in Australia, across the population.

Many people were caught by mandates if they wanted to keep their jobs and participate in society.

Voluntary informed consent for vaccination was destroyed by the medical profession, which went along with coercion and mandates, when they should have refused to collaborate with this travesty.

See my detailed paper for information on the Australian situation: Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination, 6 June 2024: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

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You hit the nail on the head here, Elizabeth, especially with your third paragraph. The medical profession were complicit in many things quite apart from the destruction of the concept of informed consent itself. In fact the medical profession stood by and watched (and in some cases facilitated) the complete and utter violation of most the human rights principles enshrined in the Helsinki Declaration.

Time will tell, but I personally believe this entire Scamdemic travesty signals the end for the medical profession as a whole, and for individual doctors, as respected voices in the world. The damage, now done, is catastrophic and irretrievable. People will never trust doctors ever again.

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I agree with you Lulu - “The damage, now done, is catastrophic and irretrievable. People will never trust doctors ever again.”

And this isn’t just about ‘Covid’, doctors have been going along with the lucrative vaccination agenda for years, failing to question the ever-increasing number of vaccine products and revaccinations being pressed upon the population, particularly upon children, and now adults.

I’m not pussyfooting around about this any more - they’re injecting poison, often under coercion and mandates.

The treachery is off the scale.

See more of my emails challenging the situation throughout ‘Covid’, including emails to the ‘leadership’ of the medical ‘profession’ in Australia: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/vax-australia/

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Greg, no doubt NHS workers were being coerced to comply, but it seems those who held out before the mandate deadline were able to avoid vaccination.

The big question is - what happened to voluntary informed consent for vaccination?!

Valid consent cannot be obtained under coercion and mandates…but it appears many medical folk do not understand the obligation for voluntary informed consent for vaccination, as per any medical intervention.

This is the devastating problem… The medical profession betrayed their legal, ethical and moral obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for vaccination, and now there is little or no valid consent throughout the population.

What is this going to mean when the penny drops? And I’m not just talking about Covid vaccination…

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The medical profession completely betrayed all legal, moral, and ethical duties. The medical profession is finished. Doctors will never recover from this. It’s just that many can’t see that yet.

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It’s mind-boggling to think about what the medical ‘profession’ facilitated Lulu…

They collaborated with coercive and mandatory medical interventions.

They are the ones who should have stood up and said “we can’t do this, we can’t have any part in injecting people under duress”. But they didn’t, they went along with it. They ‘followed orders’, but ultimately they are responsible, because they are they ones who inserted the needle.

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Lulu, have you seen this substack article by Jonathan Engler?

“Why I have asked for my name to be removed as a signatory to The Great Barrington Declaration. I now believe it is part of the problem, not the solution.”


Also see the comments.

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Wow indeed! There has been so much gaslighting, fraud, manipulation, lying, and obfuscation, it’s not surprising that people are running like headless chickens around the covid saga.

Do I agree with him? Yes I do. The further we get from the muddy waters the clearer they get, and from where I’m standing now, the whole thing from beginning to end looks like a fraud, a massive hoax. Well said Jonathan.

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Maybe there’s an element of guilt too as he no doubt would have injected people as a pharmacist?

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That’s exactly how I feel about it.

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I'm sure pharmacists never injected anyone; jabbers were much lower ranks, health care assistants, nurses, probably anyone who had a First Aid certificate and attended a 2 hr session on how to give injections.

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Not true. Pharmacists were given the responsibility early on. Still doing it! Walk into any CVS.

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I was thinking more of when they had the big vaccine drives in carparks, and yes, here in UK, pharmacies do offer both jabs.

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CVS = Childhood Vaccine Schedule. There are no greater coincidence.

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When you manage such an operation, having others do your dirty work does NOT absolve the P-HARMA-CIST.

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Pharmacist anagrams to: 'a crap smith'. It is a clear warning.

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Kind of like the word The-rapist. Therapist

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The irony is glaring.

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I’m from Northern Ireland and pharmacists here injected people and to add insult to injury they were paid £25 for each and every needle they inserted!

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Disgusting. They are Pharma whores.

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Sorry, wrong! Here in Northern Ireland pharmacists did the jabbing too and were paid £25 per jab!

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He may not have directly injected anyone, but may have been involved in preparing & supplying hundreds of doses of this poison. Speculation of course, but many vaccine advocates were afflicted with frightening levels of zealotry & bigotry against those they saw as ‘non compliant’. It would be terrible to be suddenly made aware, and in a most horrific way, just how mistaken some of these attitudes were.

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Many “vaccine” advocates were interested in one thing and one thing only, MONEY!

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Right. "John was a staunch supporter of vaccination and was eager to get his Covid shot."

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Yeah and the family continued to take them even after his injury!🤯🤯🤯🤯

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One of the sons is called Adam Cross. This anagrams to 'do sarcasm'. One wonders though how stupid the family are.

We know they are Cross though!

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Absolutely tragic. There is a mistake in the article however - it is not true that 'During the pandemic, all NHS workers were forced to take the shot under strict vaccine mandates' Although this was planned the government ultimately did a U turn: https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj.o269

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Oops I hadn't read what Elizabeth Hart had written - I think we must have been typing our responses at the same time but she hit enter before me

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beware the pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water as many believe in fact its coming back much sooner than you think check out the james roguski substack for the details..also go to citizengo.org and scroll downtill you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalisethe pandemic treaty...read it carefully to understand just how serious things are..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world that said dont waste your time using you tube/twitter/gestapbook who you can be sure will censor/suppress it...but there are many otheroutlets that can be used and a good place to start will be substack...it currently has over 256000 signature

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Tbh, Clive they can write as many ‘treaties’ as they like. I, and many others, do not care one jot as I will never, repeat never, take their poison jabs. At the very beginning I said to a friend about this that they would eventually be vaccinating people at gunpoint. I’m still sure they will, or rather, they will try. Then they will make their biggest mistake and the boil that is the Elites/Authorities trying to control our lives will be lanced. He who sows the wind reaps the whirlwind.

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Meanwhile the cocksuckers running the UK into the ground are locking people up for two years or more... for Facebook posts complaining about illegal migrants raping and murdering little girls...

What will it take, to wake people up?

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Turdo is trying to do the same thing via the Harms bill.

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There's just no ridding ourselves of the sleazy little cockroach is there? And to think I thought Brian Mulroney was atrocious... Where's a human-sized can of "Raid" when we need one?

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Need to do things in enviro friendly way. Hoping for the pos to get hit by a transport.

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Yes, but wouldn't it be nice if the ground inexplicably opened up beneath him, and into the abyss he plunged, The Flames of Hell dancing up to greet him? And then for the ground to close again with a soft but satisfying "clunk", and just the faintest whiff of sulfur in the air left over, to record the event?

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He is a damned fool. He thinks he can commit adultery and fornication, steal from the taxpayer, diddle around etc and still be saved by men in long robes waving canters and sprinkling holy water around, and muttering Latin phrases. The RC people are a good people, fighting for justice and freedom but the word says, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, NO MAN COMETH UNTO GOD (the Father) but by Me. So says Jesus and so it is.

When we die our spirt leaves our body and returns to the Creator to be judged in a moment. Laugh? If you want to. But what happens if I am right? And what happens if you are wrong. I am not special. I deem most people better than I.

That is my belief and as to turdo, he is a liar and an adulterer and a hater and a bigot and a thief and it takes only one of those sins to be damned. Prepare to meet thy God turdie, it could come anytime for any of us. You are an abomination unto God and your eternal soul is in danger.

You are an arrogant damned fool.

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Ah, but aren't they all above that? Above God? That's what they believe. Oh to see when they finally meet their maker. I haven't done anything near the damage that the powers that be have done to humankind and I'm even nervous of the price I will pay for my sins. Nervous but not afraid. I am truly sorry for all my wrongs. I highly doubt these monsters even think of what's coming for them. They can't live forever and their money won't save them. We should pity them but man, I just can't.

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Why should we pity them? They made their choice, now they must face the consequences. And it's not as if there isn't 5,000 years of ethical instruction to guide, instruct -- and warn them.

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Tracy, many choose to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season instead of standing for right against the wrong. S it is written in Revelation Chapter 21 verse 8, several categories of sin are mentioned but the first is being a coward. We clearly are condemned more for that as much as for other vile sins. God is no respecter of persons. A sin is a sin. I have fake family members who go to church Sundays to sing Jesus loves me and then the rest of the week lie, defraud, steal, etc. Their idolatry holds them in bondage. Estrangement is warranted. I remember going to visit a man straight as an arrow and told him this. His comment. He said he had not spoken to his brother for thirty years. I see lots of fraud and fraudsters who have sold their pitiful souls for the love of money. "The love of money is the root of all evil." All evil exists because of love of money. Sex trafficking, illicit drug dealing, porn, abortion, etc all exist because of love of money.

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"John was a staunch supporter of vaccination and was eager to get his Covid shot.

He mistakenly believed that getting vaccinated would protect elderly relatives and help bring an end the pandemic."

He was eager to get his shot. He got it. His survivors should be working to ban the shot.

I fail to understand why a professional pharmacist would take an untested, experimental potion to protect against the sniffles.


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Pharmacists are pimps for the pharmaceutical industry, of course he believed that it would protect him, it was part of his world view.

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When you participate in Crimes Against Humanity I can only imagine it causes feelings of guilt in even the most desensitized. I am confident that many KNOW THEY ARE GUILTY. Some will have difficulty accepting what they have done to the point that they themselves choose to participate. A coworker of mine chose to get JABBED because his entire family did and if it was going to kill them, he didn't want to be the only one left. That's one fucked up reason to volunteer to participate in the Hlobal I.Q. Test knowing that it is probably a very bad idea. Globalism DID THAT. FREE TRADE BETWEEN OPPOSING IDEOLOGIES CAUSED C19, Hospital protocols AND mRNA Bioweapons. Brought to you by Obama, Fauci, Birx and Bill & Mrlinda Gates. Was Bezos an Investor in BIG HARMA TOO?? I wouldn't want to leave any deserving parties out. Or was Bezis like UPS and FEDEX, just a CARRIER?

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When the whole ROTTEN SYSTEM is in on it, you don't blame the new guy. DUH. THAT'S why they all hate Trump, because he is our Retribution. Wake the guck up hater. Go fuck Cumala. Everyone else did.

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Old Doc Vernon is correct, they will pay for "suicide" only!

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This is not surprising at all.

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My wifes Uncle Frank/Pharmacist during the rollout of these experimental gene therapy bioweapons was constantly asked by family/friends/neighbors his advice on taking these shots. His default answer, follow the science? What a canned/lame phrase. If people really followed the science no one would have taken it. They followed the science fiction?

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'Whole self-conceit' is but one suitable anagram of 'Follow the science'.


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How fricken disabled to you have to be to receive compensation? The unfortunate thing is that he wasn't able to "disable" those at the VDPS who made that decision before he took his own life. I'm furious that people aren't getting mad enough at these Luciferian predators, the judges, the so-called health services, doctors, etc., that have done this to millions of people.

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Talk about wrong choices

Should never, ever trust your ONE LIFE HERE.....W ANYTHING BUT YOUR CREATOR

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One small step in the right direction. I can only imagine how many of US want to punish pharmacists over willful distribution and injection of Bioweapons without INFORMED CONSENT of the recipient. .

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What? Why does there exist people who in spite of all the publicity about the dangers of the fake jab, still accept lies and deceptions instead of the truth?

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Subliminal messaging at it's finest. The state will gladly help anyone murder themselves while offering the executioners full legal protection. Euthanasia: The next killing fiels"People in the United States and Canada have been driven to suicide over Covid “vaccine” injuries.

In many cases, with nowhere to turn, no care, no money left, and no support, some people are turning to shady networks that provide “assisted suicide” services."


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Taking the vaccine was the first round of voluntary euthanasia. What I don’t understand is why the State/Elites/PTB are so intent on eliminating the weakest, most easily manipulated, people? Surely, THEY are the people that future WEF-controlled slave societies would want the most? Instead, by eliminating the weakest, they end up with a distillation of the hardest, most resistant, most obstructive, most antagonistic people. NOT ideal material for a ‘compliant’ society. Do we think that this whole agenda has not been adequately thought through?

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Or that that is not the agenda after all.

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